Išversti "trust" į Anglų

Rodomi 50 iš 50 frazės "trust" vertimai iš Kinų į Anglų

trust Kinų vertimas į Anglų


ZH "Majestic", "Majestic-12", "Majestic SEO", "外链度量指标", "Citation Flow", "Trust Flow", "Search Explorer", "Topical Trust Flow

EN "Majestic", "Majestic-12", "Majestic SEO", "Flow Metric", "Citation Flow", "Trust Flow", "Search Explorer", "Topical Trust Flow

ZH 赚取加密货币|质押加密货币|赚取比特币|Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Earn Crypto | Staking Coins | Earn Bitcoin | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Trust 钱包是一款安全方便的稳定币存储钱包,它具有银行级的安全标准,能够保护您的稳定币不受任何潜在威胁。Trust 钱包让您生活无忧。

EN A secure and easy to use wallet to store your stablecoins. Trust Wallet has Bank-Grade security standards, that safeguard your stablecoins from any potential threats. Live peacefully with Trust Wallet.

ZH Solana 钱包 (SOL) | Best Solana 钱包 App | Solana 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Solana Wallet (SOL) | Best Solana Wallet App | Solana Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH Polygon 钱包 (MATIC) | Best Polygon 钱包 App | Polygon 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Polygon Wallet (MATIC) | Best Polygon Wallet App | Polygon Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH Thorchain 钱包 (RUNE) | Best Thorchain 钱包 App | Thorchain 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Thorchain Wallet (RUNE) | Best Thorchain Wallet App | Thorchain Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH Filecoin 钱包 (FIL) | Best Filecoin 钱包 App | Filecoin 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Filecoin Wallet (FIL) | Best Filecoin Wallet App | Filecoin Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH Fio 钱包 (FIO) | Best Fio 钱包 App | Fio 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Fio Wallet (FIO) | Best Fio Wallet App | Fio Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH Optimism钱包 (OETH) | 最好的Optimism钱包应用 | Optimism钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Optimism Wallet (OETH) | Best Optimism Wallet App | Optimism Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Arbitrum钱包 (ARETH) | 最好的Arbitrum钱包应用 | Arbitrum钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 。 | Trust Wallet

EN Arbitrum Wallet (ARETH) | Best Arbitrum Wallet App | Arbitrum Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Fantom 钱包 (FTM) | 最好的Fantom钱包应用 | Fantom钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Fantom Wallet (FTM) | Best Fantom Wallet App | Fantom Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Terra 钱包 (LUNA) | Best Terra 钱包 App | Terra 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Terra Wallet (LUNA) | Best Terra Wallet App | Terra Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH xDai钱包 (XDAI) | 最好的xDai钱包应用 | xDai钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 。 | Trust Wallet

EN xDai Wallet (XDAI) | Best xDai Wallet App | xDai Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Eco链 钱包 (HT) | 最好的Eco链钱包应用 | Eco链钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Eco Chain Wallet (HT) | Best Eco Chain Wallet App | Eco Chain Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Zelcash 钱包 (ZEL) | Best Zelcash 钱包 App | Zelcash 钱包 Sign Up | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Zelcash Wallet (ZEL) | Best Zelcash Wallet App | Zelcash Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

Kinų Anglų
app app

ZH 比特币钱包 (BTC) | 最好的比特币钱包应用 | 比特币钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Bitcoin Wallet (BTC) | Best Bitcoin Wallet App | Bitcoin Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 以太坊钱包 (ETH) | 以太币钱包 | ERC20 钱包 | ETH 钱包 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Ethereum Wallet (ETH) | Ether Wallet | ERC20 Wallet | ETH Wallet | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 赚取加密货币|质押加密货币|赚取比特币|Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Earn Crypto | Staking Coins | Earn Bitcoin | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Trust 钱包是一款安全方便的稳定币存储钱包,它具有银行级的安全标准,能够保护您的稳定币不受任何潜在威胁。Trust 钱包让您生活无忧。

EN A secure and easy to use wallet to store your stablecoins. Trust Wallet has Bank-Grade security standards, that safeguard your stablecoins from any potential threats. Live peacefully with Trust Wallet.

ZH 比特币钱包 (BTC) | 最好的比特币钱包应用 | 比特币钱包注册 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Bitcoin Wallet (BTC) | Best Bitcoin Wallet App | Bitcoin Wallet Sign Up | Trust Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 以太坊钱包 (ETH) | 以太币钱包 | ERC20 钱包 | ETH 钱包 | Trust 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Ethereum Wallet (ETH) | Ether Wallet | ERC20 Wallet | ETH Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH Atlassian Trust Center 为您提供关于我们产品和服务的安全性、可靠性、隐私性和合规性的最新信息。

EN The Atlassian Trust Center connects you to the latest information on the security, reliability, privacy, and compliance of our products and services.

ZH 什么是信任来源(Trust Flow)和引用来源(Citation Flow)?

EN What are Trust Flow and Citation Flow?

ZH 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的 Trust Center。

EN For more information see our Trust Center.

ZH 当涉及您的信息时,您可以使用某些选项,这些选项取决于您使用的产品及其配置方式。我们的 Trust Center 可以帮助您:

EN You have certain choices available to you when it comes to your information, which vary depending on the products you use and how they're configured. Our Trust Center helps you:

ZH 最好的加密货币钱包 | 以太坊钱包 | ERC20 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Best Cryptocurrency Wallet | Ethereum Wallet | ERC20 Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 如果您有以下问题需要解决,Trust 钱包是为您量身打造的

EN Trust Wallet is for you if you want to

ZH 作者: Motu Trails Charitable Trust

EN By Motu Trails Charitable Trust

ZH 域名 .trust 註冊特別條款

EN Special conditions pertaining to the registration of .trust

ZH 在我们的 Trust Center,您可以进一步了解我们实现可靠性的方法,以及我们实现业务持续性和灾难恢复的方法。https://status.atlassian.com/ 上提供了我们正常运行时间和可用性的实时视图

EN You can read more about our approach to reliability here on our Trust Center, along with our approach to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. A real-time view of our uptime and availability is tracked on https://status.atlassian.com/

ZH Atlassian Trust Management System (ATMS) 简介

EN Introduction to our Atlassian Trust Management System (ATMS)

ZH AirAsia looks to win back trust after supporting ousted Malaysian leader | 路透

EN AirAsia looks to win back trust after supporting ousted Malaysian leader | Reuters

ZH 加密收藏钱包| NFT钱包| NFTs钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Crypto Collectible Wallet | NFT Wallet | NFTs Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 使用 Trust 钱包,把所有加密藏品都存储在同一个地方

EN All NFTs in One Place with Trust Wallet

ZH DApp旅程 | DeFi | NFTS | DApps | Trust Wallet

EN DApp Journey | DeFi | NFTS | DApps | Trust Wallet

ZH DApps | 去中心化应用程序| DApp 移动浏览器 | Trust Wallet

EN DApps | Decentralized Applications | DApp Mobile Browser | Trust Wallet

ZH 多种加密货币钱包 | 多币种钱包 | 加密钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Multi Cryptocurrency Wallet | multi-coin wallet | Crypto Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 如何将您的 DApp 集成到 Trust 钱包

EN How to integrate your DApp into Trust Wallet

ZH Trust 钱包 DApp 浏览器为 DApp 开发者提供了一个创建多链应用程序的简单 API。目前我们的 API 允许您在 iOS 和安卓系统获取任何区块链的帐户并签名交易。

EN Trust Wallet's DApp browser provides a simple API for DApp developers to create multi-chain applications. Currently, our API allows you to get accounts and sign transactions with both iOS and Android.

ZH Trust 钱包当前支持的加密货币和区块链

EN Here's a list of what's currently supported by Trust Wallet

ZH 稳定币 | 用稳定币支付 | 如何获得稳定币 | Trust Wallet

EN Stablecoins | Pay with Stable Coins | How to Get Stable Coins | Trust Wallet

ZH Trust 钱包为您提供一个易用的应用,让您可以在任何地方随心所欲地消费稳定币。

EN Trust Wallet provides you with an easy to use application to spend your stablecoins anywhere and on anything you want.

ZH Trust 钱包绝不会访问您移动设备上的任何个人信息。您的数据将保持私密性。

EN Trust Wallet will never access any of your personal information on your mobile device. Your data stays private.

ZH 质押的加密货币 | 采用权益证明机制的货币 | 如何质押加密货币 | Trust Wallet

EN Staking Coins | Proof of Stake Coins | How to Stake Coins | Trust Wallet

EN Trust Wallet lets you stake the following coins

ZH 狗狗币钱包 | Doge 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Dogecoin Wallet | Doge Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 下载 Trust 钱包 Dogecoin (DOGE) 支持最主流的区块链。只有您能够控制自己的资金。立即在手机上接收、发送、存储和交易您的加密资产!

EN Download Trust Wallet for Dogecoin (DOGE) The mobile app works with several crypto tokens and blockchain wallets. With Trust Wallet, you are in control over your funds. Receive, send, store and exchange your cryptocurrency within the mobile interface.

ZH Cosmos 钱包 | ATOM 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Cosmos Wallet | ATOM Wallet | Trust Wallet

ZH 下载 Trust 钱包 Cosmos (ATOM) 支持最主流的区块链。只有您能够控制自己的资金。立即在手机上接收、发送、存储和交易您的加密资产!

EN Download Trust Wallet for Cosmos (ATOM) The mobile app works with several crypto tokens and blockchain wallets. With Trust Wallet, you are in control over your funds. Receive, send, store and exchange your cryptocurrency within the mobile interface.

ZH Kava 钱包 | KAVA 钱包 | Trust Wallet

EN Kava Wallet | KAVA Wallet | Trust Wallet

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