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ZH Louis Vuitton 等具有应用内游戏体验和合作的品牌购物应用在疫情期间实现增长

EN Popular travel and navigation apps make a comeback amid consumer excitement for summer travel.

ZH 活跃年份 1994 – 当今 (27 年) 创建于 St. Louis, Missouri, 美国

EN Years Active 1994 – present (27 years) Founded In St. Louis, Missouri, United States

ZH 转 #132 路公交 — Centre-ville 公交总站 — 方向:Pierre-Thomas Hurteau / Louis-Herbert — 此路公交将带您前往 Catania Business Park(24 分钟)。

EN Transfer to Bus #132—Terminus Centre-ville—Direction: Pierre-Thomas Hurteau / Louis-Herbert—which will take you to Catania Business Park (24 minutes).

ZH Louis Vuitton在中国北京开设首家精品店, 精品店位于久负盛名的半岛酒店内。

EN Louis Vuitton opens its first store in Beijing, China, inside the prestigious Peninsula hotel.

ZH 时值日本爱知世界博览会之际, Louis Vuitton展出了一座盐屋, 象征品牌致力于保护环境。

EN During the Expo 2005 in Aichi, Louis Vuitton exhibits a pavilion of salt, as a symbol of its commitment to protecting the environment.

ZH 在男装艺术总监Virgil Abloh的推动下,LOUIS VUITTON以邮轮的形式,为其2021春夏系列设计出全新的巡回概念。

EN Louis Vuitton Men’s Artistic Director Virgil Abloh imagined a striking cruise-themed traveling event to present his Men’s Spring-Summer 2021 collection.

ZH 尼察纪念演讲(1994-1998) The Louis Nizer Lectures on Public Policy attempted to transform the spirit and insight of Mr. Nizer, so celebrated in his legal cases and personal life, into the public sphere.

EN Nizer Lectures (1994–1998) The Louis Nizer Lectures on Public Policy attempted to transform the spirit and insight of Mr. Nizer, so celebrated in his legal cases and personal life, into the public sphere.

ZH 欲了解更多信息或要求采访我们的CEO Louis-­Philippe "LP" Maurice, 请发送电子邮件至 pr@busbud.com 或在Twitter @Busbud 给我们回函。

EN For more information or to request an interview with our CEO Louis-­Philippe "LP" Maurice, please send an email to pr@busbud.com or drop us a line on Twitter at @Busbud.

ZH Edmund Louis Nathan,Sgebiz首席运行官

EN Edmund Louis Nathan, CEO, SGeBIZ

ZH 這枚懷錶是愛彼創始人之一Jules Louis Audemars完成學徒訓練、取得製錶師資格的傑作,完美體現汝拉山谷的高級製錶傳統。

EN A masterpiece presented by Jules Louis Audemars, co-founder of Audemars Piguet at the end of his apprenticeship, this watch reflects the grand horological traditions of the Vallée de Joux.

ZH 為了揚名立萬、贏得世人景仰,Jules Louis Audemars與Edward Auguste Piguet積極參加包括萬國博覽會在內的國際盛會,例如1889年在巴黎舉行的萬國博覽會。

EN To make a name for themselves and slowly gain respect worldwide, Jules Louis Audemars and Edward Auguste Piguet notably participated in Universal Exhibitions, such as the one held in Paris in 1889.

ZH Edmund Louis Nathan,Sgebiz首席运行官

EN Edmund Louis Nathan, CEO, SGeBIZ

ZH 活跃年份 1994 – 当今 (28 年) 创建于 St. Louis, Missouri, 美国

EN Years Active 1994 – present (28 years) Founded In St. Louis, Missouri, United States

ZH 密苏里州(Missouri)被称为“通往西部的大门”。位于圣路易斯(St. Louis)的著名大拱门(Gateway Arch),是美国19世纪西进运动的象征。

EN Missouri is known as the ?Gateway to the West.? The famous Gateway Arch in St. Louis symbolizes the country?s expansion westward in the 1800s.

ZH 白宫记者协会的调查研究显示,路易斯·劳蒂尔(Louis Lautier)接替麦卡尔平,成为全国黑人出版商协会的驻华盛顿记者,并在1951年成为白宫记者协会的第一位黑人会员。

EN Louis Lautier succeeded McAlpin as the National Negro Publishers Association?s Washington correspondent and became the White House Correspondents? Association?s first Black member in 1951, according to the association?s research.

ZH THE CLIX GROUP - 45張相片 - 9338 Olive Blvd, Saint Louis, Missouri, 美國 - 市場營銷 - 電話號碼 - Yelp

EN THE CLIX GROUP - 45 Photos - 9338 Olive Blvd, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States - Marketing - Phone Number - Yelp

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