თარგმნეთ "variant" ინგლისური - ზე

ნაჩვენებია ფრაზის "variant" თარგმანი 40 სულ {langse} ენიდან ინგლისური

ჩინური-ის თარგმანი ინგლისური-დან variant-ზე


ZH Returns the variant object of the currently-selected variant if there is a valid ?variant= parameter in the URL. Returns nil if there is not. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant object of the currently-selected variant if there is a valid ?variant= parameter in the URL. Returns nil if there is not. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the variant is currently selected by the ?variant= URL parameter. Returns false if the variant is not selected by a URL parameter. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the variant is currently selected by the ?variant= URL parameter. Returns false if the variant is not selected by a URL parameter. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s weight in grams. Use the weight_with_unit filter to convert it to the shop’s weight format or the weight unit configured on the variant. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s weight in grams. Use the weight_with_unit filter to convert it to the shop’s weight format or the weight unit configured on the variant. Learn more

ZH Variant eCommerce如何借力2日达让收入提升372%

EN How Variant eCommerce increased revenue 372% with 2-day delivery

ZH Returns the canonical URL of the current page. A page's canonical URL is the page's default URL without any URL parameters. For products and variants, the canonical URL is the default product page with no collection or variant selected. 進一步了解

EN Returns the canonical URL of the current page. A page's canonical URL is the page's default URL without any URL parameters. For products and variants, the canonical URL is the default product page with no collection or variant selected. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the image has been associated with a variant. Returns false otherwise. This can be used in cases where you want to create a gallery of images that are not associated with variants. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the image has been associated with a variant. Returns false otherwise. This can be used in cases where you want to create a gallery of images that are not associated with variants. Learn more

ZH Returns an array of attributes for the variant that the image is associated with. 進一步了解

EN Returns an array of attributes for the variant that the image is associated with. Learn more

ZH A line item represents a single line in the shopping cart. There is one line item for each distinct product variant in the cart. 進一步了解

EN A line item represents a single line in the shopping cart. There is one line item for each distinct product variant in the cart. Learn more

ZH Returns the fulfillment service associated with the line item's variant. Line items that have no fulfillment service will return manual. 進一步了解

EN Returns the fulfillment service associated with the line item's variant. Line items that have no fulfillment service will return manual. Learn more

ZH Returns the price of the line item’s variant. 進一步了解

EN Returns the price of the line item’s variant. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the line item requires shipping, or false if it does not. This is set in the variant options in the Products page of the Admin. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the line item requires shipping, or false if it does not. This is set in the variant options in the Products page of the Admin. Learn more

ZH Returns the SKU of the line item’s variant. 進一步了解

EN Returns the SKU of the line item’s variant. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the line item is taxable, or false if it isn’t. This is set in the variant options in the Products page of the Admin. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the line item is taxable, or false if it isn’t. This is set in the variant options in the Products page of the Admin. Learn more

ZH Returns the title of this line item. line_item.title combines both the line item’s product.title and the line item’s variant.title, separated by a hyphen. 進一步了解

EN Returns the title of this line item. line_item.title combines both the line item’s product.title and the line item’s variant.title, separated by a hyphen. Learn more

ZH Returns the URL to the product page using variant deep-linking. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL to the product page using variant deep-linking. Learn more

ZH Returns the id of the line item’s variant. 進一步了解

EN Returns the id of the line item’s variant. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s barcode. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s barcode. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s compare at price. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s compare at price. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s unique id. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s unique id. Learn more

ZH Returns the image object associated to the variant. 進一步了解

EN Returns the image object associated to the variant. Learn more

ZH Returns true if the variant has incoming inventory. 進一步了解

EN Returns true if the variant has incoming inventory. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s inventory tracking service. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s inventory tracking service. Learn more

ZH Returns the string continue if the ‘Allow users to purchase this item, even if it is no longer in stock.’ checkbox is checked in the variant options in the Admin. Returns deny if it is unchecked. 進一步了解

EN Returns the string continue if the ‘Allow users to purchase this item, even if it is no longer in stock.’ checkbox is checked in the variant options in the Admin. Returns deny if it is unchecked. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s inventory quantity. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s inventory quantity. Learn more

ZH Returns the value of the variant’s first option. 進一步了解

EN Returns the value of the variant’s first option. Learn more

ZH Returns the value of the variant’s second option. 進一步了解

EN Returns the value of the variant’s second option. Learn more

ZH Returns the value of the variant’s third option. 進一步了解

EN Returns the value of the variant’s third option. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s price. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s price. Use one of the money filters to return the value in a monetary format. Learn more

ZH Returns a boolean result as to whether the variant is set to require shipping. 進一步了解

EN Returns a boolean result as to whether the variant is set to require shipping. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s SKU. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s SKU. Learn more

ZH Returns a boolean result as to whether taxes will be charged for this variant. 進一步了解

EN Returns a boolean result as to whether taxes will be charged for this variant. Learn more

ZH Returns the concatenation of all the variant’s option values, joined by a /. 進一步了解

EN Returns the concatenation of all the variant’s option values, joined by a /. Learn more

ZH Returns the unit price of the product variant. The price reflects any discounts that are applied to the line item. Unit prices are available only to stores located in Germany or France. 進一步了解

EN Returns the unit price of the product variant. The price reflects any discounts that are applied to the line item. Unit prices are available only to stores located in Germany or France. Learn more

ZH Returns a unit_price_measurement object for the product variant. Unit prices are available only to stores located in Germany or France. 進一步了解

EN Returns a unit_price_measurement object for the product variant. Unit prices are available only to stores located in Germany or France. Learn more

ZH Returns the variant’s absolute URL. 進一步了解

EN Returns the variant’s absolute URL. Learn more

ZH Returns the unit for the weight configured on the variant. Works well paired with the weight_in_unit attribute and the weight_with_unit filter. 進一步了解

EN Returns the unit for the weight configured on the variant. Works well paired with the weight_in_unit attribute and the weight_with_unit filter. Learn more

ZH Returns the weight of the product converted to the unit configured on the variant. Works well paired with the weight_unit attribute and the weight_with_unit filter. 進一步了解

EN Returns the weight of the product converted to the unit configured on the variant. Works well paired with the weight_unit attribute and the weight_with_unit filter. Learn more

ZH 现在 variant 的默认值为 INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 , 而不是已弃用的 INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 。

EN The default value of variant is now INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 instead of the deprecated INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003.

ნაჩვენებია 40 სულ 40 თარგმანიდან