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ჩინური-ის თარგმანი ინგლისური-დან cakeresume-ზე


ZH CakeResume 的简历工具非常简单好上手,任何人都能快速製作一份专业精美的简历!以下是几个 CakeResume 的优点:

EN Anyone can use CakeResume to create an elegant and professional resume, since our resume builder is easy-to-use with a clean user interface. Below are some of CakeResume’s strength:

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app app

ZH 请先登入你的 CakeResume 帐号,并透过 CakeResume 个人档案申请加入

EN Please log into your CakeResume account and apply with your CakeResume profile

ZH CakeResume 的清楚好用的搜寻工具以及使用者介面、容易阅读的简历样板以及管理工具,让我们能够快速的从人才库中寻找与公司理念与需求一致的人才。CakeResume 是新世代的人才媒合平台。

EN CakeResume makes it easy to set up a well designed and polished resume. I’ve recommended it to friends due to its ease of use and it’s fun to see it come together.

ZH CakeResume 的简历工具非常简单好上手,任何人都能快速製作一份专业精美的简历!以下是几个 CakeResume 的优点:

EN Anyone can use CakeResume to create an elegant and professional resume, since our resume builder is easy-to-use with a clean user interface. Below are some of CakeResume’s strength:

ZH 请先登入你的 CakeResume 帐号,并透过 CakeResume 个人档案申请加入

EN Please log into your CakeResume account and apply with your CakeResume profile

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app app

ZH CakeResume 的清楚好用的搜寻工具以及使用者介面、容易阅读的简历样板以及管理工具,让我们能够快速的从人才库中寻找与公司理念与需求一致的人才。CakeResume 是新世代的人才媒合平台。

EN CakeResume makes it easy to set up a well designed and polished resume. I’ve recommended it to friends due to its ease of use and it’s fun to see it come together.

ZH CakeResume 找人才-搜寻数十万简历,高效征才招募管道

ZH 透过关键字、年资、求职状态等条件搜寻 CakeResume 平台上数十万活跃求职者的简历。

EN Search for resumes from hundreds of thousands of active job seekers on CakeResume via keywords, seniority, and job seeking status.

ZH CakeResume 提供多种风格与排版的简历模板,让您快速完成专业精美的简历。

EN CakeResume provides a variety of professional templates and formats. Build a simple yet unique resume in no time.

ZH 升级至进阶方案,即可浏览所有搜寻结果(包含数万笔览仅在 CakeResume 平台上公开的简历)。

EN Upgrade to an advanced plan to view all search results including tens of thousands of resumes exclusive on CakeResume.

ZH CakeResume 让您高度客制化您的简历排版,用独一无二的方式介绍自己

EN Stand out with CakeResume’s beautiful and professional resume templates. Free to customize with our simple drag-and-drop editor.

ZH CakeResume 是一个神奇的简历工具。用起来非常简单、快速,还能让你挑选许多精美的简历模板。超好用!

EN CakeResume is a fantastic tool to build your CV. It is fast, easy to use and you can choose among different stunning design templates! Super!

ZH CakeResume 帮助我完成我最美的简历,甚至连我最理想的职缺的主管都称赞我的设计眼光。

EN CakeResume is responsible for my most beautiful resume. My best job leads praised my eye for design based solely on my resume.

ZH CakeResume 的网页版简历会自动依照萤幕宽度排版,因此不管雇主使用桌机、平板、或手机,都能轻鬆浏览您的简历。

EN Since CakeResume adopts Responsive Web Design (RWD), your resume can be easily viewed on any devices, such as desktops, tablets, mobiles, etc.

ZH 透过线上分享,CakeResume 会帮您追踪简历浏览次数、时间、地点,帮助您观察投递简历后的成效。

EN It is suggested to share your CakeResume online to increase exposure. You can know the views of your resume with time and location insights, to track its performance.

ZH 是的!您随时可以下载您的 PDF 简历。CakeResume 不会在您完成简历后要求您付费或者填写信用卡资讯。

EN Yes! You can download your resume as a PDF for free anytime. CakeResume does not require payment or credit card information after you finish making your resume.

ჩინური ინგლისური
pdf pdf

ZH CakeResume 提供哪些简历隐私设定?

EN Are there privacy settings for my CakeResume?

ZH 您可以完全控制简历的隐私设定。您可以将简历设定成公开、非公开、或仅开放给 CakeResume 平台上的付费企业搜寻。更多说明,请见这篇《如何修改简历隐私设定?》。

EN Users can fully control the privacy settings of their resumes. There are choices such as “Public”, “Private”, “Only Available for Paid Companies”. For more information, please read “How to Change Resume Privacy Settings?”.

ZH CakeResume 提供约 50 个简历片段模板,包括文字、图片、投影片、推荐信、简报等不同的片段模板,让您可以透过拖拉是编辑,排列组合出最适合自己的简历。

EN CakeResume provides more than 50 resume template snippets for various multimedia elements, including texts, images, slides, videos, references, etc. By simply dragging and dropping these templates, you can build an one of a kind resume.

ZH 使用 CakeResume 或 PDF 简历应征您有兴趣的职缺。

ჩინური ინგლისური
pdf pdf

ZH CakeResume 清楚呈现每笔职缺的更新时间、薪资范围。重要资讯一目瞭然。

EN Strightfoward hiring info like the last update and salary range shown on CakeResume job listing.

ZH CakeResume 的简历模板特别针对易读性及 ATS (应征者追踪系统) 进行优化,每一个简历样式的设计皆符合 ATS 友善的标准,且已成功帮助无数位使用者建立成功的求学、求职简历。

EN CakeResume’s templates are specially designed for ATS optimization purposes. Each resume layout and format is proven to be ATS friendly & compliant and has helped numerous job seekers, both junior & senior ones, build job-winning resumes.

ZH CakeResume 的简历编辑工具支援数种多媒体格式的内容,包含文字、图像、影片、简报、超连结等等,此项功能得协助使用者轻松、迅速地建立一份专业且吸睛的简历。

EN Our resume editor supports various multimedia elements, including texts, images, videos, slides, hyperlinks, and etc. This feature empowers users to create professional and engaging resumes, which capture viewer's attention quickly.

ZH CakeResume 的用户多偏爱清晰易懂的简历编辑器介面,以及容易上手的特点。使用者可以透过简单地『拖曳 - 放下』来新增、移除及重新排序简历模板。

EN CakeResume’s editor is famous for its clear and comprehensible user interface. To add, remove, or reorder any resume section, simply “grab”, “drag”, and “drop” it freely.

ZH 简历、求职信教学资源 & 教学|CakeResume

ZH Use online CV makers such as CakeResume to create, design, or choos... 阅读更多

EN Use online CV makers such as CakeResume to create, design, or choos... Read more

ZH 您也可以连结您的 CakeResume 作品集与简历,打造您的个人网站和个人品牌

EN Link your digital portfolio to your CakeResume, to build a strong online personal brand.

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