



EN Gaming is a global phenomenon, but delivering real-time experiences at scale to players around the world is a massive challenge. Solve it with Cloudflare — which helps power fast, immersive, and reliable online gaming experiences.

ZH 遊戲是一個全球性現象,但是如何大規模地向世界各地的玩家提供即時體驗是一項巨大的挑戰。使用 Cloudflare 即可解決此問題,Cloudflare 有助於提供快速、身臨其境和可靠的線上遊戲體驗。

文字変換 yóu xì shì yī gè quán qiú xìng xiàn xiàng, dàn shì rú hé dà guī mó de xiàng shì jiè gè de de wán jiā tí gōng jí shí tǐ yàn shì yī xiàng jù dà de tiāo zhàn。shǐ yòng Cloudflare jí kě jiě jué cǐ wèn tí,Cloudflare yǒu zhù yú tí gōng kuài sù、 shēn lín qí jìng hé kě kào de xiàn shàng yóu xì tǐ yàn。

EN Knife-sharp and yellow: The seldom line along the rock face around the Piz Sardona marks the Glarus overthrust - a phenomenon of world interest. Here, older rock strata have edged their way above younger rocks.

ZH 薩多納峰(Piz Sardona)週圍三百多平方公里的地質結構區,表明舊的岩層被新的覆蓋的地質現象,它們見證了板塊的構成以及山脈的形成。

文字変換 sà duō nà fēng (Piz Sardona) zhōu wéi sān bǎi duō píng fāng gōng lǐ de de zhì jié gòu qū, biǎo míng jiù de yán céng bèi xīn de fù gài de de zhì xiàn xiàng, tā men jiàn zhèng le bǎn kuài de gòu chéng yǐ jí shān mài de xíng chéng。

EN In 2016, we launched Pokémon GO, and it became an overnight global phenomenon. Pokémon GO remains the most popular augmented reality app of all time, and the most profitable.

ZH 2016 年,我們正式推出 Pokémon GO,一夕之間掀起全球熱潮。Pokémon GO 持續穩居最受歡迎且獲利最多的擴增實境應用程式。

文字変換 2016 nián, wǒ men zhèng shì tuī chū Pokémon GO, yī xī zhī jiān xiān qǐ quán qiú rè cháo。Pokémon GO chí xù wěn jū zuì shòu huān yíng qiě huò lì zuì duō de kuò zēng shí jìng yīng yòng chéng shì。

EN Apologies and requests regarding the phenomenon that occurs in the NEC tablet PC LAVIE Tab E (PC-TE710KAW)

ZH 對於NEC平板電腦LAVIE Tab E(PC-TE710KAW)中出現的現象,我們深表歉意和要求。

文字変換 duì yúNEC píng bǎn diàn nǎoLAVIE Tab E(PC-TE710KAW) zhōng chū xiàn de xiàn xiàng, wǒ men shēn biǎo qiàn yì hé yào qiú。

EN In late 1994, several foresighted entrepreneurs powered up a Sun SPARC Classic workstation and created one of the very first Internet service providers. That workstation also became the first news server in what was to become the Giganews phenomenon.

ZH 1994 年底,幾位見識卓越的企業家利用 Sun SPARC Classic 工作站, 創立了當時仍屬少數的網際網路服務供應商。該工作站也是後來 「Giganews 奇蹟」的第一個新聞伺服器。

文字変換 1994 nián dǐ, jǐ wèi jiàn shí zhuō yuè de qǐ yè jiā lì yòng Sun SPARC Classic gōng zuò zhàn, chuàng lì le dāng shí réng shǔ shǎo shù de wǎng jì wǎng lù fú wù gōng yīng shāng。gāi gōng zuò zhàn yě shì hòu lái 「Giganews qí jī」 de dì yī gè xīn wén cì fú qì。

EN This Finnish phenomenon reveals the glorious tedium of a supermarket checkout. And now it’s going global.

ZH 户外聚餐,怎样才能变成全民参与、令人难忘的用餐体验?或许与白色桌布有关。

文字変換 hù wài jù cān, zěn yàng cái néng biàn chéng quán mín cān yǔ、 lìng rén nán wàng de yòng cān tǐ yàn? huò xǔ yǔ bái sè zhuō bù yǒu guān。

EN Fascinatingly termed recruiter ghosting, this phenomenon of recruiters suddenly ceasing communication has affected job candidates everywhere for years now.

ZH 令人担忧的是招聘人员重影,这种招聘人员的现象突然停止沟通已经影响了几年的候选人。

文字変換 lìng rén dān yōu de shì zhāo pìn rén yuán zhòng yǐng, zhè zhǒng zhāo pìn rén yuán de xiàn xiàng tū rán tíng zhǐ gōu tōng yǐ jīng yǐng xiǎng le jǐ nián de hòu xuǎn rén。

EN The alternating positive displacement pumps may generate pulses. There are conventional systems designed to attenuate this phenomenon to a reasonable level, the best known of which is the bottle system with an integral pre-inflated bladder.

ZH 交替运转的正排量泵可能会产生脉动。已经有传统的系统,设计成将这种现象减弱到一个合理的程度,其中最熟知的就是集成安装了一个预充压气囊的气瓶系统。

文字変換 jiāo tì yùn zhuǎn de zhèng pái liàng bèng kě néng huì chǎn shēng mài dòng。yǐ jīng yǒu chuán tǒng de xì tǒng, shè jì chéng jiāng zhè zhǒng xiàn xiàng jiǎn ruò dào yī gè hé lǐ de chéng dù, qí zhōng zuì shú zhī de jiù shì jí chéng ān zhuāng le yī gè yù chōng yā qì náng de qì píng xì tǒng。

EN Do lots of people want to buy unpackaged food or is this a niche phenomenon? Of course, we can’t compete with the big discount supermarkets, but interest is growing. Over 80 packaging-free shops have now opened in Germany. The demand is there.

ZH 有很多人愿意购买无包装食品吗?还是说这只是一种小众现象? 当然我们没法和廉价超市比,不过人们的兴趣在增长。如今德国已经开了80多家无包装商店。需求是有的。

文字変換 yǒu hěn duō rén yuàn yì gòu mǎi wú bāo zhuāng shí pǐn ma? hái shì shuō zhè zhǐ shì yī zhǒng xiǎo zhòng xiàn xiàng? dāng rán wǒ men méi fǎ hé lián jià chāo shì bǐ, bù guò rén men de xìng qù zài zēng zhǎng。rú jīn dé guó yǐ jīng kāi le80duō jiā wú bāo zhuāng shāng diàn。xū qiú shì yǒu de。

EN Another interesting phenomenon that occurs at an equinox is the Sun rising due east and setting due west. It’s true for any place on the Earth except for the North and South Poles, where there is no east or west. Here’s why it happens.

ZH 發生在春分和秋分時的另一個有趣現象是太陽正東升起,正西落下。除了北極和南極之外(那裏沒有東或西),地球上的任何地方都是如此。讓我們看看它為什麽會發生。

文字変換 fā shēng zài chūn fēn hé qiū fēn shí de lìng yī gè yǒu qù xiàn xiàng shì tài yáng zhèng dōng shēng qǐ, zhèng xī luò xià。chú le běi jí hé nán jí zhī wài (nà lǐ méi yǒu dōng huò xī), de qiú shàng de rèn hé de fāng dōu shì rú cǐ。ràng wǒ men kàn kàn tā wèi shén mó huì fā shēng。

EN An ultra-endurance phenomenon with more FKTs than you’ve had hot dinners, Lael is a long-distance cycling legend and one of the nicest people you’re ever likely to meet.

ZH 極限耐力賽的一種現象就是打破的 FKT 紀錄比你吃到的熱騰騰晚餐還多,Lael 不僅是一位長距離自行車傳奇人物,也是一位你所遇過最友善的人之一。

文字変換 jí xiàn nài lì sài de yī zhǒng xiàn xiàng jiù shì dǎ pò de FKT jì lù bǐ nǐ chī dào de rè téng téng wǎn cān hái duō,Lael bù jǐn shì yī wèi zhǎng jù lí zì xíng chē chuán qí rén wù, yě shì yī wèi nǐ suǒ yù guò zuì yǒu shàn de rén zhī yī。

EN This Finnish phenomenon reveals the glorious tedium of a supermarket checkout. And now it’s going global.

ZH 户外聚餐,怎样才能变成全民参与、令人难忘的用餐体验?或许与白色桌布有关。

文字変換 hù wài jù cān, zěn yàng cái néng biàn chéng quán mín cān yǔ、 lìng rén nán wàng de yòng cān tǐ yàn? huò xǔ yǔ bái sè zhuō bù yǒu guān。

EN A late-night climb to the scenic summit of Luosto Fell, 100 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland, is a great way to experience the phenomenon of the midnight sun.

ZH 2022女足欧洲杯(UEFA Women’s Euro 2022)开赛在即,我们就芬兰国家队是否有能力制造惊喜的问题采访了新星艾利·比谷亚姆萨(Elli Pikkujämsä)。

文字変換 2022nǚ zú ōu zhōu bēi (UEFA Women’s Euro 2022) kāi sài zài jí, wǒ men jiù fēn lán guó jiā duì shì fǒu yǒu néng lì zhì zào jīng xǐ de wèn tí cǎi fǎng le xīn xīng ài lì·bǐ gǔ yà mǔ sà (Elli Pikkujämsä)。

EN Knife-sharp and yellow: The seldom line along the rock face around the Piz Sardona marks the Glarus overthrust - a phenomenon of world interest. Here, older rock strata have edged their way above younger rocks.

ZH 薩多納峰(Piz Sardona)週圍三百多平方公里的地質結構區,表明舊的岩層被新的覆蓋的地質現象,它們見證了板塊的構成以及山脈的形成。

文字変換 sà duō nà fēng (Piz Sardona) zhōu wéi sān bǎi duō píng fāng gōng lǐ de de zhì jié gòu qū, biǎo míng jiù de yán céng bèi xīn de fù gài de de zhì xiàn xiàng, tā men jiàn zhèng le bǎn kuài de gòu chéng yǐ jí shān mài de xíng chéng。

EN By drawing up an arc of circumference in each square, we get the Golden Spiral (also known as Durer's Spiral). Another naturally occurring phenomenon is derived from the ratio itself. 

ZH 通过在每个正方形中画出一个圆弧,我们就得到了黄金螺旋(也被称为杜勒螺旋)。另一个自然发生的现象是由比率本身衍生出来的。 

文字変換 tōng guò zài měi gè zhèng fāng xíng zhōng huà chū yī gè yuán hú, wǒ men jiù dé dào le huáng jīn luó xuán (yě bèi chēng wèi dù lēi luó xuán)。lìng yī gè zì rán fā shēng de xiàn xiàng shì yóu bǐ lǜ běn shēn yǎn shēng chū lái de。 
