Traduci "source" in inglese

Visualizzazione 50 di 50 traduzioni della frase "source" da Cinese a inglese

Traduzione di Cinese a inglese di source


ZH 「Box」是 Hexo 用来处理特定文件夹中的文件的容器,在 Hexo 中有两个 Box,分别是 hexo.source 和 hexo.theme,前者用于处理 source 文件夹,而后者用于处理主题文件夹。

EN Box is a container used for processing files in a specified folder. Hexo uses two different boxes: hexo.source and hexo.theme. The former is used to process the source folder and the latter to process the theme folder.


EN Investing in Open Source: Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2018

ZH “首选”图像格式(在本例中为 WebP)的 <source> 标签应最先列出,排在其他 <source> 标签之前。

EN The <source> tag for the "preferred" image format (in this case that is WebP) should be listed first, before other <source> tags.


EN Investing in Open Source: Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2018

ZH 「Box」是 Hexo 用来处理特定文件夹中的文件的容器,在 Hexo 中有两个 Box,分别是 hexo.source 和 hexo.theme,前者用于处理 source 文件夹,而后者用于处理主题文件夹。

EN Box is a container used for processing files in a specified folder. Hexo uses two different boxes: hexo.source and hexo.theme. The former is used to process the source folder and the latter to process the theme folder.

ZH 建立在共源数据库(Common Source Data Base,CSDB)之上的丰富功能,包括:生命周期和版本管理、高级搜索、访问权限管理和工作流程。

EN Built on top of Common Source Data Base (CSDB) features include: lifecycle and version management, advanced search, access rights management and  workflows.

ZH 可以生成数据模块要求清单(Data Module Requirement List,DMRL)、数据交换说明(Data Dispatch Note,DDN)和共源数据库状态列表(Common Source Data Base Status List,CSL)

EN  produce DMRL (Data Module Requirement List), DDN (Data Dispatch Note) and CSL (CSDB Status List)

ZH 連接至 SQL Server 資料來源時發生錯誤 “Data source name not found and no default driver specified”

EN Error: "Data source name not found and no default driver specified" when connecting to SQL Server data source

ZH Returns the name of the filter that the filter value belongs to. For example, filter.v.option.color. Filters of type price_range also include an extra component depending on the filter_value source. 進一步了解

EN Returns the name of the filter that the filter value belongs to. For example, filter.v.option.color. Filters of type price_range also include an extra component depending on the filter_value source. Learn more

ZH Returns an array of model source objects. 進一步了解

EN Returns an array of model source objects. Learn more

ZH The model_source object can be accessed from the model object's sources array. The model_source object contains information about the source files for a model associated with a product. 進一步了解

EN The model_source object can be accessed from the model object's sources array. The model_source object contains information about the source files for a model associated with a product. Learn more

ZH Returns the MIME type of the model source file. 進一步了解

EN Returns the MIME type of the model source file. Learn more

ZH Returns the format of the model source file. 進一步了解

EN Returns the format of the model source file. Learn more

ZH Returns the URL of the model source file. 進一步了解

EN Returns the URL of the model source file. Learn more

ZH Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git 專項課程

EN Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git Specialization

ZH Exclusive: Vietnam threatens to shut down Facebook over censorship requests - source | 路透

EN Exclusive: Vietnam threatens to shut down Facebook over censorship requests - source | Reuters

ZH Driving the Future of Automotive with Open Source and SUSE | SUSE 社区

EN Driving the Future of Automotive with Open Source and SUSE | SUSE Communities

ZH (只有英文)Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2021 Giveaway Terms and Conditions

EN Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2021 Giveaway Terms and Conditions

ZH Najm for Insurance Services has been awarded the Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) by Uptime Institute, the leading global source for data centers tier certification. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Najm for Insurance Services has been awarded the Tier III Certification of Constructed Facility (TCCF) by Uptime Institute, the leading global source for data centers tier certification. Read full information on external site

ZH Mount tooltips now display flavor text and source information from the in-game Mount Journal. Example: 黑暗之星的灵爪飞鹰

EN Mount tooltips now display flavor text and source information from the in-game Mount Journal. Example: Voidtalon of the Dark Star

ZH We've changed the tab order on pages like 雕文精通之书, so that the source appears before what it teaches you.

EN We've changed the tab order on pages like Book of Glyph Mastery, so that the source appears before what it teaches you.

ZH Hexo 有三种默认布局:post、page 和 draft。在创建这三种不同类型的文件时,它们将会被保存到不同的路径;而您自定义的其他布局和 post 相同,都将储存到 source/_posts 文件夹。

EN There are three default layouts in Hexo: post, page and draft. Files created by each of them is saved to a different path. Newly created posts are saved to the source/_posts folder.

ZH 文件名称 (relative to “source/_posts/“ folder)

EN Filename (relative to “source/_posts/“ folder)

ZH source 资料夹中建立一个新的语言资料夹(全小写)。

EN Add a new language folder in source folder. (All lower case)

ZH source 资料夹中相关的文件(Markdown 和模板文件)复制到新的语言资料夹中。

EN Copy Markdown and template files in source folder to the new language folder.

ZH source/_data/language.yml 中新增语言。

EN Add the new language to source/_data/language.yml.

ZH 单击存储库的 Source(来源)页面。此时,下拉列表中既会显示

EN Click the Source page of your repository. You should see both the 

ZH McAfee says it no longer will permit government source code reviews | 路透

EN McAfee says it no longer will permit government source code reviews | Reuters

ZH Stalemate over WikiLeaks Assange's future 'coming to a head': source | 路透

EN Stalemate over WikiLeaks Assange's future 'coming to a head': source | Reuters

ZH To design a green, sustainable data center, consider methods to improve energy conservation and efficiency. Then, look into green -- or greener -- energy source alternatives. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN To design a green, sustainable data center, consider methods to improve energy conservation and efficiency. Then, look into green -- or greener -- energy source alternatives. Read full information on external site

ZH (只有英文)Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2020 Giveaway Terms and Conditions

EN Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2020 Giveaway Terms and Conditions

ZH (只有英文)HKOSCON2020 X OpenCertHub – Democratize Data Literacy with Open-source Technology

EN HKOSCON2020 X OpenCertHub – Democratize Data Literacy with Open-source Technology

ZH (只有英文)HKOSCon Courtesy Visit to Japan Open Source community in Tokyo

EN HKOSCon Courtesy Visit to Japan Open Source community in Tokyo

ZH « 使用 Grafana Data Source 插件进行观测

EN « Use Grafana Data Source Plugin for Observations

ZH 建立在共源数据库(Common Source Data Base,CSDB)之上的丰富功能,包括:生命周期和版本管理、高级搜索、访问权限管理和工作流程。

EN Built on top of Common Source Data Base (CSDB) features include: lifecycle and version management, advanced search, access rights management and  workflows.

ZH 可以生成数据模块要求清单(Data Module Requirement List,DMRL)、数据交换说明(Data Dispatch Note,DDN)和共源数据库状态列表(Common Source Data Base Status List,CSL)

EN  produce DMRL (Data Module Requirement List), DDN (Data Dispatch Note) and CSL (CSDB Status List)

ZH <picture>、<source> 和 <img> 标签,包括它们相对于彼此的排序方式,都相互作用以实现这一最终结果。

EN The <picture>, <source>, and <img> tags, including how they are ordered relative to each other, all interact to achieve this end result.

ZH <picture> 标签为零个或多个 <source> 标签和一个 <img> 标签提供包装器。

EN The <picture> tag provides a wrapper for zero or more <source> tags and one <img> tag.

ZH <source> 标签指定媒体资源。

EN The <source> tag specifies a media resource.

ZH 浏览器会使用列出的第一个采用它支持的格式的源。如果浏览器不支持 <source> 标签中列出的任何格式,它会回退加载 <img> 标签指定的图像。

EN The browser uses the first listed source that's in a format it supports. If the browser does not support any of the formats listed in the <source> tags, it falls back to loading the image specified by the <img> tag.

ZH 始终应该包括 <img> 标签,并且始终将其列在最后,即所有 <source> 标签之后。

EN The <img> tag should always be included, and it should always be listed last, after all <source> tags.

ZH 单击存储库的 Source(来源)页面。此时,下拉列表中既会显示

EN Click the Source page of your repository. You should see both the 

ZH McAfee says it no longer will permit government source code reviews | 路透

EN McAfee says it no longer will permit government source code reviews | Reuters

ZH The National Data Center is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN The National Data Center is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. Read full information on external site

ZH The National Data Centre is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN The National Data Centre is eyeing to be a huge potential source of earning foreign currency as many foreign firms now show interest in storing their data in the center. Read full information on external site

ZH To design a green, sustainable data center, consider methods to improve energy conservation and efficiency. Then, look into green -- or greener -- energy source alternatives. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN To design a green, sustainable data center, consider methods to improve energy conservation and efficiency. Then, look into green -- or greener -- energy source alternatives. Read full information on external site

ZH 回答“Does anyone know of a source for replacement covers for MagSafe boards”

EN Answer to "Does anyone know of a source for replacement covers for MagSafe boards"

ZH 文件名称 (relative to “source/_posts/“ folder)

EN Filename (relative to “source/_posts/“ folder)

ZH source 资料夹中建立一个新的语言资料夹(全小写)。

EN Add a new language folder in source folder. (All lower case)

ZH source 资料夹中相关的文件(Markdown 和模板文件)复制到新的语言资料夹中。

EN Copy Markdown and template files in source folder to the new language folder.

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