Þýða "xsolla" í Enska

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ZH 争议。大多数用户的问题都可通过使用我们的 Xsolla 支持网站 https://help.xsolla.com 来解决。如果我们无法解决您的疑虑并且您与 Xsolla 之间仍然存在争议,本节说明我们同意如何解决该争议。

EN C. Disputes. Most User concerns can be resolved by use of our Xsolla support site at https://help.xsolla.com. If we are unable to resolve your concerns and a dispute remains between you and Xsolla, this section explains how we agree to resolve it.

ZH 冒充任何人或实体,包括但不限于 XsollaXsolla 代理或员工、论坛负责人、向导或主持人,或虚假陈述或以其他方式扭曲您与任何人或实体的从属关系;

EN impersonate any person or entity, including but not limited to Xsolla, an Xsolla agent or employee, a forum leader, guide or host, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity;

ZH 干扰或破坏 Xsolla 的服务器或网络,或违反 Xsolla 网络的任何要求、程序、政策或规定;

EN interfere with or disrupt Xsolla's servers or networks or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of Xsolla networks;

ZH (i) 要下载软件,Xsolla 要求用户输入 Xsolla 自行决定能被接受的有效借记卡/信用卡或其他支付方式。

EN (i) To download the Software, Xsolla requires Users to enter a valid debit/credit card or other payment method that is accepted by Xsolla in its sole discretion.

ZH 10.2 若适用,Xsolla 将在 Xsolla 的结帐页面上向您显示一则声明,表明若您尝试在销售地区之外下载任何软件,该软件则可能无法正常地被启动。

EN 10.2 If applicable, Xsolla will display to you a statement on Xsolla’s checkout page to the effect that if you attempt to download any of the Software outside the territory of sale, the Software likely will not launch in a functional form.

ZH G.执法。Xsolla 的义务受现行法律和法律程序的约束,Xsolla 保留遵守执法或监管请求或要求的权利,尽管有任何相反的条款。

EN G. Enforcement. Xsolla’s obligations are subject to existing laws and legal process, and Xsolla reserves the right to comply with law enforcement or regulatory requests or requirements notwithstanding any contrary term.

ZH 为您的视频游戏拓展营销市场、发现全新受众 | Xsolla

EN Expand your video game marketing and find new audiences | Xsolla

ZH 电子邮件: contact_asia@xsolla.com

EN Email us at: business@xsolla.com

ZH 在全球各地发布、推广和分发您的视频游戏 | Xsolla

EN Publish, market and distribute your games globally | Xsolla

ZH 艾克索拉提供本地化解决方案,帮助您的视频游戏走向全球。 | Xsolla

EN Xsolla takes your video game global with localized solutions. | Xsolla

ZH 艾克索拉保护个人数据安全并遵守相关数据法规。 | Xsolla

EN Industry-Leading Data Security and Compliance | Xsolla

ZH 联系我们,让我们帮助您的视频游戏实现全球发布 | Xsolla

EN Contact us to help you publish your video game globally | Xsolla

ZH 无需预付金,实现视频游戏开发者业务增长 | Xsolla

EN Grow your video game developer business at no upfront cost | Xsolla

ZH 独立游戏工作室扩大了全球客户群并提高了销售额 | Xsolla

EN Indie Game Studio Expands Global Audience and Sales | Xsolla

ZH 在艾克索拉寻找理想职位,叩开这家全球电子游戏公司的大门。 | Xsolla

EN Find your dream job with Xsolla, a global video game company. | Xsolla

ZH 终端用户许可协议 | Xsolla


ZH 2.1 “软件”是指相应软件开发商或发行商已授权 Xsolla 向客户提供购买的软件、应用程序、内容、游戏或其他数字材料。

EN 2.1 "Software" means the software, applications, Content, games or other digital materials which the respective Software Developer or publisher has authorized Xsolla to offer Customers for purchase.

ZH 2.3 “软件开发商”已授权 Xsolla 向客户提供软件和/或内容以供购买的内容和/或软件开发商和/或发行商。

EN 2.3 "Software Developer" the content and/or software developer and/or publisher who has authorized Xsolla to offer the Software and/or Content to Customers for purchase.

ZH 4.3 Xsolla 保留本协议中未明确授予您的任何和所有权利。您同意不采取任何会削弱此类权利或使其受到质疑的行为。

EN 4.3 Xsolla reserves any and all rights not expressly granted to you in this Agreement. You agree to refrain from any action that would diminish such rights or would call them into question.

ZH 5.3 Xsolla 保留因违反本第 5 条规定的许可限制而终止您对软件的许可的权利。

EN 5.3 Xsolla reserves the right to terminate your license to the Software for violation of the license restrictions set forth in this Section 5.

ZH 6.3 切记,如果处理是基于您的同意,您有权随时撤回对您的个人信息处理的同意。若要行使此权利,请通过support@xsolla.com与我们联系。

EN 6.3 Remember that you have a right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal information, where that processing is based on your consent, at any time. To exercise this right, contact us at support@xsolla.com.

ZH (iii) 尽管有上述规定,Xsolla 有权自行决定拒绝任何付款,而无需提供任何解释。

EN (iii) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Xsolla has the right to refuse any payment in its sole discretion without giving an explanation.

ZH (iii) Xsolla 未能就任何适用税款向您开具发票并不能免除您支付此类税款的责任,您必须向适用的税务机关支付因购买而可能产生的任何此类税款。

EN (iii) A failure on Xsolla’s part to invoice you for any applicable taxes does not relieve you of the liability to pay such taxes, and you must pay to the applicable taxing authority any such taxes which may be due as a result of your purchase.

ZH 8.4 若根据自行评估,怀疑存在欺诈活动或犯规行为时,Xsolla 保留拒绝接受任何用户的付款和任何交易的权利。

EN 8.4 Xsolla reserves the right to refuse to accept payment from any User and for any transaction if it suspects, in its sole discretion, fraudulent activity or foul play.

ZH 9.1 签订本协议后,您向 Xsolla 声明:

EN 9.1 Upon entering of this Agreement, you represent to Xsolla that:

ZH 您同意您将使用您自己的用户名授予软件许可,同时不会试图冒充任何其他客户或向 Xsolla 隐藏您的身份;

EN You agree that you will license the Software using your own username and will not try to impersonate any other Customer or hide your identity from Xsolla;

ZH (i) 本协议在终止之前持续有效。您可以随时通过通知 Xsolla 或删除您的帐户以终止本协议。

EN (i) This Agreement is effective until terminated. You may terminate this Agreement at any time upon notice to Xsolla or by deleting your Account.

Sýnir 28 af 28 þýðingum