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bahasa Inggris

ZH Data Centers 5 月 Be Cutting Edge, But Their Workforce Is Mostly On The Edge Of Retirement - bisnow.com

EN Data Centers May Be Cutting Edge, But Their Workforce Is Mostly On The Edge Of Retirement - bisnow.com

ZH 根据企业的需求,您可以将 Rainbow Edge 用作连通或独立的边缘,Rainbow Edge 是一款基于灵活架构的本地私有云解决方案,可让您选择本地数据中心或将解决方案托管在本地。

EN Rainbow Edge, an on-premises private cloud solution based on a flexible architecture, that lets you select a local data centre or host the solution on-premise, as a connected or a standalone edge.

ZH EdgeEdge-V 的冷卻風扇。

EN Cooling fan for Edge and Edge-V.

ZH 由 Cloudflare 提供支援的 Acquia Cloud Edge 是一系列產品,可將 Acquia 平台的安全性和效能優勢延伸至分散式網路的邊緣。

EN Acquia Cloud Edge Powered by Cloudflare is a family of products that extends the security and performance advantages of the Acquia Platform to the edge of the distribution network.

ZH Edge Log Delivery 將日誌以安全方式從檢查點傳輸到您選擇的的日誌存儲地點。

EN Edge Log Delivery securely transmits logs from the inspection point to the log storage location of your choice.

ZH 日誌可能包含受當地法規限制的敏感資訊。Cloudflare Edge Log Delivery (邊緣日誌交付,測試版) 允許您將日誌從邊緣直接發送到您選擇的合作夥伴——無需首先通過我們的核心資料中心之一。

EN Logs can contain sensitive information that is subject to local regulations. Cloudflare Edge Log Delivery (Beta) allows you to send logs directly from the edge to your partner of choice — without passing through one of our core data centers first.

ZH 现在,SUSE 携手 Rancher,提供行业最具适应性的 Linux 操作系统和唯一开放式 Kubernetes 管理平台。与我们的 Edge 解决方案结合,您可以根据自己的优先级快速创新和转型。

EN SUSE, now with Rancher, offers the industry’s most adaptable Linux operating system and the only open Kubernetes management platform. Together with our Edge solutions, you can innovate fast and transform according to your own priorities.

ZH 一个平台,无限创新。携手 SUSE edge Computing 迈向未来。

EN One platform, infinite innovations. Step into the future with SUSE edge Computing.

ZH 市面上超過 99% 的瀏覽器 (例如:IE/Edge、Firefox、Chrome......) 都可以辨識 Gandi 的 SSL (HTTPS) 憑證。

EN Our https certificates are recognized by over 99% of all web browsers available on the market (IE/Edge, Firefox, Chrome, etc.).

ZH 我们非常高兴地宣布,极具突破性的 Sitecore Experience Edge 闪亮登场

EN Day 1 Highlights of Sitecore Symposium 2021

ZH Sitecore Experience Edge 是在云端运行的一项大规模的全球内容发布服务,最初包括两个选项:

EN A global content delivery service, in the cloud, at scale, Sitecore Experience Edge will initially include two options:

ZH Sitecore Edge Delivery for XM: 一个高度可扩展的发布平台,使我们的客户不仅能够发布静态 Sitecore JSS 网站,同时还能够将内容实时发布到 headles 网站。

EN Sitecore Edge Delivery for XM: A highly scalable delivery platform that empowers our customers to publish static Sitecore JSS sites, while also delivering content to headless sites in real time.

ZH 此外,我们会继续打造 Sitecore Experience Edge,计划在未来的版本中增加个性化功能,同时继续增强我们的 SaaS 产品组合。

EN Moreover, we will continue to build on Sitecore Experience Edge, with plans to add personalization capabilities in future releases, as we continue to augment our SaaS portfolio.

ZH 在大多数情况下,Sitecore Experience Edge 可增强而非替换上述解决方案,从而帮助您提高现有内容管理系统的投资回报。

EN And Sitecore Experience Edge will help you improve the return on your investment from existing content management systems by augmenting these solutions versus replacing them, in most cases.

ZH 我们非常高兴地宣布,极具突破性的 Sitecore Experience Edge 闪亮登场 | Sitecore 博客

EN We’re Thrilled To announce Groundbreaking Sitecore Experience Edge | Sitecore Blog

ZH 离机场距离: 10 minute drive 离长途汽车站距离: 2 minute drive 离市中心距离: Situated on the edge of the CBD

EN Proximity to airport: 10 minute drive Proximity to coach terminal: 2 minute drive Proximity to town: Situated on the edge of the CBD

ZH 適用於 Chrome、Edge 和 Brave 的 1Password beta

EN 1Password beta for Chrome, Edge, and Brave

ZH 需要最新版本的 Chrome、Edge 或 Brave。

EN Requires the latest version of Chrome, Edge, or Brave.

ZH 面向 Edge 的轻量级安全操作系统平台

EN Lightweight and Secure OS Platform for the Edge

ZH 好多!超过40种,包括Zoom,Google Meet,Microsoft Teams,Chrome,Firefox,Edge,GoToMeeting,Cisco Webex,Slack等。您可以在我们的网站或Camo Studio本身中查看列表。

EN Lots! More than 40, including Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, GoToMeeting, Cisco Webex, Slack and more. You can see the list on our site, or in Camo Studio itself.

ZH D-EDGE - 帮助酒店业者提升自营销和分销的营收

EN D-EDGE - Solutions designed to maximise Hotel Revenue

ZH D-EDGE 的技术简单易用,因此您可以专注于业务。 而且,当您遇到问题或做决策时不用独自面对:

EN At D-EDGE our technology is simple to use so you can focus on your business. And, you are never alone when it comes to questions, problems, or decisions:

ZH D-EDGE 致力于帮助客户取得业务成功。 我们的客户经理不仅仅是解决方案专家,同时也是您的业务合作伙伴。 相信他们会为您提供所需的行业最佳实践、效果分析和个性化建议。

EN At D-EDGE we are committed to your business success. Our Account Managers are not only experts in our solutions, they are also your business partners. Trust them to fuel you with industry best practices, performance analysis, and personalised advice.

ZH Internet Explorer 和 Edge:底部中央

EN In Internet Explorer and Edge: bottom center

ZH 關於在各種瀏覽器中管理 Cookie 的詳細資訊,請點選以下連結:Chrome、Internet Explorer、Microsoft Edge、Firefox。歡迎您隨時透過電子郵件聯繫我們:marketing-webteam@tableau.com。

EN You can access detailed instructions on how to manage cookies for Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Firefox at the links provided. You can always contact us by email at marketing-webteam@tableau.com.

ZH 康耐视 Edge Intelligence 可提供强大的性能监控和设备管理功能

EN Cognex Edge Intelligence delivers powerful performance monitoring and device management

ZH 作者:Stephen Few 網站:Perceptual Edge | Amazon

EN Author: Stephen Few Website: Perceptual Edge | Amazon

ZH 我們的網路下載管理器也相容於 Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、nternet Explorer 及Safari瀏覽器。有關更多資訊,請點擊这里。

EN Our internet download manager is compatible with the most popular browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer and Safari. For more features, click here.

ZH 下载附带旧版 Edge 应用的现成 Windows 10 虚拟机。*

EN Download a ready-to-go Windows 10 virtual machine with Legacy Edge app.*

ZH 使用增强的网络编辑器测试不同的连接问题;在 VM 中模拟 3G、Edge 或不稳定的网络连接或受限网络带宽。

EN Test different connectivity issues with an enhanced network editor; simulate 3G, Edge, or an unstable network connection or limit network bandwidth in a VM.

ZH 适用于 Chrome、Edge 和 Brave 的 1Password beta

EN 1Password beta for Chrome, Edge, and Brave

ZH 通过提供专家架构、部署和支持服务以及高性能基础设施,我们推动 IT 生态系统现代化,使组织能够拥抱先进技术,包括 AI、ML 和 Edge

EN By providing expert architecture, deployment and support services coupled with high-performance infrastructure, we modernize IT ecosystems empowering organizations to embrace advanced technologies—including AI, ML and Edge.

ZH Booz Allen Hamilton: Advancing the Tactical Edge with K3s and SUSE RGS | SUSE 社区

EN Booz Allen Hamilton: Advancing the Tactical Edge with K3s and SUSE RGS | SUSE Communities

ZH Tier certification assures resilient business service delivery from the core to the edge 2017 年 9 月 19 日,...

EN Tier certification assures resilient business service delivery from the core to the edge September 19, 2017,...

ZH Demand and speculation fuel edge buildout2021 年 6 月

EN Demand and speculation fuel edge buildoutJune 2021

ZH Workload needs will define and drive edge buildout. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Workload needs will define and drive edge buildout. Read full information on external site

ZH EfficiencyIT, a specialist consultancy in data centre design and build, edge computing and IT services, has welcomed DC design expert Steve Henson as its new senior data centre architect. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN EfficiencyIT, a specialist consultancy in data centre design and build, edge computing and IT services, has welcomed DC design expert Steve Henson as its new senior data centre architect. Read full information on external site

ZH Rapid technology advances are about to shift the landscape of energy storage options for data centre operators, whether running 250kW edge computing sites or 100MW hyperscale facilities. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Rapid technology advances are about to shift the landscape of energy storage options for data centre operators, whether running 250kW edge computing sites or 100MW hyperscale facilities. Read full information on external site

ZH Edge data centers are a critical public resource, but criticality isn’t always reflected in robust design and investment to ensure availability at those sites. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Edge data centers are a critical public resource, but criticality isn’t always reflected in robust design and investment to ensure availability at those sites. Read full information on external site

ZH PCMark 10 应用程序基准测试利用 Microsoft Word,Excel,PowerPoint 和 Edge 运行测试,来为现代工作职场测量实际的,真实的 PC 性能。

EN The PCMark 10 Applications benchmark measures practical, real-world PC performance for the modern workplace with tests that run in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Edge.

ZH 阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 Rainbow Edge 提供灵活的本地化私有云部署选项,可实现统一的通信和协作。

EN Rainbow Edge by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise provides flexible on-premises private cloud options enabling unified communications and collaborations.

ZH 根据要求,您可以从Rainbow Edge 中获益良多,这是一款具有灵活架构的本地私有云解决方案,可让您选择地区/国家的本地数据中心,并作为联网或独立的边缘节点。

EN Upon request, you can benefit from Rainbow Edge, an on-premises private cloud solution with a flexible architecture that lets you select a region/country local data centre, a connected edge or a standalone edge.

ZH Connected Edge ? ? 可访问全球 Rainbow 应用基础架构的本地私有化数据存储

EN Connected Edge - private on-premises data storage with access to global Rainbow application infrastructure

ZH Standalone Edge ? ?本地私有化数据存储和独立的应用基础架构

EN Standalone Edge - private on-premises data storage and standalone application infrastructure

ZH 在 D-EDGE,您可以独立自主,但永不孤单。 我们全天候在线提供用户文档。 用户文档每天会被查阅数千次,我们的专家会进行定期更新。

EN At D-EDGE you are autonomous but never alone. Our user documents are available online at any moment 24/7. They are consulted thousands of times a day and are regularly updated by our experts.

ZH D-EDGE 保证对平台的空房进行全天候监测。 您负责服务宾客,我们负责提供技术!

EN At D-EGDE we ensure the platform availability is monitored day and night. You take care of your guest, we take care of technology!

ZH D-EDGE忠诚计划由您的D-EDGE CRM的清洁宾客数据提供整合并支持。精确针对您的忠诚成员,采用个性化的特别优惠。

EN The D-EDGE loyalty program is integrated and powered by the clean guest data provided in your D-EDGE CRM. Target your loyal members with special personalised offers.

ZH 主要俱乐部: Active Edge Sports Therapy

EN Primary Club: Active Edge Sports Therapy

ZH 了解有关 Arbor Edge Defense 的更多信息

EN Learn more about Arbor Edge Defense

ZH Arbor Edge Defense (AED) 是一种部署在网络边界(互联网路由器和防火墙之间)的内联安全设备。

EN Arbor Edge Defense (AED) is an inline security appliance deployed at the network perimeter (i.e. between the internet router and firewall).

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