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ZH 中码适合于:LARQ Bottle 17oz/500ml and LARQ Bottle Movement 24oz/710ml

EN Medium size compatible with:LARQ Bottle 17oz/500ml and LARQ Bottle Movement 24oz/710ml

ZH 中码适合于:LARQ Bottle 17oz/500ml and LARQ Bottle Movement 24oz/710ml

EN Medium size compatible with:LARQ Bottle 17oz/500ml and LARQ Bottle Movement 24oz/710ml

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis可通过Micro-USB充电,接口位于杯盖侧面。LARQ Bottle PureVis随附一根充电线。

EN The LARQ Bottle PureVis can be recharged via Micro-USB. It is located on the side of the cap. A charging cable is included with your LARQ Bottle PureVis.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis 和LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis产品手册

EN LARQ Bottle PureVis Manual, LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis Manual

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis通过Micro-USB充电,接口位于杯盖侧面。LARQ Bottle PureVis随附一根充电线。

EN The LARQ Bottle PureVis can be recharged via Micro-USB. It is located on the side of the cap. A charging cable is included with your LARQ Bottle PureVis.

ZH LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis与LARQ Bottle PureVis有何不同?

EN How is the LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis different from the LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis和LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis系列均使用相同的杯盖和专有的UV-C LED 紫外线杀菌技术。它们之间的区别在于设计、容量、重量和结构。

EN Both LARQ Bottle PureVis and LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis collections use the same cap and proprietary UV-C LED technology. The difference between them is in the design, water capacity, weight, and construction of the bottles.

ZH 可以在偏远地区或在旅途中使用LARQ Bottle PureVis/LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis吗?

EN Can I use the LARQ Bottle PureVis/LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis in the backcountry or while traveling?

ZH 购买 LARQ Bottle PureVis | LARQ

EN Buy The LARQ Bottle PureVis | LARQ

ZH 点按LARQ Bottle PureVis杯盖一次,仅需60秒,即享受纯净水质。

EN Press the LARQ Bottle PureVis cap once to activate it and in 60 seconds you'll have brilliantly clean water to drink.

ZH 在旅行模式下,自净化模式将被禁用。如需长期不使用LARQ Bottle PureVis或为节省电量,推荐使用旅行模式。

EN Travel Mode deactivates Self-Cleaning Mode, and is recommended if you are storing your LARQ Bottle PureVis for an extended period of time or to conserve battery life.

ZH LARQ Bottle Movement为单壁构造,为轻巧便携而生,无保冷或保热功能;但可装冰水,更可以冷藏。请勿将烫水倒入该杯。

EN The LARQ Bottle Movement is a lighter, single-walled bottle that will not keep beverages cold or hot, however, it can accommodate cold water and even be refrigerated. DO NOT put hot water into this bottle.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis使用多久需要充电?如何了解电池电量不足?

EN How often does the LARQ Bottle PureVis need to be charged? How will I know when the battery is low?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis能去除重金属或氟化物吗?

EN Does the LARQ Bottle PureVis remove heavy metals or fluoride?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis的设计初衷为一款可自净化的水杯。因此,不建议将其用于盛装其他饮品。如果将含糖饮料、茶或咖啡倒入杯内,每次使用后请用温肥皂水手洗净化。

EN The LARQ Bottle PureVis is designed as a self-cleaning bottle for water. We do not recommend using it for other beverages. If you do end up putting sugary drinks, tea or coffee in your bottle, hand wash it after each use with warm soapy water.

ZH 如何激活LARQ Bottle PureVis?

EN How do I turn on the LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH 点按LARQ Bottle PureVis杯盖一次,仅需60秒即,即享纯净水质。

EN Press the LARQ Bottle PureVis cap once to activate it and in 60 seconds you'll have brilliantly clean water to drink.

ZH 长按LARQ Bottle PureVis杯盖持续5秒,至白光渐强并闪烁即可。

EN Hold down the LARQ Bottle PureVis cap for 5 seconds until you see a white light glow gradually and flash.

ZH 在旅行模式下,自净化模式将被禁用。如需长期不使用LARQ Bottle PureVis或节省电量,推荐使用旅行模式。

EN Travel Mode deactivates Self-Cleaning Mode, and is recommended if you are storing your LARQ Bottle PureVis for an extended period of time or to conserve battery life.

ZH 如何关闭/开启LARQ Bottle PureVis的旅行模式?

EN How do I turn off/turn on Travel Mode the LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH 按住LARQ Bottle PureVis杯盖5 -10秒,直至白灯闪烁即可。

EN Hold down the LARQ Bottle PureVis cap for 5 -10 seconds until you see a white light flash.

ZH LED灯如何照射到LARQ Bottle PureVis的顶部?

EN How does the LED reach the top of the LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH LARQ Bottle Movement为单壁构造,为轻巧便携而生,无保冷或保热功能;但可装冰水,更可以冷藏。请勿将热水倒入该杯。

EN The LARQ Bottle Movement is a lighter, single-walled bottle that will not keep beverages cold or hot, however, it can accommodate cold water and even be refrigerated. DO NOT put hot water into this bottle.

ZH 如何了解LARQ Bottle PureVis是否正常工作?

EN How do I know if the LARQ Bottle PureVis is working properly?

ZH 如果LARQ Bottle PureVis已充电完成,但无法正常工作或出现错误,无法进入普通或探险模式,LED指示灯将给予提示。

EN If your LARQ Bottle PureVis is charged and is not working correctly or has encountered an error, it will not enter Normal or Adventure mode and will alert you with an LED light indicator.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis使用多久需要充电?如何得知电池电量不足?

EN How often does the LARQ Bottle PureVis need to be charged? How will I know when the battery is low?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis使用多久后需要更换?

EN How often do I need to replace the LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis是否防水?

EN Is the LARQ Bottle PureVis water resistant?

ZH LARQ Bottle Movement为单层非绝缘构造,在盛放冰水、冰块或冷藏时,可能会出现凝结。

EN The LARQ Bottle Movement may sweat when filled with extremely cold water, ice, or refrigerated due to its single-wall non-insulated construction.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis使用的是哪类电池?

EN What type of battery is used in the LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis使用的是锂聚合物电池,类似于智能手机使用的电池。

EN The LARQ Bottle PureVis uses a Li-Polymer battery, similar to one you would find in your smart phone.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis的大小和重量是多少?

EN What is the LARQ Bottle PureVis size and how much will it weigh?

ZH 对于LARQ Bottle,刻度线大约位于LARQ Bottle上部中间处(图中#4所示),稍低于杯体曲线部分。

EN For the LARQ Bottle, the fill line is approximately the middle of the top portion of the LARQ Bottle (indicated as #4 in the diagram), just below where the curve begins.

ZH 是否可将碱性水倒入LARQ Bottle PureVis?

EN Can I use alkaline water in my LARQ Bottle PureVis?

ZH 可以,您可将碱性水倒入LARQ Bottle PureVis,不会影响UV-C紫外线LED杀菌效果,也不会影响碱性水中的矿物质或酸含量。

EN Yes, you can put alkaline water in the LARQ Bottle PureVis and it should not impact the efficacy of the UV-C LED technology, nor will it impact the mineral or acid levels in alkaline water.

ZH 可以将热水倒入LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis中吗?

EN Can I put hot water in the LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis是否经过测试?

EN Has the LARQ Bottle PureVis been tested?

ZH LARQ采用的UV-C LED 紫外线杀菌技术已通过独立的第三方实验室测试,且LARQ Bottle PureVis亦可抑制大肠杆菌滋生。该实验室由美国FDA认证!通过科技页面了解更多信息。

EN The UV-C LED technology inside LARQ has been tested by independent third-party labs and the LARQ Bottle PureVis is effective against E. Coli. Learn more on our Technology Page.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis的净化原理是什么?

EN How does the LARQ Bottle PureVis work?

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis安全吗?

EN Is the LARQ Bottle PureVis safe to use?

ZH 由于LARQ Bottle Movement采用单壁不锈钢结构,可通过冷藏使饮品保持冰爽。

EN The LARQ Bottle Movement PureVis may be refrigerated to keep the contents cold due to its single-wall stainless steel construction.

ZH LARQ Bottle PureVis中是否可盛放水果? 有何后果?

EN Can I put fruits in the LARQ Bottle PureVis? What will happen?

ZH 我们正在为您打造独一无二的LARQ Bottle!在标准配送时间的基础上,额外还需最多一周的时间对您的订单进行个性化处理。

EN We're making your LARQ Bottle extra special! Please allow up to a week for your order to be personalized in addition to our standard shipping.

ZH 局部净化或用湿布擦拭。取下LARQ Bottle Movement护套后,可将护套放入洗碗机*中。

EN Spot clean or wipe with a damp cloth. You may also put the LARQ Bottle Movement sleeve in the dishwasher* after removing it from your bottle.

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