"slack" का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद करें

चीनी से अंग्रेज़ी वाक्यांश "slack" के 50 अनुवादों में से 50 दिखाया जा रहा है

{खोज} का चीनी से अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद


ZH Freshdesk-Slack 整合可讓您的支援團隊在 Slack 管道內順暢地進行工單協同合作、取得對話更新作為私人工單備註,以及將 Slack DM 轉換為支援工單。

EN The Freshdesk-Slack integration enables your support teams to collaborate on tickets seamlessly within Slack channels, get conversation updates as private ticket notes, and convert Slack DMs into support tickets.

ZH 按照此处的说明在 Statuspage 中启用 Slack 订阅。了解更多。要在 Slack 中获取 Statuspage 更新,请将 Statuspage 应用添加到 Slack 工作区。

EN Here’s how to enable Slack subscriptions on your Statuspage. Learn more. To get Statuspage updates in Slack, add the Statuspage app to your Slack workspace.

ZH 將應用程式新增到 Slack | 應用程式和整合 | Slack App Directory

EN Add Apps to Slack | Apps and Integrations | Slack App Directory

ZH 有了 Slack,无需不断搜寻文档和电子邮件,可在需要的时候获得想要的内容。通过 Slack 进行编辑、查看和评论。

EN Use Slack to remove the constant hunt through documents and emails to get what you need, when you need it. Edit, view, and comment from Slack.

ZH 1Password Slack 應用程式可以在您的團隊有事件發生時自動在 Slack 中發布訊息,例如當新的團隊成員加入或有人在新裝置上登入時。

EN The 1Password Slack app can automatically post messages in Slack when events happen on your team, like when new team members join or when someone signs in on a new device.

ZH 1Password Slack 应用可以在您的团队有事件发生时自动在 Slack 中发布消息,例如当新的团队成员加入或有人在新设备上登录时。

EN The 1Password Slack app can automatically post messages in Slack when events happen on your team, like when new team members join or when someone signs in on a new device.

ZH 將應用程式新增到 Slack | 應用程式和整合 | Slack App Directory

EN Add apps to Slack | Apps and integrations | Slack App Directory

ZH 1Password Slack 應用程式可以在您的團隊有事件發生時自動在 Slack 中發布訊息,例如當新的團隊成員加入或有人在新裝置上登入時。

EN The 1Password Slack app can automatically post messages in Slack when events happen on your team, like when new team members join or when someone signs in on a new device.

ZH # 你的 slack webhook 地址,请参考:https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks

EN # the address of your slack webhook, please refer to: https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks

ZH 通过集成 Slack 和 Atlassian,“在 Confluence 页面或 InVision 中写下的每个评论都可以推送到 Slack,这样我们就可以获得实时更新。”

EN With the Slack and Atlassian integrations, “Every comment someone makes on the Confluence page or in InVision gets pushed to Slack, so we get real-time updates.”

ZH 通过 Atlassian 和 Slack 的每次集成,您和您的团队可以从 Atlassian 项目中获得与您最相关的实时 Slack 通知。

EN With each of Atlassian and Slack’s integrations, you and your teams can get real-time Slack notifications from Atlassian projects that are most relevant to you.

ZH 借助 Atlassian 和 Slack,您可以持续推动工作 – 打开 Jira 工作单,在 Confluence 评论中提供反馈或通过 Bitbucket 拉取请求来推动同事 – 所有操作均可直接在 Slack 中执行。

EN With Atlassian and Slack, you can keep your work moving forward – open Jira tickets, respond with feedback in a Confluence comment or nudge your colleagues on Bitbucket pull requests – all directly from Slack.

ZH 有了 Slack,无需不断搜寻文档和电子邮件,可在需要的时候获得想要的内容。通过 Slack 进行编辑、查看和评论。

EN Use Slack to remove the constant hunt through documents and emails to get what you need, when you need it. Edit, view, and comment from Slack.

ZH 1Password Slack 应用可以在您的团队有事件发生时自动在 Slack 中发布消息,例如当新的团队成员加入或有人在新设备上登录时。

EN The 1Password Slack app can automatically post messages in Slack when events happen on your team, like when new team members join or when someone signs in on a new device.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 有了 Slack Direct Messages,您的商業合作夥伴、員工與客戶就能向您的 Slack 用戶名傳訊以開啟對話。 所有團隊皆可在 Zendesk 內管理所有互動,以利追蹤與答覆。

EN With Slack Direct Messages, your business partners, employees and customers can message your Slack handle to start a conversation. Teams can manage all interactions within Zendesk for easy tracking and answering.

ZH 我们的 Free 计划可让您访问 100 位订阅者、2 名团队成员、2 个指标、电子邮件通知、Slack 通知以及我们的 REST API。

EN Our Free plan gives you access to 100 subscribers, 2 team members, 2 metrics, email notifications, Slack notifications, and our REST API.

ZH 取得報告、開始通話、提交票證還有其他更多:就在 Slack 中。

EN Pull reports, start calls, file tickets, and more — right within Slack.

ZH 直接在 Slack 或 Microsoft Teams 中捕获、跟踪和解决员工请求。为常见问题设置自动答案。

EN Capture, track, and resolve employee requests directly in Slack or Microsoft Teams. Set up automated answers for frequently asked questions.

ZH Slack 和 Microsoft 团队的对话式开单。在您的团队的工作地会面,免除他们的舟车劳顿。

EN Conversational Ticketing for Slack and Microsoft Teams. Meet your team where they work, not the other way around.

ZH 利用适用于所有 Jira 产品的无代码自动化,为团队赋能。自动分配任务、发送 Slack 消息等。现在有数百个模板可以帮助您入门。

EN Power up your team with no-code automation that works across all Jira products. Auto-assign tasks, send Slack messages, and much more. Now with hundreds of templates to help you get started.

ZH “当我看到它 (Halp) 时,我就问要在哪里注册?我们怎样才能获取它?因为,这就是我想要做的。自从我第一天加入 Slack,我就想要这款工具。”企业技术运营高级经理 Josh Senick 说道。

EN "The second I saw it(Halp), I said where do I sign? How do we get this, because this is exactly what I want to do. This is the tool I’ve been wanting since my first day at Slack" - Josh Senick, Senior Manager, Business Technology Operations

ZH 将状态更新传入 Slack 中,确保工程、IT 和运维团队在解决手头事件时保持相同进度。将您的页面与 VictorOps、PagerDuty、OpsGenie 和 xMatters 等工具集成,以实现 IT 自动化通信。

EN Pipe status updates into Slack to keep engineering, IT, and Ops teams on the same page as they work to resolve the incident at hand. Integrate your page with tools like VictorOps, PagerDuty, OpsGenie, and xMatters to automate your IT communicaton. 

ZH 连接 Slack,在事件响应期间保持同步

EN Connect Slack to stay in sync during incident response

ZH 应对事件时,聊天室常常成为中央指挥中心。将状态更新发送到指定的 Slack 通道,可以确保所有人保持同步。

EN Chat often becomes the central command center during incident response. Pipe status updates into designated Slack channels to keep everyone on the same page.

ZH 切換瀏覽器很麻煩沒錯,但我們希望你的 Slack 體驗快速、安全而且是最棒的。

EN We know it's a hassle to switch browsers, but we want your experience of Slack to be fast, secure, and the best it can possibly be.

ZH 若要繼續,請切換到支援的瀏覽器,或下載桌面應用程式,以獲得最佳 Slack 體驗

EN To continue, please switch to a supported browser, or — for the finest Slack experience — download the desktop app

ZH Halp 可将内部请求管理转变为对话模式。Halp 是一款现代化的轻量级服务台,适合青睐 Slack 和 Microsoft Teams 的人员。

EN Halp makes internal request management conversational. It’s a modern, lightweight help desk for humans who love Slack and Microsoft Teams.

ZH InVision 如何借助 Atlassian 和 Slack 实现工具集中化并扩展其远程团队

EN How InVision centralized their tools and scaled their remote team with Atlassian and Slack

ZH ServiceBot 可透過 Slack 與 MS 協助管理事件與服務要求。藉由團隊協助解決工單、取得即時更新,以及快速回應,一切盡在您所喜愛的協同合作工具中。

EN ServiceBot helps manage incidents and service requests through Slack and MS Teams. Resolve tickets with your team’s help, get instant updates, and respond quickly, all within your favorite collaboration tools.

ZH Freshsales Suite - Slack 整合可簡化銷售人員的協同合作、取得他們在 CRM 內所需的適當協助,讓其專注於手邊工作以提高效率,進而快速促成交易。

EN The Freshsales Suite - Slack integration simplifies collaboration for salespeople, getting them all the help they need right within the CRM, so they can focus on what they do best: close, close, close.

ZH 讓您的支援、IT 與 CRM 團隊直接在 Slack 針對工單、事件及交易進行順暢無礙的協同合作。

EN Get your Support, IT and CRM teams to collaborate seamlessly on tickets, incidents, deals right within Slack.

ZH 資料管理更新、在 Slack 中接收 Tableau 通知與個人空間

EN Data management updates, Tableau notifications in Slack and Personal Space

ZH 歡迎閱讀我們的發佈公告,其中涵蓋了此版本中的所有新功能,包含資料管理更新、在 Slack 中接收 Tableau 通知與個人空間。

EN Read up on our launch announcement covering all the new features in this release, including new updates to data management, Tableau notifications in Slack and Personal Space.

ZH Slack 中接收 Tableau 通知,隨時掌握資料的最新狀況。

EN Stay up to date on your data with Tableau notifications in Slack.

ZH Slack 為優先考量的分析技術能讓資料成為每個對話的核心,並直接在工作流程中為您提供見解。

EN Put data at the centre of every conversation and get insights right in the flow of work with Slack-first analytics.

ZH 1Password 與 Azure AD、Okta、OneLogin 和 Slack 整合,讓您可以使用已經信任的系統佈建員工。

EN 1Password integrates with Azure AD, Okta, OneLogin, and Slack so you can provision employees using the systems you already trust.

ZH 1Password 與 Azure AD、Okta、OneLogin、Rippling 和 Slack 整合,讓您可以使用已經信任的系統自動佈建員工。

EN 1Password integrates with Azure AD, Okta, OneLogin, Rippling, and Slack so you can automatically provision employees using the systems you already trust.

ZH 在發生重要的 1Password 事件時獲得 Slack 通知。 在新團隊成員加入時,或有人在新裝置登入時,查看待定的團隊確認和恢復請求。

EN Get notifications in Slack when important 1Password events happen. See pending team confirmations and recoveries, when new team members join, or when someone signs in on a new device.

ZH 支持 Zoom、Meet、Teams、Skype、Slack、Google Chrome、Cisco Webex 等。无需运行任何特殊命令。

EN Supports Zoom, Meet, Teams, Skype, Slack, Google Chrome, Cisco Webex and many others. No need to run any special commands.

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