Traducir "simple hosting" a Inglés

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Tradución de Chinés a Inglés de simple hosting


ZH 每個 Simple Hosting 代管方案都包含 50GB 的儲存空間,您可以根據需求最高擴增至 1TB。如您所見,Simple Hosting 代管服務非常彈性,可以調整規格及自訂設定,盡可能滿足您的需求。

EN Each of our Simple Hosting plans comes with 50GB of storage space, which may be upgraded to up to 1TB. As you can see, it is a very flexible offer that allows for a great deal of customization in order to fit your needs as best as possible.

ZH 如果您在存取 Simple Hosting 主機時遇到困難,可以在 Gandi 網站上的 Simple Hosting 主機管理頁面上找到安裝 WordPress 的相關登入資訊, 如果您的問題還是沒有解決,請隨時聯絡 Gandi 客服團隊。

EN The login information related to your WordPress hosting installation is available on the administration page of your Simple Hosting instance on Gandi's website. If you are totally stuck, you can always contact our support team.

ZH 如果您在存取 Simple Hosting 主機時遇到困難,可以在 Gandi 網站上的 Simple Hosting 主機管理頁面上找到安裝 WordPress 的相關登入資訊, 如果您的問題還是沒有解決,請隨時聯絡 Gandi 客服團隊。

EN The login information related to your WordPress hosting installation is available on the administration page of your Web Hosting instance on Gandi's website. If you are totally stuck, you can always contact our support team.

ZH 在您的 Simple Hosting 主機上輕鬆安裝 Nextcloud

EN Easily install your Nextcloud file storage platform on a Gandi Simple Hosting instance

ZH 建立網站:使用 Gandi 的 Simple Hosting 服務,您可以一鍵安裝 WordPress 網站,或是在可以彈性調整的網頁代管主機上佈署任何 PHP、Python 或 Node.js 網站 。

EN Create a website. Thanks to our Simple Hosting solution, you can install your WordPress website with just a few clicks, or deploy your PHP, Python, Node.js site on our flexible Web Hosting service.

ZH 選擇您的網頁代管( Simple Hosting )方案

EN Choose your Simple Hosting plan

ZH 如果您想要尋找一個方便儲存與分享照片的方法,請選擇 Simple Hosting M 方案。

EN For when you want to have an easy way to store your files and photos on the cloud. Choose the M Simple Hosting plan.

ZH 若您需要簡單與可靠的方法分享檔案或照片給其他人,請選擇 Simple Hosting L 方案。

EN For when you need a simple and reliable solution for storing documents and sharing them with others. Choose the L Simple Hosting plan.

ZH Simple Hosting Prestashop 代管服務—簡單、彈性與高品質的 Prestashop 代管服務 —

EN Simple Hosting for Prestashop – Simple, flexible and high quality Prestashop hosting —

ZH Simple hosting 的 WordPress 代管服務 —

EN Simple Hosting for your WordPress website —

ZH 選擇適合您 Prestashop 的 Simple Hosting 代管方案

EN Choose the Simple Hosting plan that is right for your Prestashop

ZH 所有網頁代管( Simple Hosting )的主機方案都包含

EN Included with all WordPress hosting plans

ZH 您可以根據網頁流量,彈性調整 Simple Hosting 服務的主機規格。

EN Our Simple Hosting solution is very flexible and can evolve with your activity.

ZH WordPress 的 Simple Hosting 主機能自動安裝 WordPress,並且自動連結到您的網域名稱。

EN Our WordPress Simple Hosting solution takes care of the installation of your WordPress site, and links it to your domain name at Gandi.

ZH Simple Hosting 的 WordPress 主機會使用最新的 PHP 版本與 MySQL 資料庫,以確保您的網站兼容性與安全。

EN Simple Hosting is a cheap web hosting option you can use for WordPress hosting. These WordPress hosting instances are configured with recent versions of PHP and MySQL in order to guarantee the highest level of compatibility and security for your site.

ZH Simple Hosting 主機方案皆包含

EN Included with all Gandi Simple Web Hosting plans

ZH 請選擇您要使用的 Simple Hosting 方案來代管您的 WordPress。 我們建議使用中型方案

EN Choose the cheap web hosting plan that you want to use for your Simple Hosting WordPress hosting. We recommend the M pack as the perfect balance of cheap web hosting and powerful, flexible features.

ZH Prestashop 的 Simple Hosting 主機方案皆包含

EN Included with all of the Simple Hosting for Prestashop plans

ZH 如何在 Simple Hosting 主機上安裝 Prestashop 呢?

EN How to install Prestashop on Simple Hosting?

ZH 您可以在 Simple Hosting 的管理介面中找到 WordPress 的登入資訊,如果您無法找到登入資訊,請與我們的 客服團隊聯絡。

EN The login information related to your WordPress hosting installation is available on the administration page of your Simple Hosting instance on Gandi's website. If you are totally stuck, you can always contact our support team.

ZH 如果您想要使用其它內容管理系統,例如 Drupal 或 Joomla 等,您可以手動安裝在 Simple Hosting 上,不會有任何問題。

EN If you want to use another content management service such as Drupal, Joomla, etc. you can install them manually on a cheap web hosting instance without any problem.

ZH Gandi 的 Simple Hosting 服務與傳統的共享主機代管服務有什麼差異呢?

EN What is the difference between Gandi Simple Hosting and a traditional shared-hosting offer?

ZH 我的 Gandi Simple Hosting 主機可以代管不只 1 個網站嗎?

EN Can I host more than one site on the same Gandi Simple Hosting instance?

ZH Gandi 雲伺服器與 Simple Hosting 主機有何不同?

EN What is the difference between a Gandi Cloud server and a Simple Hosting instance ?

ZH 雲伺服器是完整的虛擬機器,而 Simple Hosting 是建立在 Linux 容器技術之上的服務。您可以取得最高權限管理員的帳號並且依照您的需求設定伺服器。

EN A Cloud server is a complete virtual machine, whereas a Simple Hosting instance is based on a Linux container. It is your server to which you have root access and one on which you may (and must) configure to meet your needs.

ZH 選擇您的 Simple Hosting 方案

EN Choose your Simple Hosting plan

ZH 我能在 Simple Hosting 主機上使用 SSL 憑證嗎?

EN Can I use an SSL certificate on my Simple Hosting instance?

ZH Gandi 的 Simple Hosting 代管服務有什麼功能呢?

EN What features come with Gandi's Simple Hosting offer?

ZH 購買12個月的網頁代管主機(Simple Hosting)方案,即可免費註冊1個 .FR 域名

EN A .fr domain name for free for all 12-month Simple Hosting purchases

ZH 若您要在 Python Simple Hosting 主機上建置更多的網站和網頁應用程式,或是您的網站流量開始增加了,您可以隨時升級至更大的方案,且不需中斷伺服器運作。

EN If you want to deploy more websites and web apps onto your Python Simple Hosting instance, or if your website traffic starts to increase, you can upgrade to a larger plan at any time without any server downtime.

ZH 我能彈性調整 Simple Hosting 方案來滿足我的需求嗎?

EN Can I customize Gandi’s Simple Hosting solution to suit my needs?

ZH 借助 PaaS 代管服務,您只須要建立一個 Gandi 帳號,建立 Simple Hosting 主機,並立即選擇您要使用的工具,完全不須擔心後端如何設定與運作。

EN With this solution, you can create an account at Gandi, generate a Simple Hosting instance, and instantly be provided with all the tools you’re perfectly comfortable working with, without ever worrying about any of the programs running in the back-end.

ZH 只要您的域名是在 Gandi 註冊的,您所有的 Simple Hosting 主機都享有 1 個免費的 SSL 憑證;無論您的域名是在 Gandi 註冊,或是經由其他域名註冊商註冊的,都可以很容易地連結至您的網站。

EN All of our Simple Hosting offers also include a free SSL certificate for each of the domain names you host with us. These domain names may be purchased directly on Gandi or via another provider, and they can be easily linked to your websites.

ZH 使用 Gandi Simple Hosting 主機的顧客,可以享有免費的標準型 SSL 憑證,系統會自動為您安裝至您主機的所有網站上。

EN Customers who have a Simple Hosting instance can also benefit from a free, standard certificate that can be automatically installed on each of the sites you've defined in your instance.

ZH 至您的 Simple Hosting 的管理面板,點選欲保護之網站所在的代管主機

EN Go to your Simple Hosting admin page, select the instance where you have the site you want to secure

ZH 購買 Simple Hosting 方案附贈的免費 SSL 憑證是什麼?

EN What is the free SSL Certificate that is included with every Simple Hosting plan?

ZH PHP 8.0 版正式上线,即日起您可以在 Simple Hosting 建立主机并使用此新版本!

EN The new Gandi servers based on OpenStack is now available.

ZH 使用 Simple Hosting 來建立您的 WordPress

EN Host your WordPress with Simple Hosting

ZH 便宜的 Simple Hosting 代管服務可以代管 WordPress 網站,您可以設定 WordPress 代管主機使用最新版本的 PHP 以及 MySQL,確保您網站擁有最高程度的相容性與安全性。

EN Simple Hosting is a cheap web hosting option you can use for WordPress hosting. These WordPress hosting instances are configured with recent versions of PHP and MySQL in order to guarantee the highest level of compatibility and security for your site.

ZH 選擇合乎您需求的 Simple Hosting WordPress 代管方案,推薦您選用中型 M 方案,其為性能適中的主機,日後有需要再隨時調整方案。

EN Choose the cheap web hosting plan that you want to use for your Simple Hosting WordPress hosting. We recommend the M pack as the perfect balance of cheap web hosting and powerful, flexible features.

ZH 首次購買 Simple Hosting 享 50% 折扣

EN 50% off the purchase of your first hosting

ZH 如果您是此域名的所有權人,您可以 移轉到 Gandi。 在移轉後,您可以擁有 2 個 3GB 的電子信箱、 首年 SSL 憑證免費與首次 Simple Hosting 結帳 半價優惠。

EN If you manage this domain name, you can easily transfer it to Gandi. By transferring, you will benefit from two 3GB Mailboxes, a standard 1-address SSL certificate for free, and 50% off your first purchase of our web hosting offer.

ZH Simple Hosting PrestaShop 代管服務內容

EN Included with all of the Simple Hosting for Prestashop plans

ZH 如果您想要找一個方便儲存檔案與照片的雲端硬碟,請選擇 Simple Hosting 中型 M 方案。

EN For when you want to have an easy way to store your files and photos on the cloud. Choose the M Simple Hosting plan.

ZH 若您需要簡單與可靠的方法,來儲存與分享檔案,請選擇 Simple Hosting 大型 L 方案。

EN For when you need a simple and reliable solution for storing documents and sharing them with others. Choose the L Simple Hosting plan.

ZH 若您要尋找能儲存檔案並與團隊成員協作的方法,請選擇 Simple Hosting 超特大型 XXL 方案。

EN For when you need a solution for storing and collaborating on work documents with team members or customers.

ZH Simple Hosting Nextcloud 代管服務內容

EN Included with all the Nextcloud Simple Hosting plans

ZH Gandi 雲主機 (雲端伺服器) 與 Simple Hosting 主機的差別是什麼?

EN What is the difference between a Gandi Cloud server and a Simple Hosting instance ?

ZH 雲端伺服器是完整的虛擬機器,而 Simple Hosting 主機是建立在 Linux 容器技術之上的服務。針對雲端伺服器,如果您擁有最高權限,您就能依照您的需求設定伺服器。

EN A Cloud server is a complete virtual machine, whereas a Simple Hosting instance is based on a Linux container. It is your server to which you have root access and one on which you may (and must) configure to meet your needs.

ZH 使用 Matomo 精準分析您網站的訪客活動與流量,同時控制您的數據。與 WordPress 和 PrestaShop 相容,也可以在 Simple Hosting 主機上自動安裝!

EN Accurately analyze the visits and actions of your visitors on your site(s), while keeping control of your data, thanks to Matomo.Compatble with WordPress and PrestaShop, which are also available on Simple Hosting as automatic installations!

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