Traducir "ddos" a Inglés

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Tradución de Chinés a Inglés de ddos


ZH 使用 Cloudflare 的高级 DDoS 缓解功能,预防您的 Minecraft 服务器遭受 DDoS 攻击。在 2021 年,Cloudflare 缓解了有史以来最大规模的 DDoS 攻击,峰值高达每秒 1720 万次请求。

EN Prevent your Minecraft server from being DDoSed with Cloudflare's Advanced DDoS Mitigation. In 2021 Cloudflare mitigated the largest DDoS attack in history coming in at 17.2 million requests per second.

ZH Cloudflare DDoS 保護 | DDoS 緩解 | Cloudflare

EN Cloudflare DDoS Protection & Mitigation | Cloudflare

ZH 在 Gartner 的 2020 年「DDoS 雲端清理中心解決方案比較」報告(*2)中,Cloudflare 在 23 項評估標準上獲得「高分」的數量勝於其他 6 家 DDoS 廠商

EN Cloudflare has received the most number of ‘High’ ratings as compared to the other 6 DDoS vendors across 23 assessment criteria in Gartner’s 2020 ‘Solution Comparison for DDoS Cloud Scrubbing Centers’ report(*2)

ZH 1「IDC MarketScape:2019 年全球 DDoS 預防解決方案廠商評估」,由 Martha Vazquez 撰寫,2019 年 3 月,IDC #US43699318。此報告可從以下網址存取:

EN 1 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide DDoS Prevention Solutions 2019 Vendor Assessment, by Martha Vazquez, March 2019, IDC #US43699318. Access the report at

ZH 3「Forrester Wave™:DDoS 緩解解決方案,2021 年第一季」,Forrester Research, Inc.,2021 年 3 月 3 日。此報告可從以下網址存取:

EN 3 Forrester Wave™: DDoS Mitigation Solutions, Q1 2021, Forrester Research, Inc., March 3, 2021. Access the report at

ZH 遊戲公司經常容易遭受 DDoS 攻擊。依賴於自訂 TCP 和 UDP 通訊協定的遊戲平台需要更多資源來抵禦 DDoS 攻擊。

EN Gaming companies are often vulnerable to DDoS attacks. Game platforms that rely on custom TCP and UDP communication protocols require even more resources to secure against DDoS attacks.

ZH 為您所有的 TCP/UDP 應用程式提供 DDoS 防禦保護。 為您的自訂化遊戲應用程式帶來 DDoS 保護以及更快的效能

EN Get DDoS protection for all your TCP/UDP applications. Give your custom game applications DDoS protection with fast performance

ZH Rackspace DDoS 保護 | DDoS 緩解 | Cloudflare

EN Rackspace Technology + CloudflareProtection | Cloudflare

ZH 2. 「IDC MarketScape:2019 年全球 DDoS 預防解決方案廠商評估」,由 Martha Vazquez 撰寫,2019 年 3 月,IDC #US43699318。此報告可從以下網址存取:

EN 2. IDC MarketScape: Worldwide DDoS Prevention Solutions 2019 Vendor Assessment, by Martha Vazquez, March 2019, IDC #US43699318. Access the report at

ZH 3. 「Forrester Wave™:DDoS 緩解解決方案,2021 年第一季」,Forrester Research, Inc.,2021 年 3 月 3 日。此報告可從以下網址存取:

EN 3. Forrester Wave™: DDoS Mitigation Solutions, Q1 2021, Forrester Research, Inc., March 3, 2021. Access the report at

ZH 受 Cloudflare 所保護的來源受益於 100 Tbps Tbps 的 DDoS 緩解效能,比最大的 DDoS 攻擊還大上 23x 倍,以及來自全球約 2500 萬受保護網際網路資產的安全性深入解析。

EN Origins protected with Cloudflare benefit from 100 Tbps of DDoS mitigation capacity, 23x bigger than the largest DDoS attack, and the security insights derived from approximately 25 million protected Internet properties worldwide.

ZH 2021年上半年的 威胁报告在这里。 从自适应 DDoS 攻击策略到新的 DDoS 攻击载体的激增,威胁源起方在快速创新方面层出不尽。阅读有关我们不断变化的威胁形势的最新信息。 探索报告

EN The 1H 2021 Threat Report is here. From adaptive DDoS attack strategies to an explosion of new DDoS attack vectors, threat actors thrive on rapid innovation. Read the latest on our constantly changing threat landscape. Explore report

ZH AED 提供一流的 DDoS 防护。AED 可拦截高达 40Gbps 的 DDoS 攻击,并且由于其采用无状态数据包处理技术,可阻止针对和影响 NGFW 等有状态设备的 TCP 状态耗尽攻击。

EN AED offers best in class DDoS protection. AED can stop DDoS attacks as large as 40 Gbps and due to its stateless packet processing technology, AED can stop TCP-state exhaustion attacks that target and impact stateful devices such as NGFWs.

ZH AED 的 Cloud Signaling 功能可自动将大流量 DDoS 攻击路由到 NETSCOUT 的 Arbor Cloud 全球清洗中心进行缓解,提供混合 DDoS 防护的行业最佳实践。

EN AED's Cloud Signaling can automatically route large DDoS attacks to one of NETSCOUT’s Arbor Cloud global scrubbing centers for mitigation – offering the industry best practice of hybrid DDoS protection.

ZH AED 可阻止所有类型的 DDoS 攻击,应当部署在防火墙之前,以保护防火墙及后端服务免受 DDoS 攻击。

EN Because AED can stop all types of DDoS attacks, it should be deployed in front of your firewalls to protect them and the services behind them from DDoS attacks.

ZH 使用世界第一的 DDoS 防護解決方案來保護網站。獲得擴展分析和 DDoS 警報。

EN Protect your site with the world’s #1 ranked DDoS mitigation solution. Enjoy extended analytics and DDoS alerts.

ZH You need more than the best hardware and support. Reliability means security, and that’s why our 专属服务器 are security hardened at delivery and include free DDoS mitigation capable of repelling all known DDoS attacks.

EN You need more than the best hardware and support. Reliability means security, and that’s why our Dedicated Servers are security hardened at delivery and include free DDoS mitigation capable of repelling all known DDoS attacks.

ZH 在 Gartner 的 2020 年「DDoS 雲端清理中心解決方案比較」報告(*2)中,Cloudflare 在 23 項評估標準上獲得「高分」的數量勝於其他 6 家 DDoS 廠商

EN Cloudflare has received the most number of ‘High’ ratings as compared to the other 6 DDoS vendors across 23 assessment criteria in Gartner’s 2020 ‘Solution Comparison for DDoS Cloud Scrubbing Centers’ report(*2)

ZH 1「IDC MarketScape:2019 年全球 DDoS 預防解決方案廠商評估」,由 Martha Vazquez 撰寫,2019 年 3 月,IDC #US43699318。此報告可從以下網址存取:

EN 1 IDC MarketScape: Worldwide DDoS Prevention Solutions 2019 Vendor Assessment, by Martha Vazquez, March 2019, IDC #US43699318. Access the report at

ZH 3「Forrester Wave™:DDoS 緩解解決方案,2021 年第一季」,Forrester Research, Inc.,2021 年 3 月 3 日。此報告可從以下網址存取:

EN 3 Forrester Wave™: DDoS Mitigation Solutions, Q1 2021, Forrester Research, Inc., March 3, 2021. Access the report at

ZH You need more than the best hardware and support. Reliability means security, and that’s why our 专属服务器 are security hardened at delivery and include free DDoS mitigation capable of repelling all known DDoS attacks.

EN You need more than the best hardware and support. Reliability means security, and that’s why our Dedicated Servers are security hardened at delivery and include free DDoS mitigation capable of repelling all known DDoS attacks.

ZH AED 提供一流的 DDoS 防护。AED 可拦截高达 40Gbps 的 DDoS 攻击,并且由于其采用无状态数据包处理技术,可阻止针对和影响 NGFW 等有状态设备的 TCP 状态耗尽攻击。

EN AED offers best in class DDoS protection. AED can stop DDoS attacks as large as 40 Gbps and due to its stateless packet processing technology, AED can stop TCP-state exhaustion attacks that target and impact stateful devices such as NGFWs.

ZH AED 的 Cloud Signaling 功能可自动将大流量 DDoS 攻击路由到 NETSCOUT 的 Arbor Cloud 全球清洗中心进行缓解,提供混合 DDoS 防护的行业最佳实践。

EN AED's Cloud Signaling can automatically route large DDoS attacks to one of NETSCOUT’s Arbor Cloud global scrubbing centers for mitigation – offering the industry best practice of hybrid DDoS protection.

ZH AED 可阻止所有类型的 DDoS 攻击,应当部署在防火墙之前,以保护防火墙及后端服务免受 DDoS 攻击。

EN Because AED can stop all types of DDoS attacks, it should be deployed in front of your firewalls to protect them and the services behind them from DDoS attacks.

ZH Hersh 补充道,“一些 DDoS 攻击减慢了门户的速度。将 Access 置于其前方,不仅有助于防止 DDoS 攻击和潜在停机时间,还能使商家登录更加安全。”

EN “Some DDoS attacks were slowing the portal,” Hersh adds. “Putting Access in front of it helped prevent DDoS attacks and potential downtime, and it also made merchant logins more secure.”

ZH 他们并非唯一的受害者。2019 年《美国信号网络状况和 DDoS 攻击调查》对 101 家组织的调查结果显示,在过去两年中,超过 80% 的受访者曾面临 DDoS 攻击,超过 50% 曾在多种情况下遭受攻击。

EN “High news consumption and surges in traffic from breaking news means that media companies are constantly at risk or under a DDoS attack,” Szmajda explains.

ZH FortiDDoS 利用一系列已知的 DDoS 方法、建立多層方法來排解攻擊, 從而保護企業資料中心免受 DDoS 攻擊。

EN FortiDDoS defends enterprise data centers against DDoS attacks by leveraging an extensive collection of known DDoS methodologies, creating a multi-layered approach to mitigate attacks.

ZH DDoS 攻擊的非計量緩解,高達 100 Tbps 處理能力

EN Unmetered mitigation of DDoS attacks with up to 100 Tbps capacity

ZH 遭受 DDoS 攻擊? 我們提供您緊急保護救援 | Cloudflare

EN Under Attack? We Can Protect You in Emergency | Cloudflare

ZH Cloudflare 的 WordPress 免費外掛程式可加快頁面載入速度,改善 SEO 並抵抗 DDoS 攻擊和 WordPress 特定的漏洞。

EN Cloudflare’s free plugin for WordPress accelerates page load speeds, improves SEO, and protects against DDoS attacks and WordPress-specific vulnerabilities.

ZH WP Engine 的全球邊緣安全解決方案整合了 Cloudflare 的WAF、DDoS 和整頁 CDN,可在其 WordPress 平台上加速安全和高效能的企業數位體驗。

EN WP Engine’s Global Edge Security solution integrates Cloudflare’s WAF, DDoS, and full page CDN to accelerate secure and performant enterprise digital experiences on its WordPress platform.

Chinés Inglés
wp wp

ZH 利用全球 Anycast 網路最大限度地減少延遲並增強復原能力,該網路甚至可以毫不費力地阻止最大規模的 DDoS 攻擊。

EN Minimize latency and increase resiliency with a global Anycast network that can effortlessly stop even the largest DDoS attacks.

ZH Cloudflare 緩解了 1720 萬 rps 的最大 DDoS 攻擊

EN Cloudflare mitigated the largest DDoS attack recorded at 17.2 million rps

ZH Cloudflare DDOS 保護功能可以保護網站、應用程式及整個網路,同時確保合法流量的效能不受影響。

EN Cloudflare DDoS protection secures websites, applications, and entire networks while ensuring the performance of legitimate traffic is not compromised.

ZH 防禦最大規模的 DDoS 巨流量攻擊

EN DDoS resistant to the largest volumetric attacks

ZH Cloudflare 的 100 Tbps 網路平均每天封鎖 870 億個威脅,包括有史以來最大的多起 DDoS 攻擊事件。

EN Cloudflare’s 100 Tbps network blocks an average of 87 billion threats per day, including some of the largest DDoS attacks in history.

ZH FORRESTER WAVE™:DDoS 緩解解決方案,2021 年第一季

EN The Forrester Wave™: DDoS Mitigation Solutions, Q1 2021

ZH Forrester Research,Inc. 根據涉及目前產品、策略和市場佔有率的 28 條標準,評估了市場上 11 家最重要的 DDoS 緩解服務供應商。

EN Forrester Research, Inc. evaluated 11 of the most significant providers in the market for DDoS Mitigation based on 28-criteria across current offering, strategy, and market presence.

ZH 在「Forrester Wave™:DDoS 緩解解決方案,2021 年第一季」報告中,Cloudflare 被評為「領導者」。

EN In the report, “The Forrester Wave™: DDoS Mitigation Solutions, Q1 2021” Cloudflare was named a ‘Leader’.

ZH Forrester 的報告稱:「Cloudflare 從邊緣防範 DDoS 攻擊,而且反應迅速」,還指出,「客戶好評如潮,將 Cloudflare 的邊緣網路視為一種令人讚嘆的保護及傳遞應用程式的方式」。

EN According to Forrester, ‘Cloudflare protects against DDoS from the edge, and fast,’ and that ‘customer references view Cloudflare’s edge network as a compelling way to protect and deliver applications.’

ZH 根據 2019 年「IDC MarketScape:全球 DDoS 預防解決方案」(*1),Cloudflare 被授予「領導者」稱號

EN Cloudflare was named a “Leader” according to the 2019 ‘IDC MarketScape: Worldwide DDoS Prevention Solutions'(*1)

ZH Cloudflare 提供三種 DDoS 保護解決方案,旨在保護您的雲端和內部部署網路上的一切。

EN Cloudflare offers three DDoS protection solutions designed to protect everything on your cloud and on-premise networks.

ZH 封鎖任何規模和種類的 DDoS 攻擊

EN Block DDoS attacks of any size and kind

ZH 在 Cloudflare 跨越 100 個國家/地區 250 個城市的每個資料中心中,每一台伺服器都執行完整的 DDoS 緩解服務堆疊。

EN Every server in every Cloudflare data center that spans 250 cities across 100 countries runs the full stack of DDoS mitigation services.

ZH Cloudflare 集中化和分散式緩解系統彼此策應,在 __3 秒__以內聯合識別並緩解大多數 DDoS 攻擊。只需不到 1 秒,預先設定的靜態規則便可完成部署。

EN Cloudflare centralized and decentralized mitigation systems work in concert to identify and mitigate most DDoS attacks in under 3 seconds. Preconfigured static rules are deployed in less than 1 second.

ZH 準備試用我們的 DDoS 保護嗎?

EN Ready to try our DDoS protection?

ZH 2 Gartner「DDoS 雲端清理中心解決方案比較」,由 Thomas Lintemuth、Patrick Hevesi 和 Sushil Aryal 撰寫,2020 年 4 月 16 日。Gartner 訂閱者可從以下網址存取此報告:

EN 2 Gartner “Solution Comparison for DDoS Cloud Scrubbing Centers,” Thomas Lintemuth, Patrick Hevesi, Sushil Aryal, 16 April 2020. Gartner subscribers access the report at:

ZH Cloudflare 的機器人管理(Bot Management) 解決方案與其 WAF、DDoS 和 CDN 產品無縫集成,因此增強了安全性、使用者體驗和效能。

EN Cloudflare’s Bot Management solution seamlessly integrates with its WAF, DDoS and CDN products, enhancing security, user experience, and performance.

ZH Cloudflare 包含抵禦 DDoS 攻擊、客戶資料外洩和濫用傀儡程式的整合安全性服務,同時能防止效能取捨。

EN Cloudflare includes integrated security services to defend against DDoS attacks, customer data breaches, and abusive bots, while preventing performance trade-offs.

ZH Cloudflare 包含抵禦 DDoS 攻擊、客戶資料外洩和濫用機器人的整合安全性服務,同時能防止效能取捨。

EN Cloudflare includes integrated security services to defend against DDoS attacks, customer data breaches, and abusive bots, while preventing performance trade-offs.

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