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ZH MQTT MQTT 5 MQTT WebSocket 在线工具 免费公共的 MQTT 5 服务器

EN MQTT MQTT 5 MQTT WebSocket Toolkit Free Public MQTT 5 Broker

ZH XMeter MQTT X MQTT 测试 MQTT Websocket Toolkit 在线 MQTT 5 服务器

EN XMeter MQTT X MQTT Testing MQTT Websocket Toolkit Public MQTT 5 Broker

ZH 本文将以 MQTT.fx 作为 MQTT 客户端测试工具接入 EMQ X Cloud,通过本文你将能快速了解 MQTT.fx 的基础用法及 MQTT 协议的使用。

EN This article will give you a quick overview of the basic usage of the MQTT.fx, as well as the basic concepts and usage of the MQTT protocol.

ZH MQTT MQTT 5 MQTT WebSocket 在线工具 免费公共的 MQTT 5 服务器

EN MQTT MQTT 5 MQTT WebSocket Toolkit Free Public MQTT 5 Broker

ZH 通过开放标准物联网协议 MQTT、CoAP 和 LwM2M 连接任何设备。支持来自开源社区的所有 MQTT 客户端,如 Eclipse Paho 或定制的 MQTT 库。

EN Connect any device via the open standard IoT protocols MQTT, CoAP, and LwM2M. Compatible with all MQTT clients. Tested with open-source libraries like Eclipse Paho and custom-built MQTT clients.

ZH EMQ X MQTT 物联网云服务 提供了一个在线的 MQTT 服务器,您可以将它们用于 MQTT 学习、测试或原型制作

EN EMQ X MQTT IoT Cloud provides a free public MQTT broker server that can be used for MQTT learning, testing, or prototyping

ZH EMQ 提供了线上及跨平台的本地 MQTT 测试客户端工具供开发者使用,帮助开发者快速测试 MQTT 的订阅、消息发布/接收、连接/断开连接,及其他 MQTT 协议特性。

EN EMQ provides the online and cross-platform local MQTT test client tool for developers. It can help developers quickly test the subscription, publish/receive messages, connect/disconnect and other features of MQTT protocol.

ZH MQTT WebSocket Toolkit 是一款支持浏览器访问的线上 MQTT 客户端工具,它支持多客户端同时在线,同时还可保存 MQTT 连接配置信息方便多次测试。

EN MQTT WebSocket Toolkit is the MQTT client tool that supports accessing through the browser. It supports multi-client online at the same time, and saving the information of connecting configuration to facilitate multiple tests.

ZH MQTT X 是一款功能全面、界面简介的跨平台 MQTT 5.0 桌面测试客户端,它支持单/双向 SSL 认证、Payload 格式转换、MQTT over WebSocket、Topic 自定义颜色。

EN MQTT X is a cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop test client with comprehensive function and concise interface. It supports one-way/two-way SSL authentication, converting payload format, MQTT over WebSocket and custom topic color.

ZH OASIS MQTT 技术委员会为 MQTT 5.0 添加了大量的全新功能与特性,5.0 成为 MQTT 有史以来变化最大的一个版本。

EN Four years after the MQTT 3.1.1 has been released and became the OASIS standard, MQTT 5.0 was released, which is a significant improvement and upgrade.

ZH 本文将介绍如何在 Electron 项目中使用 MQTT,完成一个简单的 MQTT 桌面客户端并实现 MQTT 的连接、订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article will demonstrate how to use WebSocket to connect to MQTT broker and introduce technical points of interest to developers and solutions to common errors.

ZH EMQ X Cloud - MQTT 物联网云平台 提供了一个在线的 MQTT 服务器,您可以将它们用于 MQTT 学习、测试或原型制作。

EN EMQ X MQTT IoT Cloud provides a free public MQTT broker server that can be used for MQTT learning, testing, or prototyping.

ZH 100% 支持 MQTT v5.0 协议标准。完整支持 QoS0, 1 & 2 的 MQTT 消息投递。支持所有 MQTT 客户端和库(如 Eclipse Paho)。

EN 100% compliant with MQTT v5.0 standards. Frictionless integration with all the MQTT clients.

ZH MQTT X 是一款完全开源的 MQTT 5.0 跨平台桌面客户端,它简单易用且提供全面的 MQTT 功能、特性测试。

EN MQTT X provides comprehensive MQTT testing capabilities and helps you develop MQTT services and applications faster.

ZH 近日,MQTT 5.0 客户端工具 MQTT X 1.9.0 正式发布:命令行客户端新增了 bench 命令,帮助用户轻松完成 MQTT 服务的性能测试。

EN Through the platform data caching capability provided by shadow services, users can more easily implement various scenarios of applications and shorten the R&D cycle.

ZH 丰富、易理解的 MQTT 指南,助您快速入门 MQTT 协议,掌握 MQTT 众多特性用法,开启物联网应用开发之旅。

EN The rich and easy-to-understand MQTT guide to help you quickly get started with MQTT protocol and start your journey of IoT application development.

ZH 本文将通过讲解与演示向读者展示 MQTT 协议的入门使用流程,开发者可以通过本文以更简单的方式理解 MQTT 相关概念,快速开始 MQTT 服务及应用的开发。

EN Beginners of the MQTT can use this guide to understand MQTT-related concepts more simply and quickly start developing MQTT services and applications.

ZH 本文将通过实际案例为读者讲解 MQTT 主题及通配符相关概念,并对 MQTT 主题使用过程中常见的问题进行解答,帮助读者快速开始 MQTT 开发。

EN This article introduces MQTT topics and wildcards by cases, and answers common questions during use to help readers get started with MQTT.

ZH 本文对 MQTT 保留消息进行了介绍及使用演示,用户可以参考本文更好地利用 MQTT 保留消息开启 MQTT 应用及服务开发。

EN This article introduces and demonstrates the use of the MQTT Retained Messages, which you can use to get data immediately after subscribing.

ZH MQTT 入门与进阶 MQTT 5 探索 免费公共的 MQTT 5 服务器

EN Learn MQTT MQTT 5 Explore Free Public MQTT 5 Broker

ZH 查看我们提供的丰富且易理解的 MQTT 入门与进阶指南,快速入门 MQTT 协议,掌握 MQTT 众多特性用法,开启您的物联网应用开发之旅。

EN Check out our rich and easy-to-understand MQTT guide to get started with MQTT protocol quickly and start your journey of IoT application development.

ZH MQTT X Web 无需繁杂的下载安装步骤,只需在浏览器内打开页面,即可在线快速连接和测试 MQTT 服务与应用,了解和探索 MQTT 协议。

EN This article introduces how to use the Eclipse Paho Java Client in the Java project, and implement the connection, subscription and messaging, etc of MQTT.

ZH 100% 支持 MQTT v5.0 标准,可与所有的 MQTT 客户端集成。

EN 100% compliant with MQTT v5.0 standard. Frictionless integration with all the MQTT clients.

ZH MQTT X - 优雅的跨平台 MQTT 5.0 桌面客户端工具

EN MQTT X - An Elegant Cross-platform MQTT 5.0 Desktop Client

ZH 如需本地运行 MQTT Broker 推荐使用 EMQ X :一款完全开源,高可用低时延的百万级分布式物联网 MQTT 5.0 服务器

EN To run MQTT Broker locally, EMQ X is recommended. EMQ X is a fully open source, highly scalable, highly available distributed MQTT 5.0 broker for IoT, M2M and mobile applications.

ZH 支持 MQTT v3.1,v3.1.1 及 v5.0 协议规范,支持 MQTT over WebSocket

EN Support MQTT v3.1, v3.1.1, and v5.0 protocol specification, and MQTT over WebSocket

ZH MQTT 5.0 在 MQTT 3.1.1 的基础上做了较大的改变且不做向下兼容。

EN MQTT 5.0 has made major changes based on MQTT 3.1.1 and is not backward compatible.

ZH MQTT 5.0 支持众多的新特性,EMQ X Broker 从 3.0 版本开始支持 MQTT5.0协议,是开源社区中第一个支持该协议规范的消息服务器,并且完全兼容 MQTT V3.1 和 V3.1.1 协议。

EN MQTT 5.0 supports many new features. EMQ X Broker supports MQTT 5.0 protocol from version 3.0. It is the first broker in the open source community to support the protocol specification and is fully compatible with MQTT V3.1 and V3.1.1 protocols.

ZH MQTT 5.0 中的 Clean Start 与 Session Expiry Interval 不仅解决了 Clean Session 的遗留问题,同时也扩展了客户端的使用场景,使 MQTT 协议在受限的网络环境下更加实用。

EN MQTT 5.0 Clean Start and Session Expiry Interval not only solve the legacy problems of Clean Session, but also extend the usage scenarios of the client.

ZH 通过开放标准物联网协议 MQTT、CoAP 和 LwM2M 连接任何设备,基于 TLS/SSL 和 X.509 证书的认证机制确保通信安全。使用 EMQ X Enterprise 集群,可以毫不费力地弹性扩展到数千万个并发的 MQTT 连接。

EN Connect any device via the open standard IoT protocols MQTT, CoAP, and LwM2M. Effortlessly scale to tens of millions of concurrent MQTT connections using an EMQ X Enterprise cluster.

ZH 完整支持 MQTT 3.x 和 MQTT 5.0 协议标准

EN 100% compliant with MQTT v5.0 and v3.x standards.

ZH MQTT 协议通过交换预定义的MQTT控制报文来通信。下面以 MQTTX 为例,展示如何通过 MQTT 报文实现发布订阅功能。

EN The MQTT protocol communicates by exchanging predefined MQTT control packets. We will take MQTTX as an example to show how to implement the publish and subscribe function through MQTT packets.

ZH MQTT 协议中规定了消息服务质量 QoS(Quality of Service),它保证了在不同的网络环境下消息传递的可靠性,QoS 的设计是 MQTT 协议里的重点。

EN MQTT protocol specifies the 3 QoS (Quality of Service) levels, which guarantees the reliability of message delivery under different network environments.

ZH 本文主要介绍如何在 Vue 项目中使用 MQTT,并实现客户端与 MQTT 服务器的连接、订阅、收发消息、取消订阅等功能。

EN This article introduces how to use MQTT in the Vue project, and implement the connection, subscription and messaging, etc of MQTT.

ZH 本文将介绍如何在 Golang 项目中使用 paho.mqtt.golang 库 ,并实现客户端与 MQTT 服务器的连接、订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article introduces how to use paho.mqtt.golang client library in the Golang project, and implement the connection, subscription and messaging, etc of MQTT.

ZH 本文将介绍如何在 Python 项目中使用 paho-mqtt 客户端库 ,并实现客户端与 MQTT 服务器的连接、订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article introduces how to use the Paho MQTT client library in the Python project, and implements connection, subscribe, messaging, etc of MQTT.

ZH 在此项目中,我们将在树莓派上使用 Python 编写简单的 MQTT 客户端,并实现与 MQTT 服务器的连接、订阅、取消订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article introduces how to use Python to write a simple MQTT client on Raspberry Pi to implement the connection, subscribe, messaging, etc.

ZH 本文主要介绍如何在 Flutter 项目中使用 MQTT,实现客户端与 MQTT 服务器的连接、订阅、取消订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article introduces how to use MQTT in the Flutter to implement the connection, subscribe, messaging, etc between client and MQTT broker.

ZH 本文主要介绍使用 Kotlin 语言在 Android 平台上使用 MQTT,实现安卓客户端与 MQTT 服务器的连接、主题订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article introduces how to use MQTT to implement the connection, messaging, etc between Android client and MQTT broker, through using Kotlin.

ZH 免费的在线 MQTT 服务器,可用于 MQTT 学习、测试或原型制作

EN The free public MQTT 5 broker for MQTT learning, testing or prototyping

ZH 通过在线 MQTT 客户端工具快速了解 MQTT 消息传递

EN Through the online MQTT client tool quickly understand MQTT messaging

ZH MQTT X 是一款功能全面的跨平台 MQTT 5.0 桌面测试客户端

EN MQTT X is a comprehensive function cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client tool

ZH 由 EMQ 提供的 MQTTMQTT 5.0 相关技术文章

EN The technical articles that related to MQTT and MQTT 5.0 provided by EMQ

ZH 本月,我们正式发布了项目首个稳定版本 v0.5.0。从该版本开始,NanoMQ 除了完整支持 MQTT 3.1.1 协议外,还支持 MQTT Over WebSocket。

EN This month, we have planned many new features for the v0.6 version in terms of ease of use and scalability of the HStream Server.

ZH 通过开放标准的物联网协议 MQTTMQTT over WebSocket、CoAP/LwM2M 将数以亿计的物联网设备可靠地连接到 EMQ X Cloud。通过 TLS/SSL 和基于 X.509 证书的认证确保安全的双向通信。

EN Reliably connect hundreds of millions of IoT devices to EMQ X Cloud via the open standard IoT protocols MQTT, CoAP, and LwM2M. Ensure secured bidirectional communication with MQTT over TLS/SSL and X.509 certificates-based authentication.

Sineesk Ingelsk
tls ssl

ZH 本文介绍了 MQTT.js 一些常用 API 的使用方法,及使用过程中的一些经验分享,帮助用户快速在 JavaScript 项目中使用 MQTT

EN This article introduces how to use MQTT in the Node.js project, and implement the connection, subscription and messaging, etc of MQTT.

ZH 本文主要介绍如何在微信小程序项目中使用 MQTT,实现小程序客户端与 MQTT 云服务的连接、订阅、收发消息、取消订阅等功能。

EN This article will give you a quick overview of the basic usage of the MQTTLens, as well as the basic concepts and usage of the MQTT protocol.

ZH 本文主要介绍如何在 Node.js 项目中使用 MQTT 实现客户端与 MQTT 服务器的连接、订阅、取消订阅、收发消息等功能。

EN This article will give you a quick overview of the basic usage of the MQTTBox, as well as the basic concepts and usage of the MQTT protocol.

ZH 本文将以 MQTTBox 作为 MQTT 客户端测试工具接入 EMQ X Cloud,通过本文你将能快速了解 MQTTBox 的基础用法及 MQTT 协议的使用。

EN This article will give you a quick overview of the basic usage of the MQTT Explorer, as well as the basic concepts and usage of the MQTT protocol.

ZH 使用 MQTTMQTT 透過 Python 的 WebSocket 協定來存取 AWS IoT。

EN Access AWS IoT using MQTT or MQTT over the WebSocket protocol from Python.

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