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ZH InnovMetric Software Inc.与Renishaw Plc签订经销协议 | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

EN Distribution agreement between InnovMetric Software Inc. and Renishaw Plc | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

ZH InnovMetric Software Inc.与Renishaw Plc签订经销协议 | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

EN Distribution agreement between InnovMetric Software Inc. and Renishaw Plc | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

ZH 将这些资源加入书签,以便与其他 Jira Software 用户保持联系,获取有关 Jira Software Cloud 新功能的持续更新和最新产品文档。

EN Bookmark these resources to stay connected with fellow Jira Software users, for ongoing updates about new features in Jira Software Cloud, and the latest product documentation.

ZH 对很多团队来说,Jira Software 是一款任务关键型工具,可用于工作规划、跟踪、发布和报告。Jira Software Premium 为您提供了发展壮大的正确基础,让您高枕无忧。

EN For many teams, Jira Software is a mission-critical tool to plan, track, release, and report on work. With Jira Software Premium, you can rest easy knowing that you have the right foundation on which to grow

ZH Jira Software 和 Bitbucket 可实现从分支到部署的无缝集成,借助这一集成,您通常可增加 14% 的发布内容。您可以直接在 Jira Software 内创建 Bitbucket 分支或转换事务,无需离开 Bitbucket 。

EN Release 14% more often with Jira Software and Bitbucket, which are seamlessly integrated from branch to deployment. Create Bitbucket branches from within Jira Software or transition issues without ever leaving Bitbucket.

ZH Jira Software 和 Bitbucket 可实现从分支到部署的无缝集成,借助这一集成,您通常可增加 14% 的发布内容。您可以直接在 Jira Software 内创建 Bitbucket 分支或转换事务,无需离开 Bitbucket。

EN Release 14% more often with Jira Software and Bitbucket, which are seamlessly integrated from branch to deployment. Create Bitbucket branches from within Jira Software or transition issues without ever leaving Bitbucket.

ZH 其他行业 | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

EN Other Industries | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

ZH RAD Studio Consulting Partners specialize in the design and development of software applications using Embarcadero products. They are normally teams of professional developers, or software consulting organizations. 了解更多信息 | Find a partner.

EN RAD Studio Consulting Partners specialize in the design and development of software applications using Embarcadero products. They are normally teams of professional developers, or software consulting organizations. Learn more | Find a partner.

ZH Atlassian Open DevOps 是一款预配置的 DevOps 解决方案,包含 Jira Software、Bitbucket、Confluence 和 Opsgenie。本视频演示使用 Jira Software 和 Bitbucket Pipelines 更改代码的工作流。

EN Atlassian Open DevOps is a pre-configured DevOps solution with Jira Software, Bitbucket, Confluence and Opsgenie. This video demos a code change workflow using Jira Software and Bitbucket Pipelines. 

ZH 其他行业 | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

EN Other Industries | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

ZH NURBS - 利用下一代自动曲面化技术加快NURBS模型制备速度 | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

EN Accelerate NURBS Model Preparation with Next-Generation Automatic Surfacing Technology | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

ZH 向数字化3D测量流程转型 | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

EN Towards Digital 3D Measurement Processes | InnovMetric Software - Your 3D Metrology Software Partner

ZH RAD Studio Consulting Partners specialize in the design and development of software applications using Embarcadero products. They are normally teams of professional developers, or software consulting organizations. 了解更多信息 | Find a partner.

EN RAD Studio Consulting Partners specialize in the design and development of software applications using Embarcadero products. They are normally teams of professional developers, or software consulting organizations. Learn more | Find a partner.

ZH Atlassian Open DevOps 是一款预配置的 DevOps 解决方案,包含 Jira Software、Bitbucket、Confluence 和 Opsgenie。本视频演示使用 Jira Software 和 Bitbucket Pipelines 更改代码的工作流。

EN Atlassian Open DevOps is a pre-configured DevOps solution with Jira Software, Bitbucket, Confluence and Opsgenie. This video demos a code change workflow using Jira Software and Bitbucket Pipelines. 

ZH 产品数量:您要迁移的产品越多,您的迁移就越复杂。例如,仅迁移 Jira Software 要比迁移 Jira Software 加 Jira Service Management 更简单。

EN Number of products: The more products you have to migrate, the more complex your migration will be. For example, a Jira Software only migration is simpler than migrating both Jira Software and Jira Service Management.

ZH 如何从 Jira Software Cloud Standard 升级到 Jira Software Cloud Premium?

EN How do I upgrade from Jira Software Cloud Standard to Jira Software Cloud Premium?

ZH 现有的 Jira Software Server 许可证可续订至太平洋时间 2024 年 2 月 15 日的最晚结束日期。请查看下表以了解 Jira Software Server 续订价格。

EN Existing Jira Software Server licenses can be renewed to a maximum end date of February 15, 2024 PT. Review the table below to find your Jira Software Server renewal price.

ZH Advanced Roadmaps 是 Jira Software Cloud Premium 的一项功能。要开始在 Cloud 中使用 Advanced Roadmaps,请升级 Jira 以开始免费试用 Jira Software Cloud Premium。

EN Advanced Roadmaps is a feature of Jira Software Cloud Premium. To begin using Advanced Roadmaps in Cloud, upgrade Jira to start a free trial of Jira Software Cloud Premium.

ZH 只有同时具有 Jira Service Management Premium 或 Enterprise 和 Jira Software/Jira Core 许可的用户才可以查看对象图形,并更新已链接至 Jira Software/Jira Core 事务的 Insight 对象。

EN Only a licensed user of both Jira Service Management Premium or Enterprise and Jira Software/Jira Core, will have the ability to view the Object Graph and update the Insight objects linked to the Jira Software/Jira Core issue.

ZH 在订阅到期后,如果您使用的是 Jira Software Data Center 版本 8.15 或更高版本,则需在同一实例上为 Jira Service Management(最少用户层)订阅 Data Center,以便将应用与 Jira Software Data Center 配合使用。

EN Once the subscription expires, if you’re on Jira Software Data Center version 8.15 or higher, you’ll need a Data Center subscription to Jira Service Management (minimum tier) on the same instance to use the apps with Jira Software Data Center.

ZH 将这些资源加入书签,以便与其他 Jira Software 用户保持联系,获取有关 Jira Software Cloud 新功能的持续更新和最新产品文档。

EN Bookmark these resources to stay connected with fellow Jira Software users, for ongoing updates about new features in Jira Software Cloud, and the latest product documentation.

ZH Jira Software 用户是指可登录 Jira Software 站点并列在“用户管理“中的所有用户。

EN A Jira Software user is any user that can login to your Jira Software site and exists in User Management.

ZH 当然可以!您可以在自己的硬件上托管全功能 Jira Software Data Center 副本,免费试用 30 天。只需下载 Jira Software 即可开始使用。

EN Of course! You can host a fully functional copy of Jira Software Data Center on your own hardware, free for 30 days . Simply download Jira Software to get started.

ZH Jira Software 用户是指任何可以登录 Jira Software 的用户。匿名用户也可能被授予访问权限,但不会计入许可证总数。

EN A Jira Software user is any user that can log into Jira Software. Anonymous users may also be granted access and do not count against license totals.

ZH 将工作逐层汇总为长篇故事,实时查看团队的进度。Jira Software 中的路线图可让您快速、轻松制定计划,并可在所有 Jira Software 计划中使用。

EN Ladder your work up to the epic level to see your team’s progress in real-time. Roadmaps in Jira Software offer quick and easy planning and are available as part of all Jira Software plans.

ZH Advanced Roadmaps 目前仅适用于 Jira Software 公司管理的项目。基本路线图可用于 Jira Software 团队管理的项目和公司管理的项目。

EN Advanced Roadmaps currently only works with Jira Software company-managed projects. The basic roadmaps are available in with both Jira Software team-managed and company-managed projects.

ZH 如果您正在使用 Jira Software Data Center,Jira Software Data Center 现已包含 Advanced Roadmaps。

EN If you’re using Jira Software Data Center, Advanced Roadmaps is now part of Jira Software Data Center.

ZH 对很多团队来说,Jira Software 是一款任务关键型工具,可用于工作规划、跟踪、发布和报告。Jira Software Premium 为您提供了发展壮大的正确基础,让您高枕无忧。

EN For many teams, Jira Software is a mission-critical tool to plan, track, release, and report on work. With Jira Software Premium, you can rest easy knowing that you have the right foundation on which to grow

ZH Jira Software 专为软件团队构建。Jira Software 集功能强大的开发人员工具集成和极其敏捷的软件开发所需的最重要的特性和功能于一身。

EN Jira Software is built specifically for software teams. Jira Software combines powerful developer tool integrations with the most important features and functionality required for great agile software development.

ZH Jira Software 专为软件团队而构建。Jira Software 集功能强大的开发人员工具集成和最重要的敏捷开发元素于一身。

EN Jira Software is a purpose built experience specifically for software teams. Jira Software combines powerful developer tool integrations with the most important elements of agile development.

ZH Jira Software 和 Bitbucket 可实现从分支到部署的无缝集成,借助这一集成,您通常可增加 14% 的发布内容。您可以直接在 Jira Software 内创建 Bitbucket 分支或转换事务,无需离开 Bitbucket 。

EN Release 14% more often with Jira Software and Bitbucket, which are seamlessly integrated from branch to deployment. Create Bitbucket branches from within Jira Software or transition issues without ever leaving Bitbucket.

ZH Jira Software 和 Bitbucket 可实现从分支到部署的无缝集成,借助这一集成,您通常可增加 14% 的发布内容。您可以直接在 Jira Software 内创建 Bitbucket 分支或转换事务,无需离开 Bitbucket。

EN Release 14% more often with Jira Software and Bitbucket, which are seamlessly integrated from branch to deployment. Create Bitbucket branches from within Jira Software or transition issues without ever leaving Bitbucket.

ZH Ansys Mechanical fea software 包括參數、形狀 (網格變形) 和拓撲最佳化。Ansys Mechanical fea software 中的任何模型皆可用來驅動參數最佳化。

EN Ansys Mechanical includes parametric, shape (mesh morphing) and topology optimization. Any model in Ansys Mechanical can be used to drive a parametric optimization.

EN Digital Marketing Director, Nlyte Software

ZH Jira Software 专为软件团队中的每位成员构建,可用于规划、跟踪和发布卓越的软件。

EN Jira Software is built for every member of your software team to plan, track, and release great software.

ZH 一键即可将 Confluence 中的产品要求转换成 Jira Software 待办事项。

EN Transform product requirements in Confluence into a Jira Software backlog with one click.

ZH Jira Software 可在代码提交到 Bitbucket 中后自动更新事务和切换工作。

EN Jira Software automatically updates issues and transitions work when code is committed in Bitbucket.

ZH 使用 Pipelines 为您的 CI/CD 提供支持,并在 Jira Software 内监控内部版本状态。

EN Supercharge your CI/CD with Pipelines and monitor build status from within Jira Software.

ZH 量身定制的企业级解决方案让您高枕无忧,可以在整个组织内保护和扩展 Jira Software

EN Gain peace of mind with enterprise-grade solutions tailor-made to secure and scale Jira Software across your entire organization.

ZH Jira Software 在 GDPR 和隐私盾方面都做出投入,确保所有数据都得到妥善处理。

EN Jira Software invested in GDPR and Privacy Shield to ensure all data is handled with care.

ZH Jira Software 通过权限和传输中和静止状态下加密等控制机制来保护您的数据。

EN Jira Software safeguards your data with controls like permissions and encryption in transit and at rest.

ZH 对照 SOC2、SOC3、ISO 27001、ISO 27018、PCI DSS 等验证 Jira Software 的安全性。

EN Verify Jira Software's security with SOC2, SOC3, ISO 27001, ISO 27018, PCI DSS, and more.

ZH 借助 Tempo Timesheets、Zephyr 和另外 3,000 多款应用,您可以对 Jira Software 进行量身定制,满足各种使用案例的需求。

EN Tempo Timesheets, Zephyr, and over 3,000 other apps ensure Jira Software can be custom tailored to fit any and every use case.

ZH ”Jira Software 可帮助构建和维护市场上最出色的软件。“

EN ?Jira Software is instrumental in building and maintaining the best software on the market.?

ZH 无论您是经验丰富的敏捷性专家,还是刚入门的新手,Jira Software 都能为您解锁强大的敏捷性。

EN Whether you’re a seasoned agile expert, or just getting started, Jira Software unlocks the power of agile.

ZH Scrum?选中。看板?选中。混合方法?选中。借助 Jira Software 的丰富功能,您的团队可以灵活地选择最适合他们的方式进行规划。

EN Scrum? Check. Kanban? Check. Mixed methodology? Check. Jira Software’s rich planning features enable your team to flexibly plan in a way that works best for them.

ZH 预估可帮助团队更精确和高效地开展工作。您可以使用故事点、小时数、T 恤尺寸或自己的预估技术,这些均受 Jira Software 支持。

EN Estimations help your team become more accurate and efficient. Use story points, hours, t-shirt sizes, or your own estimation technique. Jira Software supports them all.

ZH 无论您的团队成员是坐在对面还是分布在世界各地,Jira Software 均可将团队工作的透明度提升到一个新的水平,并让所有成员保持相同的进度。

EN Whether your team is across the table or around the world, Jira Software brings a new level of transparency to your team's work and keeps everyone on the same page.

ZH 随着团队的发展添加和更改事务类型、域和工作流。Jira Software 是专为各种规模的团队而设计的敏捷项目管理软件。

EN Add and change issue types, fields, and workflows as your team evolves. Jira Software is agile project management designed for teams of every shape and size.

ZH 将分支、提交和拉取请求与 Jira Software 事务连接起来,提高工作效率。

EN Improve efficiency by connecting branches, commits, and pull requests to Jira Software issues.

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