Traducir "kinsta" a Inglés

Mostrando 17 de 17 traducciones de la frase "kinsta" de Chino a Inglés

Traducción de Chino a Inglés de kinsta


ZH 是的,你可以。 Kinsta 托管的WordPress托管允许您创建自己的网站并在没有域名的情况下托管它。 相反,您将使用具有像yoursite.kinsta.cloud这样的结构的临时域。

EN Yes, you can. Kinsta managed WordPress hosting allows you to create your own site and host it without a domain name. Instead, you’ll use a temporary domain with a structure like

ZH Kinsta Managed Hosting Review (2023):WordPress 上的所有电子商务网站都应检查此托管 - 电子商务平台

EN Kinsta Managed Hosting Review (2023): All Ecommerce Sites on WordPress Should Check Out This Hosting - Ecommerce Platforms

ZH Kinsta Managed Hosting Review (2023):WordPress 上的所有电子商务网站都应该查看此主机

EN Kinsta Managed Hosting Review (2023): All Ecommerce Sites on WordPress Should Check Out This Hosting

ZH 所以,继续阅读以了解更多关于 Kinsta 托管产品,并注意可能使您的独特功能 WooCommerce或任何类型的WordPress网站,运行得更好。

EN So, keep reading to learn more about the Kinsta Hosting offerings, and take note of the unique features that might make your WooCommerce, or any type of WordPress site, run better.

ZH 很简单, Kinsta 是一个托管的WordPress托管解决方案,专为处理大量流量的网站而构建。

EN Quite simply, Kinsta is a managed WordPress hosting solution built for sites dealing with high volume traffic.

ZH 好, Kinsta 可能不是WordPress Space中最大的提供商之一,但据报道其Google云战略使其成为表现最好的提供商之一。 它可能仍然是。 但这是我们会在短时间内找到的东西。

EN Well, Kinsta might not be one of the largest providers in the WordPress Space, but its Google Cloud strategy reportedly made it one of the highest performing. And it probably still is. But that’s something we’ll find out in a short while.

ZH 将您的网站从另一个平台移动到 Kinsta 不会花费你甚至一毛钱。

EN Moving your site from another platform to Kinsta will not cost you even a dime.

ZH 尽管 Kinsta 是一个托管的WordPress托管服务,您还可以通过其用户帐户界面获得自己的管理权限。 但是,正如我们已经说过的那样,不要指望找到像典型的cPanel那样的东西。

EN Although Kinsta is a Managed WordPress Hosting service, you also get your own management privileges through its user account interface. But, as we’ve said already, don’t expect to find anything like the typical cPanel.

ZH 那么,怎么做 Kinsta 在赛道上表演?

EN So, how does Kinsta perform on the track?

ZH 好吧,Kinsta Managed WordPress Hosting 保证 99.9% uptime,这意味着在 8 个月内性能下降不超过 12 小时。 听起来不错,但话又说回来,这几乎是现在每个人都承诺的。

EN Well, Kinsta Managed WordPress Hosting guarantees 99.9% uptime, which translates to not more than 8 hours of reduced performance in 12 months. Sounds good, but then again, that’s pretty much what everyone promises these days.

ZH 所以,我决定自己做 uptime 在 Pingdom 上进行测试,在 Kinsta 上托管了 6 个不同的站点。 30 天后,平均 uptime 它们的总和为 99.998%。

EN So, I decided to conduct my own uptime test on Pingdom, with 6 different sites hosted on Kinsta. And after 30 days, the average uptime rate for all of them combined was 99.998%.

ZH 到目前为止, Kinsta 由于其高端性能托管,它在企业和大型企业中似乎很受欢迎。 因此,这类用户构成了其大部分客户群。

EN So far, Kinsta is seemingly popular among enterprises and large businesses, thanks to its high-end performance hosting. This type of users, therefore, form the bulk of its customer base.

ZH 综上所述,Kinsta 速度非常快,支持第三方 CDN,并提供定期自动备份、一键暂存区、内部缓存 plugin, 专家支持, 全职安全, 加 100% uptime 可靠性。

EN To sum it up, Kinsta is remarkably fast, supports third-party CDNs, and provides regular automatic backups, one-click staging area, in-house caching plugin, expert support, full-time security, plus 100% uptime reliability.

ZH 然后从我们的测试中,我们已经确定 Kinsta 不仅是一个快速的托管解决方案,而且还可以被信任以达到他们的目的 uptime 讨价还价。

EN Then from our tests, we’ve established that Kinsta is not only a fast hosting solution, but can also be trusted to live up to their end of the uptime bargain.

ZH Kinsta Hosting是否提供免费域名?

EN Does Kinsta Hosting offer free domain?

ZH 把它们加起来, Kinsta 速度非常快,支持第三方 CDN,并提供定期自动备份、一键暂存区、内部缓存 plugin, 专家支持, 全职安全, 加 100% uptime 可靠性。

EN To sum it up, Kinsta is remarkably fast, supports third-party CDNs, and provides regular automatic backups, one-click staging area, in-house caching plugin, expert support, full-time security, plus 100% uptime reliability.

ZH 不幸, Kinsta 不是最便宜的选择,它不支持域注册和电子邮件托管,而且它不支持缓存和备份 plugins.

EN Unfortunately, Kinsta not the cheapest option around, it does not support domain registrations and email hosting, plus it’s not open to caching and backup plugins.

Mostrando 17 de 17 traducciones