Traducir "corel" a Inglés

Mostrando 48 de 48 traducciones de la frase "corel" de Chino a Inglés

Traducción de Chino a Inglés de corel


ZH e. 未經 Corel 書面同意,您不得讓渡或以其他方式轉移各項條款或授予的任何權利。 根據條款,Corel 的權利可由 Corel 自由轉移。

EN a. Any notice provided to Corel pursuant to the Terms should be sent to 1600 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8R7, Attention: General Counsel.

ZH 凡知道或懷疑 Corel 軟體遭非法使用或販售之情事,敬請寫信至 與我們聯絡。

EN We invite anyone who knows or suspects that Corel software is being used or distributed illegally to contact us at

ZH 如果您知道或懷疑 Corel 軟體可能遭到非法使用或銷售,請寄電子郵件至。

EN If you know or suspect that Corel software is being used or distributed illegally, please contact us at

ZH 有意义的合作伙伴关系是 Corel 一切工作的核心。这适用于我们的客户、我们的员工,尤其是我们的合作伙伴。

EN Meaningful partnerships are at the core of everything we do at Corel. This applies to our customers, our employees, and especially our partners.

ZH 我们为经销商、分销商和 MSP 提供支持,让他们能够轻松地提供 Corel 的创造力和生产力解决方案,满足客户的需求。

EN We empower our resellers, distributors, and MSPs, making it easy to deliver Corel's creativity and productivity solutions to solve your customer needs.

ZH Corel 为合作伙伴提供工具、资源和支持,以帮助您加快盈利和发展速度。

EN Corel provides partners with the tools, resources, and support to help accelerate your profitability and growth.

ZH Corel 提供的专属市场推广活动和投资

EN Dedicated go to market campaigns and investments from Corel

ZH 合作伙伴是 Corel 业务的重要组成部分,我们专门打造了渠道计划,让渠道中的朋友能够获得新的收入来源和客户,以便提高他们的盈利和发展速度。

EN Partners are a critical part of Corel’s business, and our channel program has been created specifically to allow our friends in the channel to gain new revenue streams and customers, all with the goal to accelerate their profitability and growth.

ZH Andrea Johnston,Corel 首席营收官

EN Andrea Johnston, Corel’s Chief Revenue Officer

ZH 在此之前,Zac 曾擔任資深產品副總裁,負責推動 Sugar 平台的策略願景。在加入 SugarCRM 之前,Zac 曾在 Geeknet、Mitel、VA Linux Systems 和 Corel Computer Corp. 擔任管理職務。

EN Previously, Zac served as Senior Vice President of Product, where he drove the strategic vision for the Sugar platform. Before SugarCRM, Zac held management positions at Geeknet, Mitel, VA Linux Systems and Corel Computer Corp.

ZH Corel 收購 Awingu,加速推出安全遠端工作區產品的進程

EN Corel acquires Awingu to accelerate its secure remote workspace offering

ZH Corel 讓全球各地使用各種平台的 9000 多萬知識工作者,得以採用具有創意、又富於生產力的方式達成自己的目標。在一個求新求變的環境中,我們協助客戶定義和實現成功。

EN Corel Corporation, the leader in professional creativity and productivity solutions, empowers every day by making it easier, more accessible, and more secure to put your ideas to work.

ZH 所有其他 -

EN All others -

ZH 「產品升級」、「產品更新」及「修正程式」的定義請參閱下列網站或後繼網站的 Corel 產品發佈與維護政策:。 

EN "Product Upgrades", "Product Updates", and "Patches" are defined in the Corel Product Releases and Maintenance Policy: or in any successor site. 

ZH 為保護 Corel、其使用者或大眾的權利、財產或安全或依法必須執行這類暫停。

EN that such a suspension is needed to protect the rights, property, or safety of Corel, its users, or the public or is required by law.

ZH 為保護 Corel、其使用者或大眾的權利、財產或安全或依法必須執行這類暫停。 

EN that such a suspension is needed to protect the rights, property, or safety of Corel, its users, or the public or is required by law. 

ZH 本 EULA 已於 2022 年 3 月 8 日更新。有關此 EULA 的先前版本,請瀏覽法律資訊 | 關於 Corel、法律資訊 | MindManager、WinZip 法律文件、法律聲明 | Parallels。

EN This EULA has been updated on March 8, 2022. For the prior version of this EULA please visit Legal Information | Corel, Legal Info | MindManager, WinZip Legal Documents, Legal Notices | Parallels.

ZH 如果您懷疑自己是軟體盜版的受害者,請寄電子郵件至 與我們聯絡。

EN If you suspect you're a victim of software piracy, please contact us at

ZH 與我們聯絡 ─ 如果您無法確定,請寄電子郵件至 給我們,我們可以為您確認您的廠商是否為授權轉銷商,以及您的軟體是否合法

EN Contact us – if you're not sure, email us at, and we can let you know if your vendor is an authorized reseller and if your software is legitimate

ZH 無後顧之憂是另外一大優勢。擁有有效授權的客戶都可以安心使用,因為他們知道自己並非使用仿冒程式或含非法 Corel 序號的破解版軟體,所以不會遭到告發而有罰款或牢獄之災。

EN Peace of mind is another big benefit. Customers with a valid license know they aren't in danger of being fined or being subject to criminal penalties for using a counterfeit program, or cracked software acquired with an illegitimate Corel serial number.

ZH 只要光明行事、付費購買合法 Corel 產品,您也會因此而受益。您的支持能讓我們持續生產令人驚喜的新產品、推出新功能與內容,以及對現有產品提供支援。

EN By playing fair and paying for your Corel product, you benefit too. Your support allows us to continue producing exciting new products, features and content, and providing support for existing products.

ZH 作者: Cliff Cramp,創作工具: Corel® Painter™

EN 'Sir Lady' by Cliff Cramp,created with Corel® Painter™

ZH 作者: Android Jones,創作工具: Corel Painter

EN 'Saving Grace' by Android Jones,created with Corel Painter

ZH Corel 檢舉軟體盜版行為

EN Report software piracy to Corel

ZH Corel Cookie 和追蹤工具通知 | 法律資訊

EN Corel Cookie and Tracking Tool Notice | Legal Information

ZH 此資訊是對 Corel 隱私權聲明的補充說明。

EN This information supplements the Corel Privacy Statement.

ZH 下表說明 Corel 網站使用的各種 Cookie,以及管理裝置中 Cookie 設定的選項:

EN The table below describes the different types of cookies used by Corel on its websites and your options for managing your devices’ cookie settings:

ZH 由於必要的 Cookie 對於 Corel 網站運作十分重要,因此您無法選擇停用這類 Cookie。

EN Because required cookies are essential to operate Corel’s websites, you cannot opt out of these cookies.

ZH Corel 升級保護專案條款與條件


ZH 更新之後,本條款將優先適用並取代先前公佈在 或任何後繼網站上與本軟體相關之規定。


ZH 「EULA」係指規範您購買永久授權和使用本軟體之使用者授權協議,可在此處或任何後繼網站取得,且 Corel 得不時更新。

EN "EULA" means the end user license agreement that governs Your purchase of a Perpetual License and Your use of the Software, as available here End User License Agreement or at any successor site and as Corel may update from time to time.

ZH 本條款已於 2022 年 3 月 7 日更新。如需本條款的先前版本,請參閱。

EN These Terms have been updated on March 7, 2022. For the prior version of these Terms please visit

ZH b. 服務或材料或其任何一部分的可用性皆可能會出現意外中斷。 您同意 Corel 並不向您或任何協力廠商為此類中斷 (無論中斷的期間長短) 承擔責任。

EN 8. Modifications to Services and Materials, Service Interruptions.

ZH a. 服務可由世界各地不同國家進行存取,並可能包含未於貴國提供之服務和材料參照。 這些參照並不代表 Corel 計畫在貴國發表這些服務或材料。

EN d. Corel is not be liable for any loss that you may incur as a result of someone else using your password or account or account information in connection with the site or any services or materials, either with or without your knowledge.

ZH g. Corel 未能執行或行使的任何條款條文或任何相關權利並不構成放棄該條文或權利。

EN c. Corel may provide you with notices, including those regarding changes to the Terms, by email, regular mail, text message, postings on or within the Services, or other reasonable means now known or hereafter developed.

ZH 最富有創意和充滿技術好奇心的人「無論在哪裡」都可以工作。那為什麼這麼多人選擇 Corel 呢?以下提供三個原因:

EN The top creative and technical minds could work anywhere. So why are so many of them choosing Corel? Here are three reasons:

ZH 您是否為媒體從業人員?如需詢問問題,請傳送電子郵件聯絡我們。

EN Are you a member of the media? Email us your questions at

ZH 是否有關於合作夥伴計畫的疑問?請傳送電子郵件聯絡我們。

EN Got questions about our partner program? Email us at

ZH Corel 的產品感興趣?聯絡我們的銷售團隊成員。

EN Interested in Corel’s Products? Get in touch with a member of our sales team.

ZH Corel 收购 Awingu,加快推出安全远程工作空间产品步伐

EN Corel acquires Awingu to accelerate its secure remote workspace offering

ZH Corel 帮助 9000 多万知识工作者发挥创造力,提高工作效率,跨平台跨地域实现他们的目标。在一个永远不会停滞的环境中,我们帮助客户定义成功并获得成功。

EN Corel Corporation, the leader in professional creativity and productivity solutions, empowers every day by making it easier, more accessible, and more secure to put your ideas to work.

ZH Corel Draw Graphic Suite / CorelDRAW Essentials / CorelDRAW 标准版 / CorelCAD / CorelDRAW Technical Suite,

EN Corel Draw Graphic Suite / CorelDRAW Essentials / CorelDRAW Standard / CorelCAD / CorelDRAW Technical Suite,

ZH 所有其他国家/地区 -

EN All others -

ZH “产品升级”“产品更新”和“修补程序” 的定义见 Corel 产品发布和维护政策: 或任何继受人网站。 

EN "Product Upgrades", "Product Updates", and "Patches" are defined in the Corel Product Releases and Maintenance Policy: or in any successor site. 

ZH 暂停访问权限系为保护 Corel、其用户或公众的权利、财产或安全,或为法律所要求。

EN that such a suspension is needed to protect the rights, property, or safety of Corel, its users, or the public or is required by law.

ZH 暂停访问权限系为保护 Corel、其用户或公众的权利、财产或安全,或为法律所要求。 

EN that such a suspension is needed to protect the rights, property, or safety of Corel, its users, or the public or is required by law. 

ZH 本 EULA 已于 2022 年 3 月 8 日更新。有关本 EULA 的先前版本,请访问 法律信息 | Corel、法律信息 | MindManager、WinZip 法律文件、法律声明 | Parallels。

EN This EULA has been updated on March 8, 2022. For the prior version of this EULA please visit Legal Information | Corel, Legal Info | MindManager, WinZip Legal Documents, Legal Notices | Parallels.

ZH Apple、Apple Pencil、Corel ML、iPad、Mac、MacBook Pro、macOS、Sidecar 和 TouchBar (觸控列) 皆為 Apple Inc 之商標。

EN Apple, Apple Pencil, Core ML, iPad, Mac, MacBook Pro, macOS, Sidecar, and Touch Bar are trademarks of Apple Inc.

Mostrando 48 de 48 traducciones