Translate "vhl" to English

Showing 2 of 2 translations of the phrase "vhl" from French to English

Translation of French to English of vhl


FR Bibliothèque virtuelle de santé (VHL/BVS) – coordonnée par BIREME/PAHO/OMS, contient plus de 30 million de notices bibliographiques.

EN Virtual Health Library (VHL/BVS) – coordinated by BIREME/PAHO/WHO, contains more than 30 information sources, including Medline and LILACS, with about 30 million of bibliographic records.

FR Bibliothèque virtuelle de santé (VHL/BVS) – coordonnée par BIREME/PAHO/OMS, contient plus de 30 million de notices bibliographiques.

EN Virtual Health Library (VHL/BVS) – coordinated by BIREME/PAHO/WHO, contains more than 30 information sources, including Medline and LILACS, with about 30 million of bibliographic records.

Showing 2 of 2 translations