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vpn-এর চীনা থেকে ইংরেজি-এর অনুবাদ


ZH 部分大學或學校禁止使用 VPN。在此情況下,混淆處理可以作為您 VPNVPN 使用,並隱藏您正在使用私隱保護工具的事實。如果他們不知道您正在使用 VPN,他們就無法阻止 VPN 的運行。

EN Some universities or schools ban the use of VPNs. In such a case, obfuscation can work as a VPN for your VPN and hide the fact that you’re using privacy-protection tools. They cannot block a VPN if they do not know one is being used.

ZH 今天的 VPN 是 Android 上的快速 VPN 和無限 VPN 高速 VPN 代理。

EN Today VPN is Fast VPN & UNLIMITED VPN high speed VPN Proxy on Android.

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ZH 此外,去年 NordVPN 成為 VPN 信託計畫(VPN Trust Initiative)的創始成員之一,該計畫希望能讓 VPN 產業整體上更加透明和可被信任。

EN NordVPN recently underwent a second evaluation by one of the Big Four auditing firms, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Switzerland (PwC Switzerland), which tested and confirmed our no-logs policy claims.

ZH Hola VPN 评论 2021:Hola VPN Premium 是不错的选择吗? (Hola VPN 功能和定价)

EN Hola VPN Review 2021: Is Hola VPN Premium Good Choice ? (Hola VPN Features & Pricing)

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ZH 最佳 Hola VPN 替代方案(如果您担心 Hola VPN 隐私日志问题,那么您必须考虑这些 Hola VPN 替代方案)

EN Best Hola VPN Alternatives ( If You Worry About Hola VPN Privacy logs issues then you must consider these Hola VPN Alternatives)

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ZH 特征: Hola VPN Premium 提供 Hola VPN Basic 没有的许多功能,例如网页过滤、DNS 泄漏保护和家长控制。 Hola VPN 100% 免费,因此您不必担心为带宽付费或牺牲安全性。

EN Features: Hola VPN Premium offers many features that Hola VPN Basic does not, such as web filtering, DNS leak protection, and parental controls. Hola VPN is 100% free so you don?t have to worry about paying for bandwidth or sacrificing security.

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ZH 64 关于“2021 年 Hola VPN 评论:Hola VPN Premium 是不错的选择吗? (Hola VPN 功能和定价)”

EN 64 thoughts on ?Hola VPN Review 2021: Is Hola VPN Premium Good Choice ? (Hola VPN Features & Pricing)?

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ZH Connect VPN 是提供全球 VPN 伺服器的超快速,安全的無限制 VPN 應用程式。

EN Connect VPN is a super-fast, secure VPN providing global VPN service.

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ZH 担心全家人争着用 VPN?不用怕。CyberGhost VPN 订阅支持同时连接最多 7 台设备。您还可以在路由器上安装 VPN,一并覆盖家里的智能锁和网络摄像头。

EN Worried about a family feud over who gets to use the VPN? Don’t. You can use your CyberGhost VPN subscription on up to 7 devices simultaneously. Or install a VPN on your router and cover even your smart locks and webcams.

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ZH 要判斷 VPN 服務有多安全,通常要看使用哪種 VPN。來自可靠供應商的 VPN,會針對使用者資料和線上瀏覽紀錄進行加密,以保護他們不受駭客和 ISP 追蹤 

EN The question of how secure are VPN services typically depends on the VPN being used. A VPN from a reliable provider will feature encryption for the user's data and online browsing history to shield them from hackers and ISPs. 

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ZH 是的,VPN 拆分通道是完全安全的。然而,由於該功能用於移除某些 app 或網站的 VPN 連缐,這些 app 或網站的風險等同於不使用 VPN 時。 

EN Yes, split tunneling is completely secure. However, since it’s used to remove the VPN connection from certain apps or websites, those apps or websites are subject to the same risks as if you were not using a VPN. 

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app apps

ZH Surfshark 並不是一般的 VPN。其他 VPN 也提供拆分通道,但當您寧願只在幾個 app 或網站上運行 VPN 時,它們並沒有提供解決方案。Surfshark 的 Bypasser 賦予您全方位掌控的能力:

EN Surfshark is not your average VPN. Some other VPNs offer split tunneling, but they provide no solution when you’d rather run the VPN on only a few apps or websites. Surfshark’s Bypasser gives you full control:

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app apps

ZH 對於管理員來說,VPN 可能很難設置,而對於使用者來說,VPN 可能不容易操作。

EN VPNs can be frustrating for administrators to configure, and clunky for users to handle.

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ZH Cloudflare 最初構建 Access,是因為我們的工程師不想再使用 VPN 了。瞭解我們取代 VPN 的旅程。

EN Cloudflare first built Access because our engineers were fed up with their VPN experience. Read about our journey to replace our own VPN.

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ZH 在路由器上配置Whoer VPN,保护你的家庭网络。VPN wifi帮助你在你的每个设备上解禁网站。

EN Configure Whoer VPN on router to protect your home network. VPN wifi helps you to unblock sites on each of your devices.

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ZH Hola VPN 评论 2021 Hola VPN 使用安全吗? (免费或付费)

EN Hola VPN Review 2021 Is Hola VPN Safe to Use? (Free or Paid)

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ZH 想了解更多关于 Hola VPN 的信息? Hola VPN 是非法的吗?

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ZH 2021 年 Hola VPN 详细评论:Hola VPN 的主要优点和缺点

EN Detailed Hola VPN Review 2021 :Top Pros & Cons of Hola VPN

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ZH ✅是否可以将 Hola VPN 与其他 VPN 服务结合使用?

EN ✅Is it possible to use Hola VPN in conjunction with another VPN service?

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ZH 在这篇文章中,我们重点介绍了 Hola VPN 评论 2021,其中包含对这个出色的 VPN 提供商的详细见解。 我们

EN In this post, We?ve featured Hola VPN Review 2021 that includes detailed insights into this amazing VPN provider. We

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ZH 因此,Hola VPN 将关闭滥用者。 由于某些 VPN 网络看不到连接的两端,因此它们对这些应用程序更具吸引力。”

EN Abusers will be turned off by Hola VPN as a result of this. Because some VPN networks do not see both sides of the connection, they are significantly more appealing for these applications.?

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ZH Hola VPN 的使命是让互联网更开放、更快、使用成本更低。 Hola VPN 是一种点对点 (P2P) 互联网,这意味着它在用户之间共享最少的资源,以造福所有人。

EN Hola VPN's mission is to make the Internet more open, faster, and less expensive to use. Hola VPN is a peer-to-peer (P2P) internet, which means it shares the bare minimum of resources among its users for the benefit of everybody.

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ZH Hola Free VPN 代理可免费使用,以换取您在不使用设备时安全地使用设备的某些资源(WiFi 和非常少的蜂窝数据)。 通过订阅 Hola VPN Premium 服务,您可以将其关闭。

EN Hola Free VPN Proxy is available for free in exchange for you to safely use some of your device's resources (WiFi and very minimal cellular data) when you are not using it. By subscribing to the Hola VPN Premium service, you can turn this off.

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ZH 当您同时使用两个 VPN 服务时,您可能会得到一些奇怪的结果。 如果您想同时使用两个 VPN 服务,只需在使用另一个时关闭一个。

EN When you use two VPN services at the same time, you could get some strange results. If you want to utilise two VPN services at the same time, simply turn one off while using the other.

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ZH 如果您在设备上安装了 Hola VPN 应用程序,只需像卸载任何其他软件一样卸载它。 对于浏览器扩展,大多数情况下只需右键单击 Hola VPN 图标并选择删除附加组件即可。

EN If you've installed the Hola VPN app on your device, simply uninstall it like any other piece of software. When it comes to browser extensions, most of the time it's only a matter of right-clicking the Hola VPN icon and selecting Remove Add-on.

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ZH 採用多種組網方案,支持MPLS-VPN、IPsec-VPN、移動VPN

ZH CyberGhost VPN 的 7500 多台服务器遍布全球,为您带来极速 VPN 体验。

EN You’ll get a smooth and blazing-fast VPN experience with one of our 7500+ CyberGhost VPN servers worldwide.

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ZH 香港的数字监控和审查现象十分普遍。VPN 可以助您绕开当局的监控工具。CyberGhost VPN 掩盖了您的 IP 地址,让您的网络活动保持私密。

EN Digital surveillance and censorship prevail in Hong Kong. A VPN can help you evade the authorities’ surveillance tools. CyberGhost VPN masks your IP address, allowing you to surf privately online.

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ZH 不。免费 VPN 的预算很低,因此他们依靠降低网速和安全性来缩减开支。免费 VPN 普遍记录、出售用户数据以牟利。

EN No. Free VPNs have low budgets, so they trim expenses with slower speeds and poor security. Free VPNs also often record and sell your data to generate profits.

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ZH 建议使用付费 VPN 保障您的网络隐私和安全。CyberGhost VPN 提供 45 天退款保证,您大可试用并对比。

EN Protect your privacy and security online with a paid VPN. CyberGhost VPN comes with a 45-day money back guarantee so you can test the difference.

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ZH 能用。CyberGhost VPN 在香港设有 60 多台快速 VPN 服务器,为用户提供卓越服务。所有服务器均经妥善配置,以呈献最佳速度和安全性。

EN Yes. CyberGhost VPN’s flawless service is available on over 60 fast VPN servers in Hong Kong. They’re configured to give you the best speeds and security.

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ZH 没有 VPN 连接?需要 VPN 设置帮助?

EN No VPN connection? Need help setting it up?

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ZH VPN 会更改您的 IP 地址,没有任何方法可以跟踪您的实际位置。一些网站或互联网提供商可能会看到您在使用 VPN 客户端,但他们无法跟踪您的实际浏览活动。

EN VPN changes your IP address so there’s no way to track your real location. Some sites or internet providers may see that you're using a VPN client, but they can't track your actual browsing activity.

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ZH 否–痛苦地設定和使用 VPN 及 RDP ; VPN 可能需要20秒鐘以上的時間才能連接,RDP 通常很慢。

EN No – Painful to setup and use VPN and RDP; VPN can take 20+ seconds to connect, and RDP is often slow.

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ZH CyberGhost VPN 的 7400 多台服务器遍布全球,为您带来极速 VPN 体验。

EN You’ll get a smooth and blazing-fast VPN experience with one of our 7400+ CyberGhost VPN servers worldwide.

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ZH Power VPN:快速、安全和無限制的 VPN 代理

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ZH Owl VPN Private Internet Access, Secure Proxy Net APK 1.2.6安卓下載 - 下載Owl VPN Private Internet Access, Secure Proxy Net XAPK (APK Bundle)最新版本 - APKFab.com

EN Owl VPN Private Internet Access, Secure Proxy Net APK 1.2.6 Download for Android – Download Owl VPN Private Internet Access, Secure Proxy Net XAPK (APK Bundle) Latest Version - APKFab.com

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ZH 也许你希望在笔记本电脑、PS4 和 iPad 上使用 VPN,但不希望在智能电视上使用。路由器版 VyprVPN VPN 应用程序可以实现这一点。

EN Maybe you want your laptop, PS4 and iPad to use VPN, but not your Smart TV. The VyprVPN VPN Router App makes that possible.

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ZH 我们的路由器版 VPN 应用解决方案,让你可以完全自由控制路由器上所有设备的 VPN 设置,一键即可进行操作。

EN Our router VPN app solutions give you full freedom to control the VPN settings for all devices on your router with one click. Change server locations, protocols and more from a single place.

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ZH 给您的路由器装备上 VyprVPN 十分简单,将 VPN 保护范围延展到家庭网络上的全部设备——包括您的 Roku。 遵循以下操作说明,为您的路由器安装 VPN,马上保护您的整个网络。

EN It's easy to equip your router with VyprVPN to extend VPN protection to all of the devices on your home network — including your Roku. Follow the instructions below to get started with a VPN for your router and protect your entire network today.

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ZH 站点到站点和站点到多站点 VPN ,用于连接主办公室与分支机构和家庭办公室,所有这些都通过使用 NETGEAR Insight 附加服务 Business VPN* 的通用 SSID 实现

EN Site-to-site and site-to-multisite VPN to connect the main office with branch and home offices, all through a common SSID with the NETGEAR Insight add-on service, Business VPN*

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ZH CyberGhost VPN 的 7600 多台服务器遍布全球,为您带来极速 VPN 体验。

EN You’ll get a smooth and blazing-fast VPN experience with one of our 7600+ CyberGhost VPN servers worldwide.

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ZH Brave VPN 意味着不会减速、无需重新连接。选择最方便的本地服务器,以获得比其他 VPN 更好的性能以及 Brave 值得信赖的速度。

EN Brave VPN means no slow downs, no reconnecting. Choose the most convenient local server for way better performance than other VPNs, and the trusted speed of Brave.

ZH 切换到本地服务器可以提高 VPN 的速度和性能,从而提高你在设备上使用的应用程序的速度和性能。要选择本地服务器,请打开浏览器设置并导航到 Brave Firewall + VPN 选项卡。

EN Switching to a local server can improve speed and performance of VPN, and thus of the apps you’re using on your device. To select a local server, open your browser settings and navigate to the Brave Firewall + VPN tab.

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ZH 否–痛苦地設定和使用 VPN 及 RDP ; VPN 可能需要20秒鐘以上的時間才能連接,RDP 通常很慢。

EN No – Painful to setup and use VPN and RDP; VPN can take 20+ seconds to connect, and RDP is often slow.

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ZH 採用多種組網方案,支持MPLS-VPN、IPsec-VPN、移動VPN

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