Vertaal "products are air cooled" na Engels

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Vertaling van Chinees na Engels van products are air cooled


ZH For data centers and other similar critical facilities, IAQ is a function of local air quality for any building operations that generate particulate matter/air pollutants and the air-handling equipment’s filters. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN For data centers and other similar critical facilities, IAQ is a function of local air quality for any building operations that generate particulate matter/air pollutants and the air-handling equipment’s filters. Read full information on external site

ZH 该 FireEdge 和 FireJet products are air-cooled, compact UV LED curing lamps ideal for large and small area curing for digital inkjet printing. The FireEdge products are also well-matched for pinning to “freeze” the ink without fully curing.

EN The FireEdge and FireJet products are air-cooled, compact UV LED curing lamps ideal for large and small area curing for digital inkjet printing. The FireEdge products are also well-matched for pinning to “freeze” the ink without fully curing.

ZH 该 消防线 和 FireJet products, water- and air-cooled, are UV LED curing lamps ideal for both small and  large area curing for screen printing. The FireEdge products are also well-matched for pinning to “freeze” the ink without fully curing.

EN The FireLine and FireJet products, water- and air-cooled, are UV LED curing lamps ideal for both small and  large area curing for screen printing. The FireEdge products are also well-matched for pinning to “freeze” the ink without fully curing.

ZH 该 FireEdge 和 FireJet products are air-cooled, compact UV LED curing lamps ideal for large and small area curing for 3D printing. The FireEdge products are also well-matched for pinning to “freeze” the material without fully curing.

EN The FireEdge and FireJet products are air-cooled, compact UV LED curing lamps ideal for large and small area curing for 3D printing. The FireEdge products are also well-matched for pinning to “freeze” the material without fully curing.

ZH Returns all of the products inside a collection. Note that there is a limit of 50 products that can be shown per page. Use the pagination tag to control how many products are shown per page. 進一步了解

EN Returns all of the products inside a collection. Note that there is a limit of 50 products that can be shown per page. Use the pagination tag to control how many products are shown per page. Learn more

ZH 2020年4月,特拉华州的多佛空军基地(Dover Air Force Base, Delaware)正在装运送往加纳和美国非洲司令部负责的其他地区的COVID-19试剂和其他医疗设备。(U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Brandon Esau)

EN COVID-19 test kits and other medical equipment are bound for Ghana and other areas of U.S. Africa Command responsibility in April 2020 at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. (U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Brandon Esau)

ZH 在印度班加罗尔举行的2021年印度航空展上,一架美国空军(U.S. Air Force)B-1B“枪骑兵”轰炸机,右,同一架印度空军(Indian Air Force)的轻型“光辉”战斗机比翼齐飞。(© Aijaz Rahi/AP Images)

EN A U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber, right, flies with an Indian Air Force light combat aircraft Tejas during Aero India 2021 in Bengaluru, India. (© Aijaz Rahi/AP Images)

ZH Returns a list of all the products in your store. You can use all_products to access products by their handles. 進一步了解

EN Returns a list of all the products in your store. You can use all_products to access products by their handles. Learn more

ZH Returns the number of products in a collection. collection.all_products_count will return the total number of products even when the collection view is filtered. 進一步了解

EN Returns the number of products in a collection. collection.all_products_count will return the total number of products even when the collection view is filtered. Learn more

ZH HipChat 客户端(例如,适用于 iOS、Android 和 Adobe Air

EN HipChat Clients (e.g., for iOS, Android, and Adobe Air)

ZH “我喜欢国际化和多元文化的环境。在 Amplexor,您可以与来自全球各地的同事一起为法国航空(Air France)和普惠发动机公司(Pratt & Whitney)等知名企业工作。 ” - 高级项目经理 Jean-Bernard

EN “I enjoy the multinational and multicultural environment where together with colleagues from all over the globe you get to work for major companies such as Air France and Pratt & Whitney. ” - Jean-Bernard, Senior Project Manager

ZH 的多趟航班飞往奥克兰。凯里凯里机场亦可提供包机和观光飞行服务,并且是航空学校所在地。Salt Air

EN offers several flights to Auckland each day. Kerikeri Airport is also used by charter and scenic flight operators as well as an aviation college. Salt Air

ZH 峡湾航空公司(Sounds Air

EN From this small airport, Sounds Air

ZH 新南威尔士州 2155, 凯利威尔, 19 Bel Air Drive

EN 19 Bel Air Drive, Kellyville, NSW 2155

ZH 乘坐 StarLite Hot Air Balloon 热气球,从空中观赏文图拉。

EN See Ventura from above on StarLite Hot Air Balloon flights.

ZH 乘坐 StarLite Hot Air Balloon 热气球,从空中观赏文图拉。

EN See Ventura from above on StarLite Hot Air Balloon flights.

ZH 落基山之翼航天航空博物馆(Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum)

EN Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum

ZH EXCLUSIVE-Boeing in talks with Alaska Air for potential 737 MAX order after jet's return to service -sources | 路透

EN EXCLUSIVE-Boeing in talks with Alaska Air for potential 737 MAX order after jet's return to service -sources | Reuters

ZH Exclusive: Air Force to push Congress for military housing tenant bill of rights | 路透

EN Exclusive: Air Force to push Congress for military housing tenant bill of rights | Reuters

ZH Exclusive: Air Force suspends fee payments to landlord Balfour Beatty following Reuters report | 路透

EN Exclusive: Air Force suspends fee payments to landlord Balfour Beatty following Reuters report | Reuters

ZH 利用基于 AIR Structure 的样本播放器,播放乐器、氛围、特效声音

EN Play instrument, ambient, and effects sounds with a sample player based on AIR Structure

ZH 对于 Air France-KLM Group 来说,客户体验不仅仅是一块甜饼干和椒盐卷饼。

EN For Air France-KLM Group, customer experience is more than a sweet biscuit and pretzels.

ZH 通过掌握所有可用数据,Air France-KLM 在客户旅程的每个阶段都有更多的客户背景信息。

EN By having all available data, Air France-KLM has greater customer context for each stage of the customer?s journey.

ZH 数据分析 | Air France KLM 领先的客户体验

EN Data Analytics | Air France KLM Leading Customer Experience

ZH  系列产品中性能最好的两个 Scarlett 麦克风前置放大器 – 现在使用 Air – 用于放大吉他声响或录制人声

EN  Two of the best performing Scarlett mic preamps the range has ever heard – now with Air – for miking up guitars or recording vocals

ZH 包括 Massive Attack、Air 和 Portishead

EN Including Massive Attack, Air and Portishead

ZH With reduced international air travel and threat of future COVID-19 related waves, data centre providers have resorted to technological innovation for bookings. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN With reduced international air travel and threat of future COVID-19 related waves, data centre providers have resorted to technological innovation for bookings. Read full information on external site

ZH Nonconducting liquids show promise in replacing expensive and wasteful air conditioning. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN Nonconducting liquids show promise in replacing expensive and wasteful air conditioning. Read full information on external site

ZH After years of chasing the attractive efficiency numbers offered by water-based evaporative systems, many data center providers are giving air-cooled chillers a second look. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN After years of chasing the attractive efficiency numbers offered by water-based evaporative systems, many data center providers are giving air-cooled chillers a second look. Read full information on external site

ZH 回答“Repairing Air Injection valve (Error Code P2440)”

EN Answer to "Repairing Air Injection valve (Error Code P2440)"

ZH 阿尔卡特朗讯 Omnivista 3600 Air Manager

EN OmniVista 3600 Air Manager Management for Wireless and Remo…

ZH 阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniVista 3600 Air Manager 是强大而且简便易用的网络操作系统,可管理阿尔卡特朗讯无线和远程接入网络,以及来自多家第三方生产商的有线和无线基础架构。

EN Management for wireless and remote networks.

ZH 'Flight shaming' is in the air as U.N. summit faces climate crisis | 路透

EN 'Flight shaming' is in the air as U.N. summit faces climate crisis | Reuters

ZH Air 的音乐、视频、数据和照片 |

EN Air music, videos, stats, and photos |

ZH Coronavirus can persist in air for hours and on surfaces for days: study | 路透

EN Coronavirus can persist in air for hours and on surfaces for days: study | Reuters

ZH Transportation: Swiss International Air Lines | 瑞士國家旅遊局

EN Transportation: Swiss International Air Lines | Switzerland Tourism

ZH 查看更多: Hot air balloon flights with Alpine panorama

EN Find out more about: Digital discovery of mediaeval Fribourg

ZH 查看更多: + Hot air balloon flights with Alpine panorama

EN Find out more about: + Digital discovery of mediaeval Fribourg

ZH 使用我們的全球空運解決方案,降低運輸您的緊急或時間緊急貨物的成本。 瞭解更多關於 Maersk Air 的資訊。

EN Reduce the cost of transporting your urgent or time critical cargo with our Global Air Freight solutions. Learn more about Maersk Air.

ZH 《反腐败行为准则》 | Air Liquide

EN Anti-corruption Code of Conduct | Air Liquide

ZH Air Liquide吨位业务持续发展。在法国和比利时的首套空气分离装置,每日产能超过1000吨氧气,帮助客户提高效率,满足工业需求。

EN The development of the Air Liquide tonnage activity with the first Air Separation Units in France and Belgium with a capacity of more than 1000 tons per day of oxygen helped our clients to achieve greater efficiency for their industrial needs.

ZH 2007年,Air Liquide Group收购了全球知名企业Lurgi集团。Lurgi与我们的低温技术工程部强强联手,组建了Air Liquide Engineering & Construction。

EN In 2007, the Air Liquide Group acquired the world renowned Lurgi Group, which joined forces with its Cryogenics engineering to form Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions.

ZH Air Liquide Engineering & Construction胜出,在韩国建造了最大的单个成套冷箱,每日产能为3700吨氧气。

EN The largest single packaged cold box construction with a production capacity of 3 700 tons per day of oxygen in Korea was awarded to Air Liquide Global E&C Solutions.

ZH 二氧化碳和硫脱除装置,卡塔尔 | Air Liquide

EN CO2 and Sulfur Removal, Qatar | Air Liquide

ZH 金属加工厂,韩国 | Air Liquide

ZH 多列天然气处理装置,俄罗斯 | Air Liquide

EN Multi-Train Gas Processing Plant, Russia | Air Liquide

ZH SIGMA标准装置,埃及 | Air Liquide

ZH 真空变压吸附标准装置 - 巴西 | Air Liquide

EN Vacuum Swing Adsorption Standard Plant - Brazil | Air Liquide

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