Përkthe "hostwinds" në Anglisht

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Përkthimi i Kineze në Anglisht i hostwinds


ZH 白色标签经销商网站托管是一种允许您销售的服务 Hostwinds' 您的品牌名称下的服务。你可以卖任何 Hostwinds' 加入白标经销商程序时服务。

EN White Label Reseller Web Hosting is a service that allows you to sell Hostwinds' services under your brand name. You can sell any of Hostwinds' services when you join the White Label Reseller Program.

ZH 只要您注册White Label Reseller Web托管,您就拥有您所需的一切。 Hostwinds 甚至安装 WHMCS 和 Hostwinds 经销商模块。从我们的支持团队请求帮助,您得到了它!

EN As soon as you sign up for White Label Reseller Web Hosting, you have everything you need to get started. Hostwinds even installs WHMCS and the Hostwinds Reseller Module. Request assistance from our support team, and you got it!

ZH 当您注册经销商网络托管时,您租用 Hostwinds 服务器空间,卖 Hostwinds 服务,我们的团队处理其他一切。

EN When you sign up for Reseller Web Hosting, you rent Hostwinds server space, sell Hostwinds services, and our team handles everything else.

ZH 根访问权限提供给任何 Hostwinds Linux云服务器和完整的管理员访问 Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server,允许您授予您的服务器的完全访问权限以及配置它的能力。

EN Root access is provided for any Hostwinds Linux Cloud Server, and full administrator access is provided for any Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server, both granting you full access to your server and the ability to configure it however you like.

ZH Hostwinds 块存储提供为您节省有限数据存储的痛点。 不要限制自己! 在飞行中向系统添加卷 Hostwinds Cloud Portal可扩展存储空间。

EN Hostwinds block storage offering saves you from the pain of limited data storage. Don't limit yourself! Add volumes to your system on the fly within the Hostwinds Cloud Portal for expanded storage space.

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 套餐,我们将确保您的 VPS 可以启动并与服务器之间的电源,网络和连接是“功能” Hostwinds 这样您就可以对其执行任何必要的操作。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS plan, we will ensure your VPS can start up and is 'functional' with the power, networking, and connection between your server and Hostwinds so that you can perform any necessary actions on it.

ZH Hostwinds 非托管Windows VPS 客户端可以随时通过服务器概述页面升级,使用云控件。 一旦升级,我们的专家团队就可以提供 24/7/365 提供任何属于 Hostwinds 支持层。

EN Hostwinds Unmanaged Windows VPS clients may upgrade at any time through the server overview page using Cloud Control. Once upgraded, our team of experts is available 24/7/365 to provide any support that falls within Hostwinds Tiers of Support.

ZH Hostwinds 云环境与 Hostwinds Cloud Portal为我们的客户提供了管理和维护Linux所需的一切 VPS.

EN Hostwinds Cloud Environment paired with the Hostwinds Cloud Portal gives our clients everything they need to manage and maintain a Linux VPS.

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 服务器,我们可以提供的唯一支持是在基础架构级别,以确保您的 VPS 服务器可以启动并拥有您的电源,网络和连接 VPS 和 Hostwinds 后端基础架构。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS server, the only support we can provide is at the infrastructure level to ensure your VPS Server can start-up and has the power, networking, and connection between your VPS and Hostwinds back-end infrastructure.

ZH hostwinds.com更新,它只是开始。 | Hostwinds

EN Hostwinds.com Updates, and it's just the start. | Hostwinds

ZH 大多数托管公司依靠第三方提供自己的服务,但不是 Hostwinds. 我们可靠的服务完全由我们运营。谈到你正在进行的托管需求时没有等待中间人 Hostwinds.

EN Most hosting companies rely on a third party to provide their services, but not Hostwinds. Our reliable services are operated entirely by us. There is no waiting on a middle man when it comes to your ongoing hosting needs at Hostwinds.

ZH 每台专用服务器都购买 Hostwinds 附带完全管理支持 Hostwinds. 我们的经验丰富的技术人员可以随时使用您的专用服务器,日夜为您的帮助。

EN Each dedicated server purchased at Hostwinds comes with full management support offered by Hostwinds. Our team of experienced technicians is available whenever you need assistance with your dedicated server, day or night.

ZH Hostwinds 优惠 24/7 云服务器监控。如果云服务器出现问题,则代表您的支持票证会自动生成。休息很容易知道这一点 Hostwinds 站在并准备帮助。

EN Hostwinds offers 24/7 cloud server monitoring. If an issue occurs with your cloud server, a support ticket is automatically generated on your behalf. Rest easy knowing that Hostwinds is standing by and ready to help.

ZH 大多数托管公司依靠第三方提供自己的服务,但不是 Hostwinds. 我们可靠的服务完全由我们运营。谈到你正在进行的托管需求时没有等待中间人 Hostwinds.

EN Most hosting companies rely on a third party to provide their services, but not Hostwinds. Our reliable services are operated entirely by us. There is no waiting on a middle man when it comes to your ongoing hosting needs at Hostwinds.

ZH 当您注册经销商网络托管时,您租用 Hostwinds 服务器空间,卖 Hostwinds 服务,我们的团队处理其他一切。

EN When you sign up for Reseller Web Hosting, you rent Hostwinds server space, sell Hostwinds services, and our team handles everything else.

ZH 白色标签经销商网站托管是一种允许您销售的服务 Hostwinds' 您的品牌名称下的服务。你可以卖任何 Hostwinds' 加入白标经销商程序时服务。

EN White Label Reseller Web Hosting is a service that allows you to sell Hostwinds' services under your brand name. You can sell any of Hostwinds' services when you join the White Label Reseller Program.

ZH 只要您注册White Label Reseller Web托管,您就拥有您所需的一切。 Hostwinds 甚至安装 WHMCS 和 Hostwinds 经销商模块。从我们的支持团队请求帮助,您得到了它!

EN As soon as you sign up for White Label Reseller Web Hosting, you have everything you need to get started. Hostwinds even installs WHMCS and the Hostwinds Reseller Module. Request assistance from our support team, and you got it!

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 套餐,我们将确保您的 VPS 可以启动并与服务器之间的电源,网络和连接是“功能” Hostwinds 这样您就可以对其执行任何必要的操作。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS plan, we will ensure your VPS can start up and is 'functional' with the power, networking, and connection between your server and Hostwinds so that you can perform any necessary actions on it.

ZH Hostwinds 云环境与 Hostwinds Cloud Portal为我们的客户提供了管理和维护Linux所需的一切 VPS.

EN Hostwinds Cloud Environment paired with the Hostwinds Cloud Portal gives our clients everything they need to manage and maintain a Linux VPS.

ZH Hostwinds 非托管Windows VPS 客户端可以随时通过服务器概述页面升级,使用云控件。 一旦升级,我们的专家团队就可以提供 24/7/365 提供任何属于 Hostwinds 支持层。

EN Hostwinds Unmanaged Windows VPS clients may upgrade at any time through the server overview page using Cloud Control. Once upgraded, our team of experts is available 24/7/365 to provide any support that falls within Hostwinds Tiers of Support.

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 服务器,我们可以提供的唯一支持是在基础架构级别,以确保您的 VPS 服务器可以启动并拥有您的电源,网络和连接 VPS 和 Hostwinds 后端基础架构。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS server, the only support we can provide is at the infrastructure level to ensure your VPS Server can start-up and has the power, networking, and connection between your VPS and Hostwinds back-end infrastructure.

ZH Hostwinds 优惠 24/7 云服务器监控。如果云服务器出现问题,则代表您的支持票证会自动生成。休息很容易知道这一点 Hostwinds 站在并准备帮助。

EN Hostwinds offers 24/7 cloud server monitoring. If an issue occurs with your cloud server, a support ticket is automatically generated on your behalf. Rest easy knowing that Hostwinds is standing by and ready to help.

ZH 根访问权限提供给任何 Hostwinds Linux云服务器和完整的管理员访问 Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server,允许您授予您的服务器的完全访问权限以及配置它的能力。

EN Root access is provided for any Hostwinds Linux Cloud Server, and full administrator access is provided for any Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server, both granting you full access to your server and the ability to configure it however you like.

ZH Hostwinds 块存储提供为您节省有限数据存储的痛点。 不要限制自己! 在飞行中向系统添加卷 Hostwinds Cloud Portal可扩展存储空间。

EN Hostwinds block storage offering saves you from the pain of limited data storage. Don't limit yourself! Add volumes to your system on the fly within the Hostwinds Cloud Portal for expanded storage space.

ZH 每台专用服务器都购买 Hostwinds 附带完全管理支持 Hostwinds. 我们的经验丰富的技术人员可以随时使用您的专用服务器,日夜为您的帮助。

EN Each dedicated server purchased at Hostwinds comes with full management support offered by Hostwinds. Our team of experienced technicians is available whenever you need assistance with your dedicated server, day or night.

ZH 域 - 域是指网站的名称以及如何通过Web浏览器访问它。一个很好的例子是www.hostwinds.com,hostwinds.com是域名。

EN Domain - A domain refers to the name of your website and how you can access it through a web browser. A good example of this is www.hostwinds.com, where hostwinds.com is the domain name.

ZH 最适合您的虚拟主机服务(Hostwinds Ultimate Guide) | Hostwinds

EN Best Web Hosting Services For You (Hostwinds Ultimate Guide) | Hostwinds

ZH 当您注册经销商网络托管时,您租用 Hostwinds 服务器空间,卖 Hostwinds 服务,我们的团队处理其他一切。

EN When you sign up for Reseller Web Hosting, you rent Hostwinds server space, sell Hostwinds services, and our team handles everything else.

ZH 白色标签经销商网站托管是一种允许您销售的服务 Hostwinds' 您的品牌名称下的服务。你可以卖任何 Hostwinds' 加入白标经销商程序时服务。

EN White Label Reseller Web Hosting is a service that allows you to sell Hostwinds' services under your brand name. You can sell any of Hostwinds' services when you join the White Label Reseller Program.

ZH 只要您注册White Label Reseller Web托管,您就拥有您所需的一切。 Hostwinds 甚至安装 WHMCS 和 Hostwinds 经销商模块。从我们的支持团队请求帮助,您得到了它!

EN As soon as you sign up for White Label Reseller Web Hosting, you have everything you need to get started. Hostwinds even installs WHMCS and the Hostwinds Reseller Module. Request assistance from our support team, and you got it!

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 套餐,我们将确保您的 VPS 可以启动并与服务器之间的电源,网络和连接是“功能” Hostwinds 这样您就可以对其执行任何必要的操作。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS plan, we will ensure your VPS can start up and is 'functional' with the power, networking, and connection between your server and Hostwinds so that you can perform any necessary actions on it.

ZH Hostwinds 云环境与 Hostwinds Cloud Portal为我们的客户提供了管理和维护Linux所需的一切 VPS.

EN Hostwinds Cloud Environment paired with the Hostwinds Cloud Portal gives our clients everything they need to manage and maintain a Linux VPS.

ZH Hostwinds 非托管Windows VPS 客户端可以随时通过服务器概述页面升级,使用云控件。 一旦升级,我们的专家团队就可以提供 24/7/365 提供任何属于 Hostwinds 支持层。

EN Hostwinds Unmanaged Windows VPS clients may upgrade at any time through the server overview page using Cloud Control. Once upgraded, our team of experts is available 24/7/365 to provide any support that falls within Hostwinds Tiers of Support.

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 服务器,我们可以提供的唯一支持是在基础架构级别,以确保您的 VPS 服务器可以启动并拥有您的电源,网络和连接 VPS 和 Hostwinds 后端基础架构。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS server, the only support we can provide is at the infrastructure level to ensure your VPS Server can start-up and has the power, networking, and connection between your VPS and Hostwinds back-end infrastructure.

ZH Hostwinds 优惠 24/7 云服务器监控。如果云服务器出现问题,则代表您的支持票证会自动生成。休息很容易知道这一点 Hostwinds 站在并准备帮助。

EN Hostwinds offers 24/7 cloud server monitoring. If an issue occurs with your cloud server, a support ticket is automatically generated on your behalf. Rest easy knowing that Hostwinds is standing by and ready to help.

ZH 根访问权限提供给任何 Hostwinds Linux云服务器和完整的管理员访问 Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server,允许您授予您的服务器的完全访问权限以及配置它的能力。

EN Root access is provided for any Hostwinds Linux Cloud Server, and full administrator access is provided for any Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server, both granting you full access to your server and the ability to configure it however you like.

ZH Hostwinds 块存储提供为您节省有限数据存储的痛点。 不要限制自己! 在飞行中向系统添加卷 Hostwinds Cloud Portal可扩展存储空间。

EN Hostwinds block storage offering saves you from the pain of limited data storage. Don't limit yourself! Add volumes to your system on the fly within the Hostwinds Cloud Portal for expanded storage space.

ZH 每台专用服务器都购买 Hostwinds 附带完全管理支持 Hostwinds. 我们的经验丰富的技术人员可以随时使用您的专用服务器,日夜为您的帮助。

EN Each dedicated server purchased at Hostwinds comes with full management support offered by Hostwinds. Our team of experienced technicians is available whenever you need assistance with your dedicated server, day or night.

ZH 当您注册经销商网络托管时,您租用 Hostwinds 服务器空间,卖 Hostwinds 服务,我们的团队处理其他一切。

EN When you sign up for Reseller Web Hosting, you rent Hostwinds server space, sell Hostwinds services, and our team handles everything else.

ZH 白色标签经销商网站托管是一种允许您销售的服务 Hostwinds' 您的品牌名称下的服务。你可以卖任何 Hostwinds' 加入白标经销商程序时服务。

EN White Label Reseller Web Hosting is a service that allows you to sell Hostwinds' services under your brand name. You can sell any of Hostwinds' services when you join the White Label Reseller Program.

ZH 只要您注册White Label Reseller Web托管,您就拥有您所需的一切。 Hostwinds 甚至安装 WHMCS 和 Hostwinds 经销商模块。从我们的支持团队请求帮助,您得到了它!

EN As soon as you sign up for White Label Reseller Web Hosting, you have everything you need to get started. Hostwinds even installs WHMCS and the Hostwinds Reseller Module. Request assistance from our support team, and you got it!

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 套餐,我们将确保您的 VPS 可以启动并与服务器之间的电源,网络和连接是“功能” Hostwinds 这样您就可以对其执行任何必要的操作。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS plan, we will ensure your VPS can start up and is 'functional' with the power, networking, and connection between your server and Hostwinds so that you can perform any necessary actions on it.

ZH Hostwinds 云环境与 Hostwinds Cloud Portal为我们的客户提供了管理和维护Linux所需的一切 VPS.

EN Hostwinds Cloud Environment paired with the Hostwinds Cloud Portal gives our clients everything they need to manage and maintain a Linux VPS.

ZH Hostwinds 非托管Windows VPS 客户端可以随时通过服务器概述页面升级,使用云控件。 一旦升级,我们的专家团队就可以提供 24/7/365 提供任何属于 Hostwinds 支持层。

EN Hostwinds Unmanaged Windows VPS clients may upgrade at any time through the server overview page using Cloud Control. Once upgraded, our team of experts is available 24/7/365 to provide any support that falls within Hostwinds Tiers of Support.

ZH Hostwinds 非主机 VPS 服务器,我们可以提供的唯一支持是在基础架构级别,以确保您的 VPS 服务器可以启动并拥有您的电源,网络和连接 VPS 和 Hostwinds 后端基础架构。

EN With a Hostwinds Unmanaged VPS server, the only support we can provide is at the infrastructure level to ensure your VPS Server can start-up and has the power, networking, and connection between your VPS and Hostwinds back-end infrastructure.

ZH Hostwinds 优惠 24/7 云服务器监控。如果云服务器出现问题,则代表您的支持票证会自动生成。休息很容易知道这一点 Hostwinds 站在并准备帮助。

EN Hostwinds offers 24/7 cloud server monitoring. If an issue occurs with your cloud server, a support ticket is automatically generated on your behalf. Rest easy knowing that Hostwinds is standing by and ready to help.

ZH 根访问权限提供给任何 Hostwinds Linux云服务器和完整的管理员访问 Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server,允许您授予您的服务器的完全访问权限以及配置它的能力。

EN Root access is provided for any Hostwinds Linux Cloud Server, and full administrator access is provided for any Hostwinds Windows Cloud Server, both granting you full access to your server and the ability to configure it however you like.

ZH Hostwinds 块存储提供为您节省有限数据存储的痛点。 不要限制自己! 在飞行中向系统添加卷 Hostwinds Cloud Portal可扩展存储空间。

EN Hostwinds block storage offering saves you from the pain of limited data storage. Don't limit yourself! Add volumes to your system on the fly within the Hostwinds Cloud Portal for expanded storage space.

ZH 每台专用服务器都购买 Hostwinds 附带完全管理支持 Hostwinds. 我们的经验丰富的技术人员可以随时使用您的专用服务器,日夜为您的帮助。

EN Each dedicated server purchased at Hostwinds comes with full management support offered by Hostwinds. Our team of experienced technicians is available whenever you need assistance with your dedicated server, day or night.

ZH 当您注册经销商网络托管时,您租用 Hostwinds 服务器空间,卖 Hostwinds 服务,我们的团队处理其他一切。

EN When you sign up for Reseller Web Hosting, you rent Hostwinds server space, sell Hostwinds services, and our team handles everything else.

Po shfaq 50 nga 50 përkthime