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ZH 图片: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

EN Photo: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

ZH 图片: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

EN Photo: European Space Agency / European Space Agency

ZH Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd Zavizanska 12 10000 Zagreb Croatia, European Union 电话: +385 1 4834 120

EN Advisera Expert Solutions Ltd Zavizanska 12 10000 Zagreb Croatia, European Union Telephone: +385 1 4834 120

ZH A new China Mobile International Limited (CMI) data centre is now open in Germany. The purpose-built Tier III facility is located in Frankfurt, the financial capital of the European Union. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN A new China Mobile International Limited (CMI) data centre is now open in Germany. The purpose-built Tier III facility is located in Frankfurt, the financial capital of the European Union. Read full information on external site

ZH 美国与超过75个国家及欧洲联盟(European Union)联合发表了上述声明,其中包括法国、希腊和立陶宛驻联合国代表,立陶宛是成立于2016年的盟友团(Group of Friends)主席。

EN The United States joined more than 75 countries and the European Union in the statement, including the U.N. representatives from France, Greece and Lithuania, who chair the Group of Friends, founded in 2016.

ZH 起初,游行路线始于 Mount Union Square (East State Street),由 South Union Avenue 向北,在 East Main Street 向东,并于 Arch Avenue 结束。游行时间是在晚上,通常从下午 5:00 或 5:30 开始。

EN In the early years of the parade, the route began at Mount Union Square (East State Street), turned north on South Union Avenue, turned east on East Main Street, and ended at Arch Avenue. These were evening parades, usually beginning at 5:00 or 5:30 p.m.

ZH Union Chapel, 阿拉巴马, 美国 - 当前天气,每小时预测的今天,明天,详细的10天天气预报和长期的月度展望。气候图表信息。 国家: 阿拉巴马, 美国, 城市: Union Chapel. [2335449]

EN Union Chapel, Alabama, USA - Current weather, an hourly forecast for today, tomorrow, detailed 10-day weather forecast, and long range monthly outlook. Climate information with charts. Country: Alabama, USA, City: Union Chapel. [2335449]

ZH European Business Law 專項課程

EN European Business Law Specialization

ZH 作为位于欧洲心脏地带的卓越中心,EBRC-European Business Reliance Centre 旨在保护和管理敏感信息和数据。

EN As a centre of excellence based in the heart of Europe, EBRC–European Business Reliance Centre – aims at protecting and managing sensitive information and data.

ZH European Journal of Risk Regulation》,剑桥大学出版社。第10卷第2期359-375页

EN European Journal of Risk Regulation, Cambridge University Press. Volume 10 Issue 2 pp. 359-375

ZH Carlos Carvajal will focus on the product side of the business, liaising with existing and potential clients, and further responsibilities will include helping the company grow within European markets. 阅读更多…

EN Carlos Carvajal will focus on the product side of the business, liaising with existing and potential clients, and further responsibilities will include helping the company grow within European markets. Read More…

ZH Arcangelo Lonoce, European Head of Business Development at Habanero, said: “We couldn’t be happier to be working with Betshop as we continue to expand our reach throughout Europe. 阅读更多…

EN Arcangelo Lonoce, European Head of Business Development at Habanero, said: “We couldn’t be happier to be working with Betshop as we continue to expand our reach throughout Europe. Read More…

ZH 標籤: femdom wife, femdom chastity, cuckolding, cuckold husband, cuckold humiliation, cuckold chastity, chastity tease, chastity release, chastity husband, chastity, slave, mistress, mature, humiliation, hd videos, femdom, european, deep throat, cfnm,

EN Tags: femdom wife, femdom chastity, cuckolding, cuckold husband, cuckold humiliation, cuckold chastity, chastity tease, chastity release, chastity husband, chastity, slave, mistress, mature, humiliation, hd videos, femdom, european, deep throat, cfnm,

ZH 標籤: big dick, european, big ass, brunette, french, hd, lingerie, fetish, amateur, anal, blowjob, big tits,

EN Tags: big dick, european, big ass, brunette, french, hd, lingerie, fetish, amateur, anal, blowjob, big tits,

ZH 標籤: european, feet, french, hd, redhead, lingerie, anal, blowjob,

EN Tags: european, feet, french, hd, redhead, lingerie, anal, blowjob,

ZH 作为位于欧洲心脏地带的卓越中心,EBRC-European Business Reliance Centre 旨在保护和管理敏感信息和数据。

EN As a centre of excellence based in the heart of Europe, EBRC–European Business Reliance Centre – aims at protecting and managing sensitive information and data.

ZH Carlos Carvajal will focus on the product side of the business, liaising with existing and potential clients, and further responsibilities will include helping the company grow within European markets. 阅读更多…

EN Carlos Carvajal will focus on the product side of the business, liaising with existing and potential clients, and further responsibilities will include helping the company grow within European markets. Read More…

ZH Arcangelo Lonoce, European Head of Business Development at Habanero, said: “We couldn’t be happier to be working with Betshop as we continue to expand our reach throughout Europe. 阅读更多…

EN Arcangelo Lonoce, European Head of Business Development at Habanero, said: “We couldn’t be happier to be working with Betshop as we continue to expand our reach throughout Europe. Read More…

ZH Baxter Credit Union (BCU) 运用 Sitecore XP 和 Azure 提高了营销效果,并将贷款和抵押贷款申请量提高了 28%

EN Sitecore becomes hub of personalized marketing, customer communications, and lead generation for expanding Canadian bank

ZH 访问我们的全球网站 Peterson and Control Union

EN Visit our global website Peterson and Control Union

ZH 新南威尔士州 2042, 新镇, 3 Union Street

EN 3 Union Street, Newtown, NSW 2042

ZH 维多利亚州 3103, 博文, 2/339 Union Road

EN 2/339 Union Road, Balwyn, VIC 3103

ZH 维多利亚州 3103, 博文, 358 Union Road

EN 358 Union Road, Balwyn, VIC 3103

ZH A student center (也叫a student union) 是大学校园中的学生活动和社交中心,相当于高校校园中的社区中心。

EN A student center (also known as a student union) is a building on a university campus. A student center is a place for students to socialize, etc., and is the community center of the university.

ZH 无论是通过根据您的特定需求定制程序,还是选择已提供的 100 多个程序中的一个,Control Union Certifications 都能为您提供可持续采购解决方案所需的选项。

EN Whether by tailoring a program around your specific needs, or selecting one of the more than 100 programs offered, Control Union Certifications works to provide you with the options needed to source sustainably.

ZH Control Union Certifications 最初从事的农业业务使其十分了解将产品推向市场所面临的复杂挑战,以及当今超市和百货公司进行的各种营销活动。

EN Having its roots in agriculture gave Control Union Certifications an in-depth understanding of the complex challenges of bringing products to market and the marketing campaigns that we see from today's supermarkets and department stores.

ZH 通过开发一站式服务方案,使 Control Union 能够将多种服务关联在一起,使您能够通过捆绑系统来利用您对可持续发展项目的投资。

EN The development of a one-stop-shop approach has enabled Control Union to link services together, allowing you to leverage your investments in sustainability programs through a bundling system.

ZH Control Union Certifications 在全球六大洲的 70 多个国家/地区开展业务。

EN Control Union Certifications has a global presence that spans more than 70 countries in six continents.

ZH 通过这些当地办事处,Control Union 能够提供实地支持和洞察,帮助客户应对当地的挑战。

EN From these local offices Control Union is able to offer on-the-ground support and insight to assist clients with local challenges.

ZH 借助我们当地团队的深入知识和经验,Control Union 具有独一无二的优势,能够有效沟通,并缓解客户在世界任何地方面临的风险。

EN Through the knowledge and experience of our local teams, Control Union is uniquely equipped to communicate and mitigate the risks faced by customers elsewhere in the world.

ZH Control Union Certifications 得到了众多政府和行业组织的认证,实现并保持最高诚信度,可以确保我们的服务和认证达到最高水平。

EN Control Union Certifications obtains and maintains the highest level of integrity through its accreditations from numerous government and industry organisations, ensuring our services and certificates are at the highest level.

ZH Control Union Certifications 获得了以下机构的认可:

ZH 多个政府已经实施了法规,要求进口商必须实施尽职调查制度 (DDS)。Control Union Certifications 拥有用于帮助公司实施此制度的知识和网络。

EN Several governments have implemented regulations, forcing importers to have a Due Diligence System (DDS) in place. Control Union Certifications has the knowledge and network to support companies with the implementation.

ZH Control Union Certifications 支持并实施了许多尽职调查制度,帮助客户发现风险并实施缓解措施。

EN Control Union Certifications has supported and implemented many due diligence systems, helping customers identify risks as well as implementing mitigating measures.

ZH Control Union Certifications 还由欧盟委员会认定为监督组织,可支持欧盟木材进口商并遵守欧盟木材法规。

EN Control Union Certifications is also recognised as a monitoring organisation by the European Commission to support EU importers of wood and to comply with EU timber regulations.

ZH IMO 和 USCG 型式认证对于压载水管理系统 (BWMS) 制造商至关重要。Control Union Certifications 是获美国海岸警卫队许可负责根据 46 CFR 162.060 测试压载水管理系统的独立实验室 (IL)。

EN IMO and USCG type approval is crucial for ballast water management system (BWMS) manufacturers. Control Union Certifications is a US Coast Guard-accepted Independent Laboratory (IL) for testing of BWMS in accordance with 46 CFR 162.060.

ZH Control Union Water 是荷兰皇家海洋研究所 (NIOZ) 的合作伙伴。

EN Control Union Water is a partner of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ).

ZH 如果有需要或要求,Control Union 可以取样并将其安全地密封,使样品不受可能会影响实验室分析结果的其他物质的污染。

EN If needed or requested, Control Union can take samples and securely seal them in such a way that the sample isn?t contaminated with other substances that could influence the results of any laboratory analysis.

ZH Control Union Certifications 可以帮助您的企业实现和保持对美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 食品安全现代化法案 (FSMA) 的法规遵从性。

EN Control Union Certifications can assist your business in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration?s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

ZH 根据您的需求和要求,将在为您产品提供配料的国家/地区选择 Control Union 审计员。

EN Based on your needs and requirements, Control Union auditors will be selected in the countries which provide the ingredients for your products.

ZH 在过去十年里,Control Union Certifications 为寻求管理可持续的安全供应链的众多跨国公司提供支持。

EN For the past 10 years, Control Union Certifications has supported a range of multinational companies with their ambitions to manage a safe and sustainable supply chain.

ZH 可持续发展农业倡议 (SAI) 平台还将 Control Union 指定为其合作伙伴,以表彰我们在该领域提供的专业服务。

EN The Sustainable Agricultural Initiative (SAI) platform has also appointed Control Union as its enabling partner as a recognition of our expertise in the field.

ZH Control Union Certifications 获得了众多本地和国际认证机构(如荷兰认证委员会 (RVA) 和国际认证服务机构 (ASI))的认证。

EN Control Union Certifications is accredited by several local and international accreditation organisations, such as the Dutch board of accreditation (RVA) and the Accreditation Services International (ASI).

ZH 法规、认证和量身定制的标准是持续改进的主体。Control Union Certifications 密切关注这些发展,并致力于让我们的客户了解最新的变化。

EN Regulations, certifications and tailor-made standards are the subjects of continuous improvement. Control Union Certifications follows these developments closely and we see it as our task to keep our customers updated about the latest changes.

ZH Control Union 大量参与这些新发展,确保即将出台的法规为我们的客户提供帮助。

EN Control Union is heavily involved in these new developments, ensuring that the upcoming regulations help our customers.

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