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Mostrando 28 de 28 traduções da frase "synaptics" de chinês para inglês

Tradução de chinês para inglês de synaptics


ZH 区域触控与刮擦式指纹传感器 | Natural ID | Synaptics

EN Area Touch and Swipe Fingerprint Sensors | Natural ID | Synaptics

ZH Synaptics Clear ID in-display光学指纹传感器可直接在触摸屏显示面板上操作,仅在需要时唤醒显示屏,支持简洁、无按钮、无边框的全面屏手机设计。

EN Synaptics Clear ID in-display optical sensors operate in the touchscreen display itself, activating only when needed, and enabling sleek bezel-free, edge-to-edge infinity displays.

ZH Synaptics 与业内合作伙伴开展合作,并在全球范围内推广标准,以确保 Natural ID 能够在全球在线交易和移动支付生态系统中可靠而协调地工作。

EN Synaptics works with industry partners and promotes worldwide standards to ensure Natural ID operates reliably and cohesively in the global online transaction and mobile payment ecosystems.

ZH Synaptics SentryPoint™技术提供了一套高级安全功能。

EN Synaptics SentryPoint™ technology provides a suite of advanced security features.

ZH 触控控制器 | ClearPad | Touch Controllers ICs | Synaptics

EN Touchscreen Controller Products | ClearPad | Touch Controllers ICs | Synaptics

ZH 作为触控感应技术领域的先行者,Synaptics 为本行业提供了诸多触控控制器。

EN Having pioneering touch-sensing technology, Synaptics provides the industry with an array of touch controllers.

ZH Synaptics 将一流的多点触控与显示驱动器技术融为一体。

EN Synaptics blends state-of-the-art multi-touch and display-driver technologies.

ZH Synaptics 设计工作室的全面支持 TouchView 控制器,提供综合的全套工具,简化了触摸屏的设计工作,使其可以更快投入市场。

EN ClearPad touch controllers are fully supported by Synaptics Design Studio, which delivers a comprehensive, start-to-finish array of tools to simplify the design of touchscreens and bring them to market faster.

ZH Synaptics ClearPad® 触控控制器的几乎所有特性都融入 TouchView 解决方案中,包括直观的界面、耐湿性和高分辨率显示。

EN Virtually all of the features of Synaptics' advanced touch controllers are available in our TouchView solutions, including smooth, fast performance, moisture resilience, and variable force sensing.

ZH TouchView 也支持 Synaptics ClearView™ 显示驱动器集成电路功能,该功能开发用于增强显示器的亮度、颜色、对比度、阳光下的易读性以及能效。

EN TouchView also supports Synaptics' advanced display-driver IC features, developed to enhance a displays brightness, color, contrast, readability in sunlight, and power efficiency.

ZH Synaptics Design Studio完全支持TouchView控制器,该工作室提供了全面的,从头到尾的工具,可简化触摸屏的设计并更快地将其推向市场。

EN TouchView controllers are fully supported by Synaptics Design Studio, which delivers a comprehensive, start-to-finish array of tools to simplify the design of touchscreens and bring them to market faster.

ZH Synaptics USB-C CODEC使品牌可以在所有设备上统一提供其标志性的音质。

EN Synaptics USB-C CODECs enable brands to deliver their signature sound quality uniformly across all devices.

ZH Synaptics TDDI解决方案结合了我们的显示驱动器和触摸控制器中的功能以及汽车行业所要求的可靠性

EN Synaptics TDDI solution combines the features found in both our display drivers and touch controllers along with the reliability demanded by the automotive industry.

ZH Synaptics ClearView™显示驱动器系列提供了高级图像处理功能,可以满足当今汽车显示器不断增长的需求。

EN The Synaptics ClearView™ family of display drivers provides advanced image-processing capabilities that meet the growing demands of today’s automotive displays.

ZH 区域触控与刮擦式指纹传感器 | Natural ID | Synaptics

EN Area Touch and Swipe Fingerprint Sensors | Natural ID | Synaptics

ZH Synaptics Clear ID in-display光学指纹传感器可直接在触摸屏显示面板上操作,仅在需要时唤醒显示屏,支持简洁、无按钮、无边框的全面屏手机设计。

EN Synaptics Clear ID in-display optical sensors operate in the touchscreen display itself, activating only when needed, and enabling sleek bezel-free, edge-to-edge infinity displays.

ZH Synaptics 与业内合作伙伴开展合作,并在全球范围内推广标准,以确保 Natural ID 能够在全球在线交易和移动支付生态系统中可靠而协调地工作。

EN Synaptics works with industry partners and promotes worldwide standards to ensure Natural ID operates reliably and cohesively in the global online transaction and mobile payment ecosystems.

ZH Synaptics SentryPoint™技术提供了一套高级安全功能。

EN Synaptics SentryPoint™ technology provides a suite of advanced security features.

ZH 触控控制器 | ClearPad | Touch Controllers ICs | Synaptics

EN Touchscreen Controller Products | ClearPad | Touch Controllers ICs | Synaptics

ZH 作为触控感应技术领域的先行者,Synaptics 为本行业提供了诸多触控控制器。

EN Having pioneering touch-sensing technology, Synaptics provides the industry with an array of touch controllers.

ZH Synaptics 将一流的多点触控与显示驱动器技术融为一体。

EN Synaptics blends state-of-the-art multi-touch and display-driver technologies.

ZH Synaptics 设计工作室的全面支持 TouchView 控制器,提供综合的全套工具,简化了触摸屏的设计工作,使其可以更快投入市场。

EN ClearPad touch controllers are fully supported by Synaptics Design Studio, which delivers a comprehensive, start-to-finish array of tools to simplify the design of touchscreens and bring them to market faster.

ZH Synaptics ClearPad® 触控控制器的几乎所有特性都融入 TouchView 解决方案中,包括直观的界面、耐湿性和高分辨率显示。

EN Virtually all of the features of Synaptics' advanced touch controllers are available in our TouchView solutions, including smooth, fast performance, moisture resilience, and variable force sensing.

ZH TouchView 也支持 Synaptics ClearView™ 显示驱动器集成电路功能,该功能开发用于增强显示器的亮度、颜色、对比度、阳光下的易读性以及能效。

EN TouchView also supports Synaptics' advanced display-driver IC features, developed to enhance a displays brightness, color, contrast, readability in sunlight, and power efficiency.

ZH Synaptics Design Studio完全支持TouchView控制器,该工作室提供了全面的,从头到尾的工具,可简化触摸屏的设计并更快地将其推向市场。

EN TouchView controllers are fully supported by Synaptics Design Studio, which delivers a comprehensive, start-to-finish array of tools to simplify the design of touchscreens and bring them to market faster.

ZH Synaptics TDDI解决方案结合了我们的显示驱动器和触摸控制器中的功能以及汽车行业所要求的可靠性

EN Synaptics TDDI solution combines the features found in both our display drivers and touch controllers along with the reliability demanded by the automotive industry.

ZH Synaptics ClearView™显示驱动器系列提供了高级图像处理功能,可以满足当今汽车显示器不断增长的需求。

EN The Synaptics ClearView™ family of display drivers provides advanced image-processing capabilities that meet the growing demands of today’s automotive displays.

ZH Synaptics USB-C CODEC使品牌可以在所有设备上统一提供其标志性的音质。

EN Synaptics USB-C CODECs enable brands to deliver their signature sound quality uniformly across all devices.

Mostrando 28 de 28 traduções