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Tradução de chinês para inglês de magic design


ZH 本視訊演示如何使用 Cloudflare 的 Magic Transit、Magic WAN 和 Magic Firewall 來阻止 DDoS 攻擊、創建安全規則並簡化複雜的全球網路之間的連接。

EN This video demo shows how to use Cloudflare's Magic Transit, Magic WAN, and Magic Firewall to stop DDoS attacks, establish security rules, and simplify connectivity between complex global networks.

ZH - 所有 -System ProductizationSolution Design & ServicesSoftware Design & ServicesHardware Design & Services

EN All CategoriesSystem ProductizationSolution Design & ServicesSoftware Design & ServicesHardware Design & Services

ZH Magic Firewall 為我們的 SASE 綜合解決方案 Cloudflare One 提供雲防火牆根基。Cloudflare One 拋棄東拼西湊的傳統裝置和專有電路,代之以 Magic WAN —— 基於雲的綜合性 WAN 即服務解決方案,內置:

EN Magic Firewall provides the cloud firewall foundation for Cloudflare One, our comprehensive solution for SASE.

ZH Jewel Quest - Magic Match3 APK 1.28安卓下載 - 下載Jewel Quest - Magic Match3 XAPK (APK Bundle)最新版本 -

EN Jewel Quest - Magic Match3 APK 1.28 Download for Android – Download Jewel Quest - Magic Match3 XAPK (APK Bundle) Latest Version -

ZH 切换Magic Canvas~ic-magic-canvas~~ic-magic-canvas~ 开关将使Vectornator界面在你绘图或移动物体时移开;露出画布并释放你设备上的工作空间。

EN Toggling the Magic Canvas ~ic-magic-canvas~~ic-magic-canvas~ switch will cause the Vectornator Interface to move out of the way when you are drawing or moving objects; revealing the canvas and freeing up working space on your device.

ZH Magic Trackpad 和 Magic Trackpad 2

EN Magic Trackpad and Magic Trackpad 2

ZH Magic Design 出品的《非常英雄》- 2D PC/游戏主机游戏 | Made with Unity

EN Unruly Heroes by Magic Design - A 2D PC/console game | Made with Unity

ZH Magic Design 使用 Unity 作为强大的基础来构建游戏 - 音频和粒子系统等内置功能给他们带来了极大便利,更不用说将游戏发布到市场上所有游戏主机和桌面系统的能力。

EN Magic Design uses Unity as a powerful base to build their game, taking advantage of several built-in features such as the Audio and Particle Systems, not to mention the ability to bring the game to every console and desktop system on the market.

ZH “但我不认为我们的工具是 Magic Design 最出色的作品,功劳应该属于创作出精美和引人注目的美术资源的美术师们。”Gentile 继续说道。

EN “But I don’t think our tools are the best part of what we’re doing at Magic Design: It’s the artists who are creating beautiful and compelling art,” continues Gentile.

ZH EfficiencyIT, a specialist consultancy in data centre design and build, edge computing and IT services, has welcomed DC design expert Steve Henson as its new senior data centre architect. 阅读外部网站上的完整信息

EN EfficiencyIT, a specialist consultancy in data centre design and build, edge computing and IT services, has welcomed DC design expert Steve Henson as its new senior data centre architect. Read full information on external site

ZH 文件類型Product Data BriefFact sheetDatasheetApplication NoteEval Kit design ManualReference design Manual

EN Document TypeProduct Data BriefFact sheetDatasheetApplication NoteEval Kit design ManualReference design Manual

ZH Magic Transit 保護網路並提升效能

EN Magic Transit protects networks and improves performance

ZH 查看應用程式效能測試的結果,這些測試證明:當流量透過 Magic Transit 進行路由時,延遲會減少。

EN Review results of app performance tests that demonstrate that latency decreased when traffic was routed over Magic Transit.

ZH 連線、安全性和效能,全部作為服務透過 Magic 產品提供

EN Connectivity, security, and performance — all delivered as a service through Magic products

ZH 與 Argo Smart Routing 整合後,Cloudflare Magic Transit 將使用最快、最可靠的連結即時向您的網路提供乾淨的流量。

EN When integrated with Argo Smart Routing, Cloudflare Magic Transit will deliver clean traffic back to your network using the fastest, most reliable links in real-time.

ZH Magic Transit 是 Cloudflare 為網路提供的產品——其使用邊界閘道協定(BGP)來重新路由客戶網路流量並阻止威脅。

EN Magic Transit is Cloudflare’s offering for networks. It uses Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to reroute incoming customer network traffic and block threats.

ZH Magic WAN 用 Cloudflare 的網路取代傳統的 WAN 架構,透過一個簡單的使用者介面提供全球連線、雲端安全,以及效能和控制。

EN Magic WAN replaces legacy WAN architectures with Cloudflare’s network, providing global connectivity, cloud-based security, performance, and control through one simple user interface.

ZH Magic WAN 奠定 Cloudflare One 的連線基石,這款綜合全面的雲端 WAN 即服務解決方案天生為安全、快速和可靠而設計。

EN Magic WAN, the connectivity foundation of Cloudflare One, is a comprehensive, cloud-based network-as-a-service solution that is designed to be secure, fast, and reliable by default.

ZH Cloudflare for Teams 和 Magic WAN 一同提供一個安全的途徑,不論您的員工在哪裡工作,都能方便地存取私有網路資源。

EN With Cloudfare One, Cloudflare for Teams and Magic WAN provide a secure way for your employees to access resources behind private networks, wherever they're working.

ZH Argo Smart Routing 現可用於 Magic Transit

EN Argo Smart Routing now available for Magic Transit

ZH Keyword Magic tool的新闻 | Semrush

EN News about Keyword Magic tool | Semrush

ZH 2020 年 Gartner WAN 邊緣基礎架構 Magic Quadrant 的領頭羊

EN Free 30-Day VM-Series Virtual Firewall Trial

ZH TIBCO 獲評為 2019 年資料科學與機器學習平台魔力象限 (Magic Quadrant) 的領導品牌。

EN TIBCO is a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms 2021

ZH How to Use the Keyword Magic Tool 手册 - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

EN How to Use the Keyword Magic Tool manual - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

ZH 1. Forrester Wave:云数据仓库,2021 年第一季度2. Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems

EN 1. The Forrester Wave?: Cloud Data Warehouse, Q1 2021 2. Gartner Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems

ZH 使用 Keyword Magic Tool 进行关键词研究和分析 | Semrush 中文

EN Perform keyword research and analysis with Keyword Magic Tool | Semrush

ZH Keyword Magic Tool 被评为 PubCon 2019 年最佳数字营销工具

EN Keyword Magic Tool was the winner of PubCon’s Best Digital Tool in 2019

ZH 了解更多:Winter Magic Tour

EN Learn more about: Winter Magic Tour

ZH Aztec Magic Slot - 使用比特币或真钱进行游戏 - BitStarz 娱乐场

EN Aztec Magic Slot - Play with Bitcoin or Real Money - BitStarz Casino

ZH Unity 支持 20 多个平台。在 AR 方面,Unity 支持 iOS (ARKit)、Android (ARCore)、Hololens(Microsoft 混合现实)、Magic Leap (Spatial OS) 和 Web。它还支持大部分主流 VR 平台,例如 Facebook 的 Oculus Quest。

EN Unity supports more than 20 platforms. For AR, Unity supports iOS (ARKit), Android (ARCore), Hololens (Microsoft mixed reality), Magic Leap (Spatial OS), and web. It also supports most major VR platforms, including Facebook’s Oculus Quest.

ZH 特色 | Gartner:2021 年 Magic Quadrant 雲端基礎設施與平台服務

EN Featured | Gartner: 2021 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure & Platform Services

ZH TIBCO 獲評為 2019 年資料科學與機器學習平台魔力象限 (Magic Quadrant) 的領導品牌。

EN TIBCO is a Leader in the Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms 2021

ZH NetApp 連續第三年被 Gartner 評選為主儲存設備魔力象限 Magic Quadrant™ 的領導廠商。

EN For the third year in a row, NetApp has been recognized by Gartner as a Leader in the Magic Quadrant™ for Primary

ZH 將網際網路用作您的企業網路,內置 Magic Firewall 等安全功能

EN Use the Internet for your corporate network with security built in, including Magic Firewall

ZH Gartner 在云数据库管理系统的 Gartner Magic Quadrant 中将 Teradata 评为云计算领先企业。

EN Gartner names Teradata cloud leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for cloud database management systems.

ZH Unity 支持 20 多个平台。在 AR 方面,Unity 支持 iOS (ARKit)、Android (ARCore)、Hololens(Microsoft 混合现实)、Magic Leap (Spatial OS) 和 Web。它还支持大部分主流 VR 平台,例如 Facebook 的 Oculus Quest。

EN Unity supports more than 20 platforms. For AR, Unity supports iOS (ARKit), Android (ARCore), Hololens (Microsoft mixed reality), Magic Leap (Spatial OS), and web. It also supports most major VR platforms, including Facebook’s Oculus Quest.

ZH 将互联网用作您的企业网络,内置 Magic Firewall 等安全功能

EN Use the Internet for your corporate network with security built in, including Magic Firewall

ZH Magic Transit 保護網路並提升效能

EN Magic Transit protects networks and improves performance

ZH 查看應用程式效能測試的結果,這些測試證明:當流量透過 Magic Transit 進行路由時,延遲會減少。

EN Review results of app performance tests that demonstrate that latency decreased when traffic was routed over Magic Transit.

ZH Magic Transit 做為往返更廣泛的網際網路的管線,透過在邊緣數秒緩解 DDoS 攻擊來保護社群網路。

EN Magic Transit acts as a conduit to and from the broader Internet and protects community networks by mitigating DDoS attacks within seconds at the edge.

ZH Magic Firewall 為社群網路提供對網路層防火牆即服務的存取,從而提供進一步的惡意流量防護。

EN Magic Firewall gives community networks access to a network-layer firewall as a service, providing further protection from malicious traffic.

ZH Keyword Magic tool的新闻 | Semrush

EN News about Keyword Magic tool | Semrush

ZH How to Use the Keyword Magic Tool 手册 - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

EN How to Use the Keyword Magic Tool manual - Semrush Toolkits | Semrush

ZH 使用 Keyword Magic Tool 进行关键词研究和分析 | Semrush 中文

EN Perform keyword research and analysis with Keyword Magic Tool | Semrush

ZH 了解为什么营销人员热衷于 Semrush Keyword Magic Tool

EN See Why Marketers Love Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool

ZH 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目前所支持的语言。 Magic has been banned from the great Underground Empire of Zork

EN Magic has been banned from the great Underground Empire of Zork

ZH Magic Transit 保护网络并提升性能

EN Magic Transit protects networks and improves performance

ZH 查看应用程序性能测试的结果,这些测试证明:当流量通过 Magic Transit 进行路由时,延迟会减少。

EN Review results of app performance tests that demonstrate that latency decreased when traffic was routed over Magic Transit.

ZH 了解更多:Winter Magic Tour

EN Learn more about: Winter Magic Tour

ZH 查看更多: + New Year's Eve magic

EN Find out more about: + New Year's Eve magic

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