Išversti "ngo" į Anglų

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ngo Kinų vertimas į Anglų


ZH 借助DETOX TO ZERO这一有效工具,可以向绿色和平组织及其他非政府组织(NGO)展示供应链中已经满足去毒要求的状态。

EN With DETOX TO ZERO, you have at your disposal an efficient tool for communicating to Greenpeace and other NGOs the status of detox requirements already met within your supply chain.

ZH 我们客户从当地主管机关到跨国组织,从政府到非政府组织 (NGO),覆盖十分广泛。所有客户都信赖我们提供的咨询服务,因为我们提供的不仅仅是法律意见。

EN Our clients range from local authorities to multinational organisations, and from governments to NGOs. All of them trust us as an advisor that provides more than just legal advice.

ZH 借助DETOX TO ZERO这一有效工具,可以向绿色和平组织及其他非政府组织(NGO)展示供应链中已经满足去毒要求的状态。

EN With DETOX TO ZERO, you have at your disposal an efficient tool for communicating to Greenpeace and other NGOs the status of detox requirements already met within your supply chain.

ZH 借助DETOX TO ZERO这一有效工具,可以向绿色和平组织及其他非政府组织(NGO)展示供应链中已经满足去毒要求的状态。

EN With DETOX TO ZERO, you have at your disposal an efficient tool for communicating to Greenpeace and other NGOs the status of detox requirements already met within your supply chain.

ZH 我们客户从当地主管机关到跨国组织,从政府到非政府组织 (NGO),覆盖十分广泛。所有客户都信赖我们提供的咨询服务,因为我们提供的不仅仅是法律意见。

EN Our clients range from local authorities to multinational organisations, and from governments to NGOs. All of them trust us as an advisor that provides more than just legal advice.

ZH 借助DETOX TO ZERO这一有效工具,可以向绿色和平组织及其他非政府组织(NGO)展示供应链中已经满足去毒要求的状态。

EN With DETOX TO ZERO, you have at your disposal an efficient tool for communicating to Greenpeace and other NGOs the status of detox requirements already met within your supply chain.

ZH monday.com有向非營利組織和非政府組織(NGO)提供方案嗎?

EN Are there unique monday.com plans for nonprofits and NGOs?

ZH 非政府组织(NGO)。节约能源联盟、碳信托基金、国际能源保护研究所、清洁能源解决方案中心和联合国基金会

EN Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs): Alliance to Save Energy, Carbon Trust, International Institute for Energy Conservation, Clean Energy Solutions Center, and the UN Foundation

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