{Ssearch} wergerîne Çînî

{Endresult} ji 29 wergerên peyva "invention" ji Îngilîzî bo Çînî têne nîşandan

Wergera Îngilîzî bo Çînî ya {lêgerîn}


EN Pulse Oximeters: The Invention That Changed the Paradigm of Patient Safety Around the World ? A Japanese Perspective

ZH APSF 重新审视其 十大患者安全优先事项

Transliteration APSF zhòng xīn shěn shì qí shí dà huàn zhě ān quán yōu xiān shì xiàng

EN They both listen to Freddie Gibbs & Madlib, The Mothers of Invention and Mach-Hommy.

ZH 他们俩都收听 Freddie Gibbs & Madlib、The Mothers of Invention 和 Mach-Hommy。

Transliteration tā men liǎ dōu shōu tīng Freddie Gibbs & Madlib、The Mothers of Invention hé Mach-Hommy。

EN A tourist peeks inside the iconic garage where Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard built their first invention. (© AP Images)

ZH 参观者在比尔·惠利特和戴维·普卡德推出他们的第一项发明的著名车库中(© AP Images)

Transliteration cān guān zhě zài bǐ ěr·huì lì tè hé dài wéi·pǔ kǎ dé tuī chū tā men de dì yī xiàng fā míng de zhe míng chē kù zhōng (© AP Images)

EN A modern invention inspired by practices from ancient Greece, the Olympic Torch Relay heralds the start of the Olympic Games and transmits a message of peace and friendship along its route.

ZH 奥林匹克圣火传递是受古希腊文明启发的现代活动。圣火传递预示着奥运会的开始,同时在传递途中传递和平和友谊的信号。

Transliteration ào lín pǐ kè shèng huǒ chuán dì shì shòu gǔ xī là wén míng qǐ fā de xiàn dài huó dòng。shèng huǒ chuán dì yù shì zhe ào yùn huì de kāi shǐ, tóng shí zài chuán dì tú zhōng chuán dì hé píng hé yǒu yì de xìn hào。

EN Archery, one of the oldest sports still practiced, is closely linked to the development of civilisation. As a cultural advance, it was comparable to the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel.

ZH 射箭运动是至今为止仍在被人们从事的最古老的运动项目之一,射箭运动和人类文明的发展息息相关。作为文化进步的象征,射箭运动经常被拿来和火以及车轮的发明作比较。

Transliteration shè jiàn yùn dòng shì zhì jīn wèi zhǐ réng zài bèi rén men cóng shì de zuì gǔ lǎo de yùn dòng xiàng mù zhī yī, shè jiàn yùn dòng hé rén lèi wén míng de fā zhǎn xī xī xiāng guān。zuò wèi wén huà jìn bù de xiàng zhēng, shè jiàn yùn dòng jīng cháng bèi ná lái hé huǒ yǐ jí chē lún de fā míng zuò bǐ jiào。

EN The creative use of glass has the power to transform a room or an entire building, especially when combined with lighting and interior design expertise. With SCHOTT?s range of products and technological invention, the potential can be limitless.

ZH 创造性使用玻璃可以令房间或整幢建筑物大为改观,尤其是在结合照明和室内设计专业知识的情况下。 凭借肖特的系列产品和技术发明,可以拥有无限的设计潜力。

Transliteration chuàng zào xìng shǐ yòng bō lí kě yǐ lìng fáng jiān huò zhěng chuáng jiàn zhù wù dà wèi gǎi guān, yóu qí shì zài jié hé zhào míng hé shì nèi shè jì zhuān yè zhī shì de qíng kuàng xià。 píng jiè xiào tè de xì liè chǎn pǐn hé jì shù fā míng, kě yǐ yōng yǒu wú xiàn de shè jì qián lì。

EN Carefully-scoped and tightly-controlled patentability and novelty searches provide you with just the search you need for invention evaluation or patent drafting.

ZH 精心设计的范围和严格控制的专利性和新颖性检索为您提供发明评估或专利起草所需的检索。

Transliteration jīng xīn shè jì de fàn wéi hé yán gé kòng zhì de zhuān lì xìng hé xīn yǐng xìng jiǎn suǒ wèi nín tí gōng fā míng píng gū huò zhuān lì qǐ cǎo suǒ xū de jiǎn suǒ。

EN By paying for services on an as needed basis, you can redirect your focus to innovation and invention, reducing procurement complexity and enabling your business to be fully elastic.

ZH 通过按需为服务付费的方式,您可以将重心转移到创新发明上,从而降低采购的复杂性并全面提升业务弹性。

Transliteration tōng guò àn xū wèi fú wù fù fèi de fāng shì, nín kě yǐ jiāng zhòng xīn zhuǎn yí dào chuàng xīn fā míng shàng, cóng ér jiàng dī cǎi gòu de fù zá xìng bìng quán miàn tí shēng yè wù dàn xìng。

EN A Finnish invention allowing anyone to set up a restaurant for a day

ZH 这是一个芬兰式的发明,允许所有人开一天餐馆

Transliteration zhè shì yī gè fēn lán shì de fā míng, yǔn xǔ suǒ yǒu rén kāi yī tiān cān guǎn

EN Unleash imagination in Invention Convention, a workshop filled with gadgets and gizmos that kids design and build.

ZH 来发明大会释放想象力吧,这是一座工坊,里面充满了孩子们设计和建造的小工具和小玩意。

Transliteration lái fā míng dà huì shì fàng xiǎng xiàng lì ba, zhè shì yī zuò gōng fāng, lǐ miàn chōng mǎn le hái zi men shè jì hé jiàn zào de xiǎo gōng jù hé xiǎo wán yì。

EN Support for safeguarding the future on a business model basis, and in generating the relevant invention reports

ZH 支持在商业模式的基础上保护未来,并生成相关的发明报告

Transliteration zhī chí zài shāng yè mó shì de jī chǔ shàng bǎo hù wèi lái, bìng shēng chéng xiāng guān de fā míng bào gào

EN German patents (and utility models) as well as European patents with effect in Germany give the patent (utility model) holder an exclusive right to prohibit any third party from using the patented invention without consent.

ZH 德国专利(和实用新型)以及在德国生效的欧洲专利赋予专利(实用新型)持有人专有权,禁止任何第三方未经同意使用专利发明。

Transliteration dé guó zhuān lì (hé shí yòng xīn xíng) yǐ jí zài dé guó shēng xiào de ōu zhōu zhuān lì fù yǔ zhuān lì (shí yòng xīn xíng) chí yǒu rén zhuān yǒu quán, jìn zhǐ rèn hé dì sān fāng wèi jīng tóng yì shǐ yòng zhuān lì fā míng。

EN Since the invention of the transistor, innovations in the semiconductor technology have led to significant impacts in almost all areas of technology.

ZH 自晶体管发明以来,半导体技术的创新几乎对所有技术领域产生了重大影响。

Transliteration zì jīng tǐ guǎn fā míng yǐ lái, bàn dǎo tǐ jì shù de chuàng xīn jǐ hū duì suǒ yǒu jì shù lǐng yù chǎn shēng le zhòng dà yǐng xiǎng。

EN Invention of first effective speed controls for steam engines; foundation of Gardner Governor Co.

ZH 发明了第一台蒸气机用有效速度控制装置;Gardner Governor Co. 成立。

Transliteration fā míng le dì yī tái zhēng qì jī yòng yǒu xiào sù dù kòng zhì zhuāng zhì;Gardner Governor Co. chéng lì。

EN The creative use of glass has the power to transform a room or an entire building, especially when combined with lighting and interior design expertise. With SCHOTT?s range of products and technological invention, the potential can be limitless.

ZH 创造性使用玻璃可以令房间或整幢建筑物大为改观,尤其是在结合照明和室内设计专业知识的情况下。 凭借肖特的系列产品和技术发明,可以拥有无限的设计潜力。

Transliteration chuàng zào xìng shǐ yòng bō lí kě yǐ lìng fáng jiān huò zhěng chuáng jiàn zhù wù dà wèi gǎi guān, yóu qí shì zài jié hé zhào míng hé shì nèi shè jì zhuān yè zhī shì de qíng kuàng xià。 píng jiè xiào tè de xì liè chǎn pǐn hé jì shù fā míng, kě yǐ yōng yǒu wú xiàn de shè jì qián lì。

EN Phantom I 103 dB with its Remote features every class-leading Devialet invention bringing you high-fidelity and ultra-dense sound in a compact design that fits in your home. Enjoy physical impact unlike anything you’ve ever felt.

ZH Phantom I 103 dB採用每個領先的Devial​​et發明,為您帶來高保真和超高密度的聲音,精巧設計適合您的家居。感受前所未有的感官衝擊。0 失真, 0 功率飽和, 0 背景噪音

Transliteration Phantom I 103 dB cǎi yòng měi gè lǐng xiān deDevial​​et fā míng, wèi nín dài lái gāo bǎo zhēn hé chāo gāo mì dù de shēng yīn, jīng qiǎo shè jì shì hé nín de jiā jū。gǎn shòu qián suǒ wèi yǒu de gǎn guān chōng jī。0 shī zhēn, 0 gōng lǜ bǎo hé, 0 bèi jǐng zào yīn

EN Every class-leading Devialet invention in an elegant and compact design made for the home. High-fidelity. Ultra-dense sound.

ZH Devialet每項領先同級發明都是優雅而精巧的設計,為家居打造。高保真。超高細膩度。

Transliteration Devialet měi xiàng lǐng xiān tóng jí fā míng dōu shì yōu yǎ ér jīng qiǎo de shè jì, wèi jiā jū dǎ zào。gāo bǎo zhēn。chāo gāo xì nì dù。

EN Many firms were suddenly confronted with empty order books when the corona pandemic broke out in Germany. But necessity is the mother of invention, and some firms were able to survive economically with a new business idea. We present five of them.

ZH 新冠疫情在德国爆发,突然之间,许多德国企业面对空白的销售账本一筹莫展。然而许多企业情急智生,通过运用新的商业点子来自救。这里介绍其中五个创新案例。

Transliteration xīn guān yì qíng zài dé guó bào fā, tū rán zhī jiān, xǔ duō dé guó qǐ yè miàn duì kōng bái de xiāo shòu zhàng běn yī chóu mò zhǎn。rán ér xǔ duō qǐ yè qíng jí zhì shēng, tōng guò yùn yòng xīn de shāng yè diǎn zi lái zì jiù。zhè lǐ jiè shào qí zhōng wǔ gè chuàng xīn àn lì。

EN From household appliances and fitness trackers to health sensors and medical innovations, Bluetooth technology connects billions of everyday devices and enables the invention of countless more.

ZH 从家用电器和健身追踪器到健康传感器和医疗创新,Bluetooth ,技术连接了数十亿的日常设备,并使无数的设备得以发明。

Transliteration cóng jiā yòng diàn qì hé jiàn shēn zhuī zōng qì dào jiàn kāng chuán gǎn qì hé yī liáo chuàng xīn,Bluetooth , jì shù lián jiē le shù shí yì de rì cháng shè bèi, bìng shǐ wú shù de shè bèi dé yǐ fā míng。

Îngilîzî Çînî
bluetooth bluetooth

EN From household appliances and fitness trackers to health sensors and medical innovations, Bluetooth® technology connects billions of everyday devices and enables the invention of countless more.

ZH 从家用电器、健身追踪器到健康传感器和医疗创新,Bluetooth 连接了数十亿台日常设备,并促成了无数更多的发明。

Transliteration cóng jiā yòng diàn qì、 jiàn shēn zhuī zōng qì dào jiàn kāng chuán gǎn qì hé yī liáo chuàng xīn,Bluetooth lián jiē le shù shí yì tái rì cháng shè bèi, bìng cù chéng le wú shù gèng duō de fā míng。

Îngilîzî Çînî
bluetooth bluetooth

EN A Finnish invention allowing anyone to set up a restaurant for a day

ZH 这是一个芬兰式的发明,允许所有人开一天餐馆

Transliteration zhè shì yī gè fēn lán shì de fā míng, yǔn xǔ suǒ yǒu rén kāi yī tiān cān guǎn

EN British professors Shankar Balasubramanian (left) and David Klenerman, both of the University of Cambridge, visit Helsinki to accept the Millennium Technology Prize, for their invention of next-generation DNA sequencing.

ZH 剑桥大学的两位英国教授尚卡尔·巴拉苏布拉马尼安(左)和大卫·克莱纳曼来到赫尔辛基领取千禧年科技奖。他们因发明了新一代DNA测序技术而获奖。

Transliteration jiàn qiáo dà xué de liǎng wèi yīng guó jiào shòu shàng kǎ ěr·bā lā sū bù lā mǎ ní ān (zuǒ) hé dà wèi·kè lái nà màn lái dào hè ěr xīn jī lǐng qǔ qiān xǐ nián kē jì jiǎng。tā men yīn fā míng le xīn yī dàiDNA cè xù jì shù ér huò jiǎng。

EN Pulse Oximeters: The Invention That Changed the Paradigm of Patient Safety Around the World ? A Japanese Perspective

ZH 脉搏血氧饱和度仪:改变了全世界患者安全模式的发明—一个日本人的心路历程

Transliteration mài bó xuè yǎng bǎo hé dù yí: gǎi biàn le quán shì jiè huàn zhě ān quán mó shì de fā míng—yī gè rì běn rén de xīn lù lì chéng

EN Pulse Oximeters: The Invention That Changed the Paradigm of Patient Safety Around the World - A Japanese Perspective - Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation

ZH 脉搏血氧饱和度仪:改变了全世界患者安全模式的发明—一个日本人的心路历程 - Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation

Transliteration mài bó xuè yǎng bǎo hé dù yí: gǎi biàn le quán shì jiè huàn zhě ān quán mó shì de fā míng—yī gè rì běn rén de xīn lù lì chéng - Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation

EN The lives of so many people have been saved and many more will be saved in the future, due to Takuo Aoyagi’s invention.

ZH 得益于Takuo Aoyagi 的发明,很多人的生命得以挽救,未来该发明还会挽救更多人的生命。

Transliteration dé yì yúTakuo Aoyagi de fā míng, hěn duō rén de shēng mìng dé yǐ wǎn jiù, wèi lái gāi fā míng hái huì wǎn jiù gèng duō rén de shēng mìng。

EN Ahhh, where were we in life before the invention of the Selfie Stick and a GoPro?   For some of us, our GoPro cameras have become synonymous with outdoor living.  We?

ZH 什麼是 VPN ? 虛擬私人網路(英語:Virtual Pr...

Transliteration shén me shì VPN ? xū nǐ sī rén wǎng lù (yīng yǔ:Virtual Pr...

EN Unleash imagination in Invention Convention, a workshop filled with gadgets and gizmos that kids design and build.

ZH 来发明大会释放想象力吧,这是一座工坊,里面充满了孩子们设计和建造的小工具和小玩意。

Transliteration lái fā míng dà huì shì fàng xiǎng xiàng lì ba, zhè shì yī zuò gōng fāng, lǐ miàn chōng mǎn le hái zi men shè jì hé jiàn zào de xiǎo gōng jù hé xiǎo wán yì。

EN A tourist peeks inside the iconic garage where Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard built their first invention. (© AP Images)

ZH 参观者在比尔·惠利特和戴维·普卡德推出他们的第一项发明的著名车库中(© AP Images)

Transliteration cān guān zhě zài bǐ ěr·huì lì tè hé dài wéi·pǔ kǎ dé tuī chū tā men de dì yī xiàng fā míng de zhe míng chē kù zhōng (© AP Images)

EN The adoption of in silico methods is pervasive across all healthcare sectors. Engineering simulation is used during discovery and ideation, invention and prototyping, pre-clinical, clinical, and regulatory decision-making.

ZH 採用電腦模擬的做法遍布所有醫療保健產業。在探索和構想、發明和原型設計、臨床前、臨床和法規決策期間使用工程模擬。

Transliteration cǎi yòng diàn nǎo mó nǐ de zuò fǎ biàn bù suǒ yǒu yī liáo bǎo jiàn chǎn yè。zài tàn suǒ hé gòu xiǎng、 fā míng hé yuán xíng shè jì、 lín chuáng qián、 lín chuáng hé fǎ guī jué cè qī jiān shǐ yòng gōng chéng mó nǐ。

{Endresult} ji 29 wergeran nîşan dide