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Çin sözünün iot worlds sözünün İngilis dilinə tərcüməsi


ZH 使用 IoT 耳机 OTICON 解决听力问题 - IoT Worlds

EN Troubleshoot hearing problems with OTICON, the IoT headset - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能游戏来发展计算机和编程技能和知识:这里是 LITY BITS - IoT Worlds

EN Smart game to develop computer and programming skills and knowledge: here's LITTLE BITS - IoT Worlds

ZH DASH 和 DOT,两个智能玩伴适合所有孩子 - IoT Worlds

EN DASH and DOT, two smart playmates for all kids - IoT Worlds

ZH 蜘蛛侠儿童互动智能玩具 - IoT Worlds

EN SPIDERMAN the interactive smart toy for children - IoT Worlds

ZH 发现最好和创新的玩具车轨道 - IoT Worlds

EN Discover the best and innovative toy car track - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能和互动的儿童游戏:满足 Talkies - IoT Worlds

EN Intelligent and interactive games for children: Meet the TALKIES - IoT Worlds

ZH OSMO 多学科性和乐趣之间的互动游戏 - IoT Worlds

EN OSMO The interactive game between multi disciplinarity and fun - IoT Worlds

ZH 提升技能的终极指南 - IoT Worlds

EN The Ultimate Guide To Upskill - IoT Worlds

ZH 什么是元界以及如何开始创建私人世界 - IoT Worlds

EN What Is Metaverse And How To Start Creating Private Worlds - IoT Worlds

ZH 关于课程和乌代米的最佳道德黑客课程 - IoT Worlds

EN Best Ethical Hacking Courses on Coursera and Udemy - IoT Worlds

ZH PETCUBE,猫咪和狗的摄像头,为您的四条腿朋友带来乐趣 - IoT Worlds

EN PETCUBE, the cat and dog camera for poking fun at your four-legged friends - IoT Worlds

EN Best Smart Light Bulbs Review - IoT Worlds

ZH 数字触摸数字对象与神经刺激 - IoT Worlds

EN Digital Touch For Digital Objects With Nerve Stimulations - IoT Worlds

ZH 每个家庭的最佳智能视频门铃摄像头 - IoT Worlds

EN The Best Smart Video Doorbell Camera for Every Home - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能相机的冰箱:我们向您介绍冰箱 CAM - IoT Worlds

EN Smart camera for the fridge: we introduce you to FRIDGE CAM - IoT Worlds

ZH 烟雾探测器的房子,我们向您介绍 LEEO - IoT Worlds

EN Smoke detector for the house we introduce you to LEEO - IoT Worlds

ZH 我应该参加什么课程才能成为一名软件工程师:9 门课程要开始 - IoT Worlds

EN What Course Should I Take to Become a Software Engineer: 9 courses to start - IoT Worlds

ZH 开发成功的物联网项目的 15 大在线课程 - IoT Worlds

EN Top 15 online courses to develop successful IoT projects - IoT Worlds

ZH 专为女性设计的智能宝石:贝拉贝叶 - IoT Worlds

EN The smart jewel designed for women: BELLABEAT LEAF - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能家居最佳索诺夫设备 - IoT Worlds

EN Best Sonoff Devices For Smart Home - IoT Worlds

ZH 顶级谷歌课程,学位和专业证书培训计划:如何获得远程工作与谷歌 - IoT Worlds

EN Top Google courses, degree & professional certificate training programs: how to get remote jobs with Google - IoT Worlds

ZH 感性服务,使日常生活数字化 - IoT Worlds

EN Sensational Services To Digitalize Daily Life - IoT Worlds

ZH 运动和创新,TURINGSENE 技术捕捉所有动作 - IoT Worlds

EN Sport and innovation, TURINGSENSE technology to capture all movements - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能手机检测及其如何创造价值 - IoT Worlds

EN Smartphone Detection And How It Can Create A Value - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能道路基础设施,即兴城市通勤 - IoT Worlds

EN Smart Road Infrastructure That Improvises Urban Commute - IoT Worlds

ZH 患者监控:通过健康监测拯救生命 - IoT Worlds

EN Patient Surveillance: Saving Lives With Health Monitoring - IoT Worlds

ZH 将您的业务与物联网联系起来:如何引入新的商业模式、突破竞争对手并转变您的行业 - IoT Worlds

EN Connect your business to IOT: how to introduce new business models, break out competitors and transform your industry - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能车库连接到互联网安全且始终处于控制之中 - IoT Worlds

EN Smart garage connected to the internet secure and always under control - IoT Worlds

ZH 物联网的主要技术标准是什么? - IoT Worlds

EN What are the main tech standards for IoT? - IoT Worlds

ZH 5 个最佳智能车库门控制器 - IoT Worlds

EN 5 of the Best Smart Garage Door Controllers - IoT Worlds

ZH NETATMO 天气:天气爱好者的技术和设计重点 - IoT Worlds

EN NETATMO Weather: a focus of technology and design for weather enthusiasts - IoT Worlds

ZH 借助 MOEN,只需点击即可调节淋浴温度 - IoT Worlds

EN Adjust the shower temperature with a click thanks to MOEN - IoT Worlds

ZH 所有物联网对象都有其无线网络 - IoT Worlds

EN All IoT objects have their wireless network - IoT Worlds

ZH 智能咖啡机早上好给你更聪明的咖啡 - IoT Worlds

EN Smart coffee machine Good morning to you SMARTER COFFEE - IoT Worlds

ZH 感官互联网验证的现实: 真实 Vs. 假 - IoT Worlds

EN Verified Reality For The Internet Of Senses: Real Vs. Fake - IoT Worlds

ZH 无线支付,使用 NYMI BAND 告别密码:心跳需要 - IoT Worlds

EN Wireless Payments, With NYMI BAND Goodbye Password: Heartbeat Needs - IoT Worlds

ZH 有了张伯伦 MyQ 车库,你可以告别钥匙和更多 - IoT Worlds

EN With CHAMBERLAIN myQ Garage you can say goodbye to the keys and more - IoT Worlds

ZH 覆盖全语言平台的客户端和 SDK, AWS IoT Core、 Azure IoT Hub 等顶级云厂商物联网平台标准通信协议,物联网事实标准。

EN Its client and SDK covers all language platforms, it is an Internet of things platform standard communication protocol for AWS IoT Core Azure IoT Hub and other top cloud vendors, which is an actual standard of Internet of things

ZH OpenText™ Actionable Insights for IoT 将开源机器学习与高级分析相结合,以获取、合并、管理和分析 IoT 数据。

EN OpenText™ Actionable Insights for IoT combines open source machine learning with advanced analytics to acquire, merge, manage and analyze IoT data.

ZH AWS 提供了丰富的服务来帮助您构建可扩展的工业 IoT 解决方案。 AWS IoT Greengrass 是直接在Toradex 计算机模块名上运行的重要工具。目前,AWS、NXP和Toradex 正在密切合作。

EN AWS provides a wide range of services to help you build scalable industrial IoT solutions. AWS IoT Greengrass is a key tool that runs directly on the Toradex SoM. Currently AWS, NXP and Toradex collaborate closely.

ZH Microsoft Azure IoT Hub 应用 – 第二部分:连接传感器以及 IoT 车辆

EN Azure IoT Hub on a Toradex Colibri VF61 – Part 2: Interfacing sensors and the IoT Car

ZH 实践开发:基于 Toradex 嵌入式解决方案和 Microsoft Azure IoT 平台从终端到云端的 IoT 应用开发

EN Live development session: IoT Application from the field to the cloud using Toradex Embedded Solutions and Microsoft Azure IoT Platform

ZH 此應用說明介紹如何使用 Keysight X8712A IoT 裝置電池壽命最佳化測試解決方案,迅速發現設計弱點,並預估在真實運作狀態下的 IoT 裝置電池壽命。

EN This application note shows the hardware (HW) and software (SW) components of the X8712A and how to put them together to use.

ZH IoT 裝置測試 在真實部署環境條件下,分析並最佳化 IoT 裝置

EN IoT Device Testing Characterize and optimize IoT devices under real-world deployment conditions

ZH IP*Works! 物聯網 (IoT) - 使用此組羽量級元件,在您任何平臺上的應用程式中輕鬆實現物聯網 (IoT) 通信協定。它有助於您在網路設備之間輕鬆進行通信。.

EN Barcodes Made Easy - Actipro Bar Code lets you add common 2D and linear bar codes to WPF applications or reports. Vector drawn barcodes can be used in a FixedDocument, FlowDocument, added to XPS documents, or exported to an image.

ZH 覆盖全语言平台的客户端和 SDK, AWS IoT Core、 Azure IoT Hub 等顶级云厂商物联网平台标准通信协议,物联网事实标准。

EN Its client and SDK covers all language platforms, it is an Internet of things platform standard communication protocol for AWS IoT Core, Azure IoT Hub and other top cloud vendors, which is an actual standard of Internet of things.

ZH AWS 提供了丰富的服务来帮助您构建可扩展的工业 IoT 解决方案。 AWS IoT Greengrass 是直接在Toradex 计算机模块名上运行的重要工具。目前,AWS、NXP和Toradex 正在密切合作。

EN AWS provides a wide range of services to help you build scalable industrial IoT solutions. AWS IoT Greengrass is a key tool that runs directly on the Toradex SoM. Currently AWS, NXP and Toradex collaborate closely.

ZH Microsoft Azure IoT Hub 应用 – 第二部分:连接传感器以及 IoT 车辆

EN Azure IoT Hub on a Toradex Colibri VF61 – Part 2: Interfacing sensors and the IoT Car

ZH 实践开发:基于 Toradex 嵌入式解决方案和 Microsoft Azure IoT 平台从终端到云端的 IoT 应用开发

EN Live development session: IoT Application from the field to the cloud using Toradex Embedded Solutions and Microsoft Azure IoT Platform

ZH 东京:IoT&5G解决方案展【春】/ 名古屋:【名古屋】IoT&5G解决方案展

EN Tokyo: IoT & 5G Solutions Expo Spring / Nagoya: IoT & 5G Solutions Expo

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